LHCF girls are ANGELS!!!


New Member
I love this forum! Up until a few months ago I had BSL (longest layer) hair. I recently had to cut it to shoulder length (longest layer) due to heat damage. I was (stupidly) putting heat in my hair almost everyday. I really cried when I saw how short it was. I felt like I wasn't as attractive without my long hair. Then I stumbled on this site and I am so thankful. I have been following tips on here since then and I can already tell a huge difference in my hair! Things I thought couldn't be corrected (dry scalp, dry ends) are a thing of the past. Now I know I can make it back to BSL again the right way and this time healthily! So, I finally went ahead and paid my $5 so that I could tell ALL of you THANK YOU SO MUCH, and let every lady on here know that she is my inspiration...

Oh and fully expect me to start stalking a lot of your albums :lol:
Welcome to the board.;) With all this information on here you will get your length and healthy hair back in no time