New Member

Whoa is that us Class of 2003, hmmm 2 more years till graduation, huh!? Well hopefully then I will have reached my goal for shizo.
No I have not reached my first goal of bra strap clasp, kept pushing that back. But I will admit that I started out with a somewhat short crop of transitioning hair that beauticians were fearful of

Well the Surge, the vitamins, the proteins, even the MTG have played a part at some time or another, I will say the thing that has probably hurt me the most is inconsistent trims and not eating right (consistently).
Newbies, love yourself at any length. And for the naturals and transitioners, love yourself even when others think you look crazy or what the heck got into you, you have to love yourself before they ever will.
I don't know if I would do things any differently, maybe I would have saved some money (and/or cabinet space, Supergirl hooked sistas up) in the long run , but for the most part, it's all a learning experience that I can pass on to my niece or someone else. I have my niece even wanting to be natural, she has been transitioning since April and she is 13.
I am 26 now, I've matured a bit, moved back to Dallas from Houston, graduated from Graduate school at Texas Southern University. Got let go from a job, got hired at a wonderful job. Got my Mazda Tribute in 2003, lived with my Dad when I got back, now I am in a house. I'm still growing so very much. I met lots of lovely ladies on LHCF, including BubblinBrown Suga, some old friends I knew prior to that I worked with in Houston that introduced me to LHCF, some wonderful ladies on the board who have been a great support and some I have had the wonderful opportunity of physically meeting (Supergirl I am still using your giveaway products from last year's meeting). And I finally broke down and paid the $5 earlier this year so I can have this opportunity to talk to you ladies, $5 goes a long way. I love you guys! You know we should have a reality show

I am still growing and growing and growing, because I haven't reached bra strap clasp yet

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