Let's Talk Community


formerly nicola.kirwan
Community is wonderful thing.

Community is a group of people who:
  • know one another well
  • are integral parts of one another's lives
  • support one another
  • embrace one another
  • consider you to be important to them
Community is the church in the book of Acts. Community is personal. You have a face in community, a name. You are known. And we all want to be known.

Do you have community? Tell us about it! (and feel free to add to the list)
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I would say 'Here' in our Forum and as Laela beautifully calls it, "ForHim".

Of course this may seem like an 'Obvious' or an 'easy' answer, however it's more than that. In the 3 plus years that I've been a member here, I've been honored to become 'involved' in the lives of many of our members.

I've been trusted with the utmost of confidentiality which has never been compromised. This is all in addition to all that you've mentioned as the elements of a community.

Community is a group of people who:
  • know one another well
  • are integral parts of one another's lives
  • support one another
  • embrace one another
  • consider you to be important to them
There are members here that I know quite well; we have a sisterhood in and outside of this Forum. And it's enriched by the love and respect that we have for one another. We are 'offline' family as well as LHCF family. We do indeed know each other well and our lives are shared and cherished as most important to us.

Even with those that are strictly wittin the lines of the forum and not outside, there is a strong community bond where we support, embrace, and are very important to each other.

Here, we get one another throughout our days, the daily grind of what the days call for. We laugh, we cry, and yes we disagree, but it's still out of love for one another, and it is indeed a true Community where we are 'involved' in each other's lives; even if only for a 60 second post, we are involved.

I can come here in the Christian Forum and be exactly who I am, a woman of God who loves God and honors the Lord Jesus Christ and be free about it. To me the Christian Forum is 'Home.' :love3:

As with any Community, I can go outside of my 'Home' and visit my neighbors in the other 'homes'. 'And just like a community, we visit share, nurture one another and extend the embraces of helping however we can. I can go and visit anywhere in our LHCF Community and always come back with a new friend. :yep:

It's a beautiful gift to be a part of. :Rose:
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I consider it a blessing and an honor to have a community (the church, organizations, Christian forum). I would not be who I am today without the community. I sincerely believe in my heart that one can not walk in the fullness of God without the community. Our destiny and purpose in life is tied to one another which makes up the community (body of Christ) :).

Awesome thread!

Community is wonderful thing.

Community is a group of people who:
  • know one another well
  • are integral parts of one another's lives
  • support one another
  • embrace one another
  • consider you to be important to them
Community is the church in the book of Acts. Community is personal. You have a face in community, a name. You are known. And we all want to be known.

Do you have community? Tell us about it! (and feel free to add to the list)
When I was in college, I had a particularly strong community through church, friends, and professors. My best friend and I began a bible study that continued all 4 years and strengthened relationships among those who attended tremendously.

We saw some pretty profound changes take place in people (myself included) and saw how God was expressly using our bonds with one another to work healing in our lives. Depression was lifted, anxiety disorders taken away, prophetic words given.

And we learned together. Many of the professors that taught us also provided us housing and attended the same church. It was so wonderful to be able to learn from these professors, a few of whom were noted theologians and biblical scholars who were always ready to teach and to give a new insight about the fiath. To grow and be welcomed into their home, fed. It was very good fellowship.

I think deep community is imperative for our Christian walk.
This is a very good thread!

I love the community at work. The believers get together weekly for prayer and bible study...AT WORK! It's a feeling of comfort in knowing that there are others who desire to know Christ in a deeper way and follow His love walk. We are learning that this road we are on can be smooth, but can also become rocky at times. These are the times where we anchor down and pray for each other, earnestly, and hold each other's arms up, just like Aaron and Joshua did for Moses.

We are in a downtime at work where there are many people losing their jobs, so those that are still there, are holding on to the hem of Jesus' garment and although the layoffs aren't affecting me, I'm there with them, praying and helping them through this. One day, I went upstairs to their office, and one of the girls came and hugged me, then another, and another until there were 10 women hugging me all at once. We didn't say a word, but we wept...because we knew that the presence of the Lord was there with us and will always be with us, no matter what.

Community reminds me that we all need each other, during the good times and the bad. It also reminds me that we must be in one accord, so that the things that the Lord desires, will come to pass. His desire is that all come to repentance and that no one perish!

What a great and awesome Father we have!
Heb 10:25-27
25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

26For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

I believe this forum fellowship falls under this passage of scriptures. Assembling takes on many forms. Thank goodnes for LHCF!!
What a great testimony!


This is a very good thread!

I love the community at work. The believers get together weekly for prayer and bible study...AT WORK! It's a feeling of comfort in knowing that there are others who desire to know Christ in a deeper way and follow His love walk. We are learning that this road we are on can be smooth, but can also become rocky at times. These are the times where we anchor down and pray for each other, earnestly, and hold each other's arms up, just like Aaron and Joshua did for Moses.

We are in a downtime at work where there are many people losing their jobs, so those that are still there, are holding on to the hem of Jesus' garment and although the layoffs aren't affecting me, I'm there with them, praying and helping them through this. One day, I went upstairs to their office, and one of the girls came and hugged me, then another, and another until there were 10 women hugging me all at once. We didn't say a word, but we wept...because we knew that the presence of the Lord was there with us and will always be with us, no matter what.

Community reminds me that we all need each other, during the good times and the bad. It also reminds me that we must be in one accord, so that the things that the Lord desires, will come to pass. His desire is that all come to repentance and that no one perish!

What a great and awesome Father we have!
Community IS essential in our Christian walk.. ITA, Nicola. We're gearing up to do a Habitat for Humanity next month and this post reminds me that every time I volunteer in the community, or serve others, no matter how small, I'm being obedient to God. It helps me be a tool to bring others to him. It's hard to do that, staying home and not having a church home, or not getting involved with people in some way. Great point, Prudent!!

God bless
Community IS essential in our Christian walk.. We're gearing up to do a Habitat for Humanity next month and this post reminds me that every time I volunteer in the community, or serve others, no matter how small, I'm being obedient to God. It helps me be a tool to bring others to him. It's hard to do that, staying home and not having a church home, or not getting involved with people in some way. Great point, Prudent!!

God bless

Laela - your post just convicted me to do Habitat Humanity with my church this weekend.

I was hesitant because I just got my hair done last night...trying to stay cute:rolleyes:. Anyway, I sent an email letting my church family know that I will be there.

By the way, this will be my first time participating in Habitat Humanity.

I did H4H this past weekend and I'm thinking about doing it again next weekend.. the homeowner is such a humble man, he made it all seem effortless. I'm happy for them... :yep: