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Why are there so many personal 'interpretations' of scripture? Scripture interprets scripture ON IT's ON right? I think when we start to say things like, "I believe the Bible is saying this and that," this is where we get in trouble.
yes, but what meaning is behind a scripture or set of scriptures is skewed by a thing called perception. What is perceived and what is truth are not going to be the same for everyone because we all have different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, lives, etc.
I honestly think it's because God shows us things in different ways. You and I can be looking at the same scripture in our time of need and learn two entirely different things from it. It doesn't mean that one is better than the other or that one is right and one is wrong.
I too worry about interpretations. I just like it when the pastor breaks down the thee and thous and tells us what the scriptures command and we can take it from there ourselves.

But even this "problem" proves true what the bible predicted. People would try and water down the gospel and I see that happening in mass. But those who are truly seeking God in all HIS glory and not just seeking what's easiest for them and what THEY want and already believe in and seeking something to reaffirm that will find him.

I'm all for being seeker sensitive but I think it does a disservice to the seeker. I've been to churches that have all but said you don't have to change and they kind of twist the word to make it seem like God will mold to their lives and I think that is very wrong and dangerous. I know I would feel like someone did a bait and switch on me by giving me their interpretation of things and then I come to find out more and more about the mind of God and things that he wants for us that he doesn't specifically state but just studying and being in the word will tell you. If and when people discover those things to be different from someones "interpretations" they may feel very hurt and deceived.

I agree with the comment on perception but I also look at motive. I know some are looking to find guidance and some are looking to find something that already agrees with where they're going and they are just looking for support and not enlightment or real guidance.:ohwell: (I personally think this is wrong because when I'm wrong I just need to follow God and not look to have Him follow me)
Funny sidebar: I use to do that with the dictionary and people would rip me to shreds for looking for my spelling of the word when it was clearly wrong. But I would just keep turning pages to try and find my version.:lachen:

So it's good to break things down to a level that everyone can understand but I am personally weary of interpretations.
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God gives everyone a different word. I agree

I think thats fine as long as the word that the "Lord" gave them doesn't conflict with any other passage of the bible.

Test all things that men say by the bible and if it conflicts. SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT.

TrustMeLove said:
God gives everyone a different word. I agree

I think thats fine as long as the word that the "Lord" gave them doesn't conflict with any other passage of the bible.

Test all things that men say by the bible and if it conflicts. SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT.


I love the "biblical" language of that:lachen: :lachen:
AnnDriena_ said:
I too worry about interpretations. I just like it when the pastor breaks down the thee and thous and tells us what the scriptures command and we can take it from there ourselves.

But even this "problem" proves true what the bible predicted. People would try and water down the gospel and I see that happening in mass. But those who are truly seeking God in all HIS glory and not just seeking what's easiest for them and what THEY want and already believe in and seeking something to reaffirm that will find him.

I'm all for being seeker sensitive but I think it does a disservice to the seeker. I've been to churches that have all but said you don't have to change and they kind of twist the word to make it seem like God will mold to their lives and I think that is very wrong and dangerous. I know I would feel like someone did a bait and switch on me by giving me their interpretation of things and then I come to find out more and more about the mind of God and things that he wants for us that he doesn't specifically state but just studying and being in the word will tell you. If and when people discover those things to be different from someones "interpretations" they may feel very hurt and deceived.

I agree with the comment on perception but I also look at motive. I know some are looking to find guidance and some are looking to find something that already agrees with where they're going and they are just looking for support and not enlightment or real guidance.:ohwell: (I personally think this is wrong because when I'm wrong I just need to follow God and not look to have Him follow me)
Funny sidebar: I use to do that with the dictionary and people would rip me to shreds for looking for my spelling of the word when it was clearly wrong. But I would just keep turning pages to try and find my version.:lachen:

So it's good to break things down to a level that everyone can understand but I am personally weary of interpretations.

I agree with you. For the longest time, I would check out my horoscope, and believed God didn't mind premarital sex or astrology. WELL, the bible said otherwise. So, I made myself conform to the word of God, and not conform the word of God to my lifestyle. Didn't like it much, but the word convicted me. :)
pebbles said:
I agree with you. For the longest time, I would check out my horoscope, and believed God didn't mind premarital sex or astrology. WELL, the bible said otherwise. So, I made myself conform to the word of God, and not conform the word of God to my lifestyle. Didn't like it much, but the word convicted me. :)

ITA with both of you.
When one speaks of perception, it can definitely translate into confusion, and we know God is not the author of confusion.

Here's my point- when there's some gray areas in scripture to you, this means that one should research it more instead of just sitting back and allowing the human mind (which errors) to help you 'make sense' of it. I am beginning to study my Bible and instead me just reading it, I am going deeper, ie, history, setting, language, etc.

It's a trip- the Bible can clearly state that you should do this, believe in this, etc, but people's interpretations or perceptions cause them to view the scripture differently, even though the scripture is point blank. Does anyone understand?
TrustMeLove said:
God gives everyone a different word. I agree

I think thats fine as long as the word that the "Lord" gave them doesn't conflict with any other passage of the bible.

Test all things that men say by the bible and if it conflicts. SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT.


Are you referring to a personal word or the Word of God?
Bublnbrnsuga said:
When one speaks of perception, it can definitely translate into confusion, and we know God is not the author of confusion.

Here's my point- when there's some gray areas in scripture to you, this means that one should research it more instead of just sitting back and allowing the human mind (which errors) to help you 'make sense' of it. I am beginning to study my Bible and instead me just reading it, I am going deeper, ie, history, setting, language, etc.

It's a trip- the Bible can clearly state that you should do this, believe in this, etc, but people's interpretations or perceptions cause them to view the scripture differently, even though the scripture is point blank. Does anyone understand?

Yup! I understand. That's how you should do it. I have a pretty big library of reference and study guides, from Exhaustive Condordances, bible dictionaries including words in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin language, historical books, biographies, books on customs of that time period, and volumes upon volumes of commentaries. Then, top all of that off with bible study class that validates my studies and conclusions with scripture, I know I'm on the right track.

Interestingly enough, there have been times that I didn't have the chance to get to class and I would pray that God would lead me to scripture that would help me to understand, and He is faithful to do just that! And if I'm confused, I ask questions of the bishop and several other people of God, and to date, the answers are always consistent with each other, and with scripture. This is how I've come to the conclusion that The Word of God is consistently consistent. So whenever I hear or read things that don't line up with the text, I leave it alone, because it's not for me. I've asked God to line my thinking up with the book, and not the book to my thinking. That leads to false perceptions and misunderstandings that are too dangerous for my taste. :)
Bublnbrnsuga said:
When one speaks of perception, it can definitely translate into confusion, and we know God is not the author of confusion.

Here's my point- when there's some gray areas in scripture to you, this means that one should research it more instead of just sitting back and allowing the human mind (which errors) to help you 'make sense' of it. I am beginning to study my Bible and instead me just reading it, I am going deeper, ie, history, setting, language, etc.

It's a trip- the Bible can clearly state that you should do this, believe in this, etc, but people's interpretations or perceptions cause them to view the scripture differently, even though the scripture is point blank. Does anyone understand?

I totally feel ya on the studying the history, background, language etc.

As far as scripture being point blank, some of it is...some of it isn't. A lot of it has to be understood "spiritually" as the bible says...however some people still take it literally. For instance when Jesus spoke to the multitudes, He always spoke in parables...and even said so. Yet many people base all of their beliefs about hell fire on the sayings of Jesus to the multitudes and Revelation, which cannot be taken literally (carnal mind), but must be understood Spiritually.

Learning is different for everyone. Some people thirst. Others know that they don't know the answers, but are so scared to search. So they are content to rely on pastor, mama, grandmama, etc. I was there once, and I don't regret it. I was there because that's where I was supposed to be at that time according to God's will.
DelightfulFlame said:
As far as scripture being point blank, some of it is...some of it isn't. A lot of it has to be understood "spiritually" as the bible says...however some people still take it literally. For instance when Jesus spoke to the multitudes, He always spoke in parables...and even said so. Yet many people base all of their beliefs about hell fire on the sayings of Jesus to the multitudes and Revelation, which cannot be taken literally (carnal mind), but must be understood Spiritually.

Learning is different for everyone. Some people thirst. Others know that they don't know the answers, but are so scared to search. So they are content to rely on pastor, mama, grandmama, etc. I was there once, and I don't regret it. I was there because that's where I was supposed to be at that time according to God's will.

Oops! I'm sorry! I didn't know that you didn't take the bible literally. If you mentioned it before, I must have forgotten or overlooked it. I apologize, and never would have engaged you in a debate at all! I am keenly aware that people who view the bible as literal, and people who don't, cannot often come to a mutual understanding, and it can be frustrating. Thanks! :rosebud:
pebbles said:
Oops! I'm sorry! I didn't know that you didn't take the bible literally. If you mentioned it before, I must have forgotten or overlooked it. I apologize, and never would have engaged you in a debate at all! I am keenly aware that people who view the bible as literal, and people who don't, cannot often come to a mutual understanding, and it can be frustrating. Thanks! :rosebud:

I said that I don't take the whole Bible literally, and gave some examples of when I don't think that it is to be taken literally. There are some portions that are to be taken literally.

Why not discuss? Must we come to the same conclusions to have a discussion? If we don't, then was the discussion not beneficial? It was to me.
Bublnbrnsuga Quote:
Originally Posted by TrustMeLove
God gives everyone a different word. I agree

I think thats fine as long as the word that the "Lord" gave them doesn't conflict with any other passage of the bible.

Test all things that men say by the bible and if it conflicts. SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT.


Are you referring to a personal word or the Word of God?


Yes, you understand capitalization COOOL! Some folks don't get spirit and Spirit. Thats how ya know ya learned. Haha j/k

Im referring to a personal word. Because we know the Word of God never changes. For we know according to John 1:1 that the word was with God, and the Word was God. And then according to Malachi 3:6 that the Lord does not change taking a skip to Hebrews 13:8 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So no im not saying that everyone receives a different Word of God, but that everyone at times may receive a different personal word, which is fine as long as they are gudied by the H.S. And there personal word doesn't conflict any other passages in the bible.

Yea, I totally agree with you on studying the Word more in depth, utilizing the with different study helps that we have as resources. As I look at my computer and bookshelf I remember the many times that I was just really confused off a passage in the bible, but more in-dept research allowed me to understand the historical context of the scripture and the Holy Spirit lead me in truth on how that scripture applied to me.


But, I must say something my pastor told me don't let all of our fancy books, which I know she reads some too haha, entirely take over the job of the H.S. Whom we know is ALWAYS right!

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TrustMeLove said:

But, I must say something my pastor told me don't let all of our fancy books, which I know she reads some too haha, entirely take over the job of the H.S. Whom we know is also right!


I agree. 1 Peter 3:15-16 says "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,..." But ultimately, it is God who changes the heart. :)
I think it's great to research and learn more. I'm glad you brought that up. I'm not one to rely on what is told to me by others because I know some of the times others have "researched" in order to support their opinions and not just with the unprejudiced view of finding the truth.
DelightfulFlame said:
I said that I don't take the whole Bible literally, and gave some examples of when I don't think that it is to be taken literally. There are some portions that are to be taken literally.

Why not discuss? Must we come to the same conclusions to have a discussion? If we don't, then was the discussion not beneficial? It was to me.

I'm sorry, hon, if I misunderstood you! And I'm glad our discussion was beneficial to you. That's what we're here for. :kiss: