Lets pray for our husbands-Challenge

I'm in. I found the Power of the Praying Wife to be very helpful. Prayer works for everything but I have found it to be especially helpful on marriage and husbands:yep:.
have you ladies been before God for your husband today? When do find thats it's the best time for you to pray for him? What di you pray for? Have you seen and changes, either in the past couple of days since we started or from prior experience in praying for him?
Last weekend I was frustrated with my husband. He was being snippy and I finally said if you don't want to be bothered with anyone fine, and every little thing gets on your nerves, then you can just spend your time alone. I later prayed to God to let him see my perspective. Interestingly my husband almost immediately starting going everywhere with me. Like I was going to run to the grocery store and he was like I'll go with you, etc. initially I was like :look:, because I am used to being alone and "think" I like it. But I really enjoyed him with me when I ran my errands and of course he wasn't snippy at all, not overly sweet, but there and present. All I thought I wanted was for him to be nicer, but God knew I also needed my husband's companionship and showed my dh what to do. I find that very broad prayer works best because most of the time we don't really know what we really need, but God always knows and knows best.
I've been praying daily. I'm pretty sure the devil is mad. Since starting this, there have been so many problems, I've wanted to be done with DH and divorce him in one swift move.

I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I start praying in areas where the devil has been allowed to run rampant, there is usually some serious backlash that comes up to test my faith to see if I'll give up and let him(the devil) have his way. I almost did. I seriously contemplated it. But the devil can't have anything that God has blessed me with. DH may not be my perfect dream, and I"m not his either, but God gave us to one another and permitted us to be married.

I know that God doesn't take entering into marriage lightly so I feel blessed that he saw me worthy to be any man's wife. I'll keep fighting and i will not let go unless God himself tells me to.

Be encourage ladies.
Prayer and Resources

an excerpt from the link in the original post

[FONT=&quot]Confess Our Need[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Each prayer for our husbands should include our confession that[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]we look to God to meet our needs and accept our husbands as they are,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]allowing God to make any changes that he deems worthy. Neither of us are perfect, but God is and he can perfect us.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Let’s begin our attitude of prayer with the truth that [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]we should be our husband’s best cheerleaders.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And in that role, we can pray to God:[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]Make me his good helper, companion, champion, friend and support.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]Help me create a peaceful, restful, safe place for him to come home to.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]Teach me to take care of myself and stay attractive to him.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]Grow me into a creative and confident woman who is rich in mind, soul and spirit.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot]Make me the kind of woman he can be proud to say is his wife.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]God please:[/FONT]

  • [FONT=&quot]Give him strength to lead, time to know his family, and passion to manage his home. (Joshua1:7, Jn10:14, 1Tim3:4)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Bless his work and show him daily how to honor You in his attitude and spirit; confirm the work of his hands unto Your purpose. (Ps90:16+, Dan6)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Make him a wise steward of our finances and all we possess, remembering that all things are Yours and entrusted to us for Your purposes. (Mt6:19+, Luke16:10+)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Help him love You with all his heart, soul, mind and strength, and hate evil. (Mk12:30, Ps97:10)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Make him quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. (Jam1:19)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Protect him physically, mentally and spiritually. (Ps28:7+, Ps41, Jn17:15, 2Thes3:3)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Give him the desire to teach and model a godly lifestyle for his children. (Dt6, Ps78:5+)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Instruct him and teach him the way he should go; give him peace in the circumstances and integrity in decisions he must face today. (Ps32:8, 1Cor14:33, Pr11:3)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Bring him to meditate day and night on Your Word, pray without ceasing and stay faithful to Christ to the end. (Ps1:1+, Ps119:18,73, 1Thes5:17, Hb12:1+)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=&quot] Develop for him strong relationships with other godly men. (Ep4:24+, Hb10:24)[/FONT]


Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Kathi Lipp's new book, Praying God's Word for Your Husband (Revell Books, 2012).
When you pray for your husband, you help bring about powerful change in his life, his relationship to God, and his marriage to you. It’s especially powerful to pray through God’s Word (the Bible) for your husband because when you pray God’s words back to Him you can be confident that they reflect His will for your husband.
Here’s how you can pray God’s word for your husband:
Know that your effort is worthwhile. It’s worth it to invest time and energy regularly into praying for your husband, because God promises to hear and answer every single prayer you pray. Also, God will change you for the better through the process; He will make you a stronger person as you spend time with Him in prayer.
Overcome resistance to praying for your husband. If you’re reluctant to pray for your husband, ask God to show you why (such as bitterness that you’re harboring against him) and to empower you to overcome that resistance so you can pray wholeheartedly.
Make a habit of it. Establish a habit of praying for your husband often (ideally, every day). Set up a routine with a consistent time and place to focus on praying for your husband. Consider having some friends hold you accountable to keeping your regular prayer appointments.
Pray with the right attitudes. Pray boldly, with the confidence that God cares about your prayers and will respond to them. Pray continually, staying connected to God in prayer frequently throughout each day by integrating prayer into every part of your life. Pray expectantly, looking forward to seeing how God chooses to answer each prayer at the right time and in the right way.
Pray for your husband when he feels overwhelmed. Praying for your husband is the best thing you can to do help him when he feels overwhelmed by the pressures in his life – from work or financial pressures, to the pressures involved in trying to be a good husband and father. Pray for your husband to trust Jesus to help him carry his burdens, and to seek the peace that only Jesus can give him.
Pray for your husband’s employment and issues at work. If your husband is unemployed or underemployed, pray that God would encourage him and provide the best new job assignments for him. Pray that your husband would turn to God for relief from work-related stress and for help properly balancing his time between work and home. Ask God to help your husband make decisions with integrity at work, to discover and fulfill his callings at work, and to become successful in his work.
Pray for your husband when he feels inadequate. Ask God to help your husband see himself from God’s perspective, so he can see how valuable he really is. Pray for God’s strength to work through your husband, so your husband can overcome his weaknesses.
Pray for your husband’s finances. Thank God for how He provides for your husband and ask Him to help your husband learn how to follow biblical principles for managing money wisely, such as budgeting, avoiding debt, and giving generously to support God’s kingdom work on Earth.
Pray for your husband’s health and safety. Ask God to protect your husband from harm and heal him from illnesses and injuries.
Pray for your husband’s relationship with God. If your husband doesn’t yet know God through a relationship with Jesus, embrace the hope that your prayers will still play an important part in his spiritual journey, and help him come to salvation. If your husband is already a Christian, pray that he would trust God in every situation in his life. Ask God to show your husband how much He loves him, and to help your husband grow to become more like Jesus.
Pray for your husband when he is overcome with worry. Ask God to work out every situation that worries your husband, and to help your husband trust that all will work out for the best when he prays about his concerns instead of worrying about them.
Pray for your husband’s past mistakes. Pray that your husband will confess and repent of his sins, embrace God’s forgiveness for them, learn from his mistakes, and trust God to help him leave the past behind and move into a better future.
Pray for your husband to understand God’s plan for his life and his dreams. Ask God to give your husband visions of what dreams he should pursue, and to empower him to set and reach goals as he works to make those dreams come true in his life. Pray that your husband would make his top priority seeking God, and in the process, he’ll accomplish what God wants him to in life.
Pray for your husband’s relationships with other people. Pray that your husband will communicate with the right balance of love and truth. Ask God to help your husband serve others well, and represent the Christian faith well to others (such as coworkers) who are watching how he chooses to live his life. Pray that your husband will build some mutually encouraging friendships with some other men at church.
Pray for your husband’s relationship with you. Ask God to help you and your husband discern what decisions you should make in your life together, and to bring you both into unity with Him and each other. Pray for the ability to resolve your conflicts well, to forgive each other after you’ve been hurt, to encourage each other to embrace the hope that God offers you in all circumstances, and to always stay faithful to God and each other in your marriage.
Pray for your husband’s parenting. Pray that your husband would rely on God every day to help him become a wise and loving parent who teaches his children everything God wants him to teach them.
Pray for your husband’s mind. Ask God to send His Holy Spirit to renew your husband’s mind each day, and empower your husband to filter every thought that enters his mind through the lens of biblical truth. Pray for your husband to grow in knowledge and wisdom and to enjoy the peace that Jesus offers him every day.

I want to join you! DH need a lot of prayer and since he won't do it, I guess it's left up to me. I'M IN!

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I want to join you! DH need a lot of prayer and since he won't do it, I guess it's left up to me. I'M IN!

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ITA at the bolded. I have been praying that God would prick his heart to want to pray for our marriage. It is a heavy burden, but I'll carry it, until he can either take it on, or at least pray with me.
ITA at the bolded. I have been praying that God would prick his heart to want to pray for our marriage. It is a heavy burden, but I'll carry it, until he can either take it on, or at least pray with me.

In The Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian says your dh may never pray for you or your marriage. But that's okay because the power of our prayers is something else. Early in my marriage my dh would often not go to church with me, I mean sometimes he did, but often he wouldn't. I remember one time taking my baby to church and feeling embarrassed because I thought people would think I was a single mother. Fast forward and now he is the one insisting we go to church because it's good for us:).
I checked that book out of the library want but I really couldn't get into it I think I was still in the wrong mindset. I really need to get it again

Sent from somewhere over the rainbow
A Wife after God's own Heart by Elizabeth George is a really good book. I haven't finished it but I definitely suggest it.

I read a woman after God's own heart with the women's bible study in Iraq and it's life changing...

Both are cheap on amazon
Last weekend I was frustrated with my husband. He was being snippy and I finally said if you don't want to be bothered with anyone fine, and every little thing gets on your nerves, then you can just spend your time alone. I later prayed to God to let him see my perspective. Interestingly my husband almost immediately starting going everywhere with me. Like I was going to run to the grocery store and he was like I'll go with you, etc. initially I was like :look:, because I am used to being alone and "think" I like it. But I really enjoyed him with me when I ran my errands and of course he wasn't snippy at all, not overly sweet, but there and present. All I thought I wanted was for him to be nicer, but God knew I also needed my husband's companionship and showed my dh what to do. I find that very broad prayer works best because most of the time we don't really know what we really need, but God always knows and knows best.

In The Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian says your dh may never pray for you or your marriage. But that's okay because the power of our prayers is something else. Early in my marriage my dh would often not go to church with me, I mean sometimes he did, but often he wouldn't. I remember one time taking my baby to church and feeling embarrassed because I thought people would think I was a single mother. Fast forward and now he is the one insisting we go to church because it's good for us:).
Thanks hopeful You and a former poster, I will not say her name, tell the warmest and real stories about your spouse's. Keep up the good work.
I've still been praying for DH, everyday, sometimes multiple times(especially when he is trying to push me off that ledge of last nerve)

Anyway, things have been VERY strained between us lately. Two nights ago I got in bed and was praying for him like I always do. He was snoring. I prayed and when I finished, he just threw his arm around me like old times and started kissing my neck just like old times. It wasn't a lets get it on kiss, but it was an I love you kiss. I enjoyed his cuddles and went to sleep in his arms.

backstory(I have a letter to myself on the bathroom mirror in our room, reminding me of how much I am loved, beautiful, God's child, etc) He had made a comment about it the other day and while I wanted to deck him, I simply told him that if I wanted to feel special in our home, I had to tell my own self how special I am since no one else was doing that. So, the next day he called me as usually, but rather than his routine drab greeting. . he said, "heyyyy my beautiful wife". Now this was the day after the cuddly night. lol

Im still praying, mind you. not relenting, not taking a break when things "seem" good.

So that night, last night. He came in and said..... lets put our marriage back together, no more playing games, lets do this for real(mind you, I've been saying this for umpteen months)

I just read this devotional. It is fitting. I will pray for the marriages represented in this thread.

It is my prayer that the will of God concerning these marriages comes to pass. I pray the husbands be good, strong men of God and that they fulfill the role that God has placed them in. I pray that the husbands recognize the treasure they have found in you wives. The word of God says, he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. I pray that they life you the way God intended. Wives, I pray that you accept yourselves as the good things that you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I pray that you appreciate and respect your husband according to the way God intended. I pray that you fulfill the role of a modern day Proverbs 31 woman and that you have the strength and tenacity to make it look easy because you recognize and live in the will of God where he helps you. For any broken marriages, i pray that God restores then to fulfill his glory. I pray that these marriages especially, be covered abundantly with grace and mercy from God and between spouses. For the broken marriages I also pray that forgiveness become easier for the hurt party. I pray that the good marriages continue to thrive and be blessed and serve as an example of what a godly and holy marriage should look like. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sent from somewhere over the rainbow
I think I'm going to print a lot of this out, add a few things and refer to it as necessary. This thread has a lot of positive motivation for prayer :)
keep it up beautiful wives!!! I'm not married but I do try to pray for my future husband atleast a few times a week...if I pray about an issue in my life like finances i'll pray about his finances too....Its like i'm assisting in writing my own love story ....that hasnt started yet lol
keep it up beautiful wives!!! I'm not married but I do try to pray for my future husband atleast a few times a week...if I pray about an issue in my life like finances i'll pray about his finances too....Its like i'm assisting in writing my own love story ....that hasnt started yet lol

Glad someone else does this too. Just prayed for my FH last night....although I haven't met him yet.
Hey ladies how's it going with the challenge? I must admit I was very reluctant to give this a real go but I will. A couple of years ago I bought a copy of The Love Dare but haven't been past day 2 or 3 :look: This is one shortcoming that I need to overcome!
Hey ladies how's it going with the challenge? I must admit I was very reluctant to give this a real go but I will. A couple of years ago I bought a copy of The Love Dare but haven't been past day 2 or 3 :look: This is one shortcoming that I need to overcome!

I'll have to admit, I started it because things weren't going well between DH and I, I knew that only God himself could help fix it. I've kept it up, praying daily, things have become more strained between DH and I, but only during our direct interactions, when i'm alone, I no longer stress and feel uneasy. I have even seen DH to say/do some of the things that I've prayed about. However, not consistently. He has some resistance and due to his lack of communication skills, I can't even help him in that area because I don't know what it is. I want to give up almost daily but I keep going at it.

I've really been concentrating my prayer on God showing DH how to be the DH that he was created to be, praying that the men that are in his life that are not good for him as a man and for our marriage are removed from his life, and praying that strong men of God are moved into his life. Ive also been praying that I become a better help mate to him and that is coming along nicely(probably because I have a willing heart-house is cleaner, i'm taking better care of myself, cooking more frequently, etc)

I'm just waiting for DH to "get it". No amount of prayer will change an unwilling person, but I pray that day by day he wants to become the husband that God created him to be.

In my personal experience with prayer and God, things usually get worse before they get better. For me, it seems that God always wants to ensure that he gets ALL the glory when things turn around because when rock bottom is reached, it is only God who can pull you up.

I pray for DH even when he gets on my last nerve. It is in those times that I pray for me to be a good wife too because my single self is obviously not dealth with yet. She still tries to talk me out of this marriage daily. :lachen::lachen:sometimes hourly, other times constantly. lol I pray for DH when I pull out my divorce papers and start thinking about filing them.

Right now, prayer is the only thing that is keeping me from leaving.