Let's just be FRIENDS...

Really? Why do you think that?

Well b/c a while ago I liked a man just as you stated and his statement was "I put females in categories either friends, sisters, lovers, wifes. If she is a friend no matter what she tries to do will never changed this b/c in my mind I see her as a friend and friend only and how he would NEVER change that". However, this is just one man and not all men are the same. I will say this has taught me a lot about some men.
Have you ever decided to put someone that you really liked (and who really liked you) but was never a SO or DH into a "just friends" box? A person that is essentially a friend already. You just decided that you didn't want to pursue being more than friends although you were really feeling each other and you want a relationship with the person...

What was the outcome?
Are you still friends?

I'm wondering because I'm going through this now. I would just like to hear other's experiences.


Yes because I didn't think I could trust him. I know too much about his past relationships, his life in general, his thought processes...
No out come really. We are still friends and stay in touch.
Well b/c a while ago I liked a man just as you stated and his statement was "I put females in categories either friends, sisters, lovers, wifes. If she is a friend no matter what she tries to do will never changed this b/c in my mind I see her as a friend and friend only and how he would NEVER change that". However, this is just one man and not all men are the same. I will say this has taught me a lot about some men.

In my situation, I pushed him away. It's not working though. :nono:
This happened to me while I was 17 years old, he was 19. We were both really young at the time and although the feelings were there, I was leaving for college, and he was on active duty in the army and about to leave for Iraq.

We stayed friends, reconnected briefly some 4 years later, but again the timing was off because he was moving to MD and I was back in the city but focusing on myself. We lost touch, and reconnected last summer.

Fast forward to now, and we're dating again with the expectations of actually taking this as far as it can go. Right now it's a day at a time but we've been dating since February and so far things are looking good.
This happened to me while I was 17 years old, he was 19. We were both really young at the time and although the feelings were there, I was leaving for college, and he was on active duty in the army and about to leave for Iraq.

We stayed friends, reconnected briefly some 4 years later, but again the timing was off because he was moving to MD and I was back in the city but focusing on myself. We lost touch, and reconnected last summer.

Fast forward to now, and we're dating again with the expectations of actually taking this as far as it can go. Right now it's a day at a time but we've been dating since February and so far things are looking good.

That's beautiful. Your feelings for one another keeps bringing you back together. Sounds like it's meant to be. I pray many Blessings for you both in your relationship. :yep: