Let's Have Fun Planning A Little Revenge...

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
A friend of mind made the bad decision to be intimate with someone.
Although it was one time only, this BOY has been bad mouthing her about everything
precious to us women including but not limited to bragging about using her for money.
It goes as far as even trying to get money from her for his father! Just a bunch of low lives.
Obviously she wants nothing to do with him after finding this information out from various people.
Since he has no idea that she knows, perhaps we can have a little fun? Any ideas?
I know, I know....don't even waste brain cells but come on...a little revenge, just a liiiiiittle bit? Just one time?
I wish I was good with these sorts of things. Like that movie the Other Women, she could meet him for a drink to pretend she's going to give him the money then put a laxative in his drink or something.

I take the high road (out of embarassment) but it always works out in the end that you hear he's got his comeuppance.
Without knowing anything about him it's hard to say what she can do for revenge, besides juvenile things like busting out his car windows etc.

Does he have any skeletons in his closet that she can anonymously expose? She may just have to move on from this one; it doesn't sound like he got personal with her, so she really has no ammunition.
I wish I was good with these sorts of things. Like that movie the Other Women, she could meet him for a drink to pretend she's going to give him the money then put a laxative in his drink or something.

I take the high road (out of embarassment) but it always works out in the end that you hear he's got his comeuppance.

Or Visine.

I've always wanted to do that to someone ever since I saw Wedding Crashers.

ETA: Apparently it's really dangerous, so maybe don't do that one.
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Make an ad on Craiglist with his number saying he's looking for gay sex :look:.

You made me bust out laughing!
He's been calling and texting but she hasn't responded.
She's the type to ignore and move on like some of you suggested. I imagine that it must feel good in the moment lol He was going to be our tester for meaness....

Thanks ladies.
Honestly OP I say just leave this one alone and tell your friend to just move on. :ohwell: It's a hard tough pill to swallow, but I think this will be better for her in the long run. Just move on from him and his no-good self. Revenge is not even needed. It may feel good at the time, but in the long run it's not good for the spirit.

Moving on and living well is the BEST revenge. :yep:

Or Visine.

I've always wanted to do that to someone ever since I saw Wedding Crashers.

ETA: Apparently it's really dangerous, so maybe don't do that one.

Yes, ingesting visine is VERY dangerous. :ohwell: It can cause convulsions, heart problems, and even coma. :nono:
If she actually gave him all that money, I'm side-eyeing HER! Why are we trying to get revenge on him? She needs to learn her lesson and move on...and there IS a lesson in this.
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Lesson learnt move on, don't get involve in unnecessary drama that may cause you distress in the future. I agree, never ever ever give money to males because a man will never ask a woman for money.