Let's eat more healthier in 2011 for hair growth and health!


Well-Known Member
This is not a challenge per se. But hopefully will be a resource where we can share ideas, foods, their benefits to support one another to aid us in eating more healthier in 2011 and beyond!!

Healthy eating positively contributes to a better body, hair growth and health :-D

This is what I propose to do:
Cut down on red meat
Increase fish intake
Drink more water!!!
Veggies with every dinner meal!
Cut out ALL frizzy, carbonated sugar drinks
Nuts and seeds for snacks

A couple of years I devised a similar diet and had a massive growth spurt; unfortunately temptation took over and I slacked off. I'm determined to stick it out this time 'round.

Anyone else want to change something about their diet for hair growth and health?
foods for thicker hair?

One thing I have also struggled with on my hair journey is obtaining thicker hair. I know B5 vitamins help promote thicker strands; what foods are high in B5 vitamins?

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This is right on time for me.

I've decided that I would like to cut down on red meat and pork for 2011 (and a few other things).

I'm going to start eating more green veggies at lunch and dinner. Also, I need to cut down on the caffeine (especially coffee and sodas).
Most definitely a good idea! This is part of my LIFE resolution lol. But before the new year off to Wendy's for one more spicy chicken sandwich...

I already don't drink anything but water and juice (not the cocktail kind), i may have a soda every now and then but never more than 1 a month. I can say that my skin for one thing is clear. I rarely get blemishes unless that pesky monthly friend is unusually upset. But I definitely just think eating right and working out will not only help your hair growth, but just your overall health in general. I want to start ny eating more raw foods...

We'll see how this goes!! :)
This is right on time for me! I have been on this hair journey for about three years and have seen no progress, I realized good hair starts from within so I'm going to work out more(just joined a local gym), eat more fruits and veggies and drink more water!
Yes, I need this. I only drink water now, and every once in a while I have a craving for a Coke (not Pepsi, COKE), but I know I need to eat healthier. The problem is that a Salad is not considered a meal in my culture; and you can't eat dinner without meat and rice. I will definately be checking this thread for ideas. I was looking into Tofu, more vegetables, less rice (cries :( ) and more fish (ICK, I hate fish). Definately, have to research some alternatives.
I am on the same page as you. I am going to try the Whole Foods Diet. I'm going to attempt to eliminate soda and increase my water, vegetable and fruit intake. And finally, I am going to take my prescribed iron pill and multivitamin because my iron levels have dropped to 8.6 again. Anemia sucks! Also, I'm not overweight or anything but I will be exercising 3-4 times per week. I'm trying to tone up. I want muscle!

Info about whole foods diet:

The Whole Foods Diet is comprised of eating foods in their fresh and unprocessed form. The mainstay of a Whole Foods Diet is fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and organically-raised meat, poultry, seafood and dairy.
In general, The Whole Foods Diet is a low glycemic diet with a proper balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and the right kinds of fat. White foods like white flour and sugar are avoided as are additives found in packaged foods like nitrates and MSG. Food is either cooked or eaten raw with minimal dressing and adornment. If seasonings are used they are generally healthy. Think olive oil, vinegars, honey, sea salt, fresh herbs and spices.

A typical day on the Whole Foods Diet, might look like this:
Breakfast: Steel-cut oats topped with mixed berries, whole almonds and sweetened with honey
Lunch: Green salad topped with vegetables and poached chicken breast and seasoned with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice
Dinner: Wild-caught salmon, spinach sautéed with olive oil and garlic and quinoa.
Dessert and snacks include fresh or baked fruit, nuts, smoothies, whole-grain crackers and nut butters.
I've been doing some research and have founds that foods high in vitamin B5 are:

Sunflower seeds

I intend on finding recipes to help incorpare these in my meal; particularly as a side meal.

Will probably get a load of sunflower seeds to take with me to work to stop me snacking on chocolate and sweets.

Anyone have any good recipes for cooking mushrooms? I never eat/ cook mushrooms. DH
loves eggs and eats then boiled with nearly every meal, I think I will also join him to get to eat more eggs.
I am into this but as per the meat, I don't think that will change for me. I hardly eat steak and beef, mostly chicken and pork. Fish, I am not a lover so this will be a forced change for me. I must think fish good for the hair, eat it all up and my hair will grow more and be shinier. Count me in on this.
I've been doing some research and have founds that foods high in vitamin B5 are:

Sunflower seeds

I intend on finding recipes to help incorpare these in my meal; particularly as a side meal.

Will probably get a load of sunflower seeds to take with me to work to stop me snacking on chocolate and sweets.

Anyone have any good recipes for cooking mushrooms? I never eat/ cook mushrooms. DH
loves eggs and eats then boiled with nearly every meal, I think I will also join him to get to eat more eggs.
I just add mushrooms to like my stir frys or certain veggie dishes but i saute onions and garlic with seasoning first then i add the mushrooms to cook a bit then i add whatever veggies. Like it can be carrots,long beans and mushrooms something like that. I love squash it comes in all varities, they even have the spaghetti kind that can replace pasta. As for sunflowers i usually mix it up with some other nuts and dried fruit or i put it in my soy yogurt to give a crunch.
** Just a thought **

Why is it so hard for us, or at least me to spend tons of money, devote soo much time and energy to my hair ( well most of the time anyway lol ) but when it comes to putting the coke (cola lol) down and picking up a glass of water its such a problem?

I think for me, for me to suceed I need to start by getting my head right.

Healthy eating has been the only thing (and I've tried alooot of things) which has accelerated my 'normal' hair growth!
Great thread!

I'm going to take calcium and iron supplements, along with my multi-vitamin. (According to my doc, I'm calcium and iron-deficient).
I'm going to eat a few servings of raw vegetables every day.
I'm going to eat at least one meatless meal a day.
I'm going to drink 4 sixteen-ounce bottles of water/day (should meet my daily intake)

I like eggs, tomatoes, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, green smoothies, bananas, etc. I need to increase the number of veggies I "like."
That's all I can promise for this year, because if I try to overdo it, I'll fall off the wagon.
I am on the same page as you. I am going to try the Whole Foods Diet. I'm going to attempt to eliminate soda and increase my water, vegetable and fruit intake. And finally, I am going to take my prescribed iron pill and multivitamin because my iron levels have dropped to 8.6 again. Anemia sucks! Also, I'm not overweight or anything but I will be exercising 3-4 times per week. I'm trying to tone up. I want muscle!

Info about whole foods diet:

The Whole Foods Diet is comprised of eating foods in their fresh and unprocessed form. The mainstay of a Whole Foods Diet is fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and organically-raised meat, poultry, seafood and dairy.
In general, The Whole Foods Diet is a low glycemic diet with a proper balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and the right kinds of fat. White foods like white flour and sugar are avoided as are additives found in packaged foods like nitrates and MSG. Food is either cooked or eaten raw with minimal dressing and adornment. If seasonings are used they are generally healthy. Think olive oil, vinegars, honey, sea salt, fresh herbs and spices.

A typical day on the Whole Foods Diet, might look like this:
Breakfast: Steel-cut oats topped with mixed berries, whole almonds and sweetened with honey
Lunch: Green salad topped with vegetables and poached chicken breast and seasoned with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice
Dinner: Wild-caught salmon, spinach sautéed with olive oil and garlic and quinoa.
Dessert and snacks include fresh or baked fruit, nuts, smoothies, whole-grain crackers and nut butters.

I need to get into this whole food diet.. It will defo help me eat cleaner.
I just add mushrooms to like my stir frys or certain veggie dishes but i saute onions and garlic with seasoning first then i add the mushrooms to cook a bit then i add whatever veggies. Like it can be carrots,long beans and mushrooms something like that. I love squash it comes in all varities, they even have the spaghetti kind that can replace pasta. As for sunflowers i usually mix it up with some other nuts and dried fruit or i put it in my soy yogurt to give a crunch.

Sounds good. I'm going to look into sauteeing (sp?) my veggies in EVOO and garlic.

@ Solitude I also think its very important not to over do it, I don't want it to start feeling like a burden; cause then I'm more likely to fall off.
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Thank you for the information on this diet, I will definately be trying to follow this maybe 90% of the time.... ok 70%.
I am on the same page as you. I am going to try the Whole Foods Diet. I'm going to attempt to eliminate soda and increase my water, vegetable and fruit intake. And finally, I am going to take my prescribed iron pill and multivitamin because my iron levels have dropped to 8.6 again. Anemia sucks! Also, I'm not overweight or anything but I will be exercising 3-4 times per week. I'm trying to tone up. I want muscle!

Info about whole foods diet:

The Whole Foods Diet is comprised of eating foods in their fresh and unprocessed form. The mainstay of a Whole Foods Diet is fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and organically-raised meat, poultry, seafood and dairy.
In general, The Whole Foods Diet is a low glycemic diet with a proper balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and the right kinds of fat. White foods like white flour and sugar are avoided as are additives found in packaged foods like nitrates and MSG. Food is either cooked or eaten raw with minimal dressing and adornment. If seasonings are used they are generally healthy. Think olive oil, vinegars, honey, sea salt, fresh herbs and spices.

A typical day on the Whole Foods Diet, might look like this:
Breakfast: Steel-cut oats topped with mixed berries, whole almonds and sweetened with honey
Lunch: Green salad topped with vegetables and poached chicken breast and seasoned with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice
Dinner: Wild-caught salmon, spinach sautéed with olive oil and garlic and quinoa.
Dessert and snacks include fresh or baked fruit, nuts, smoothies, whole-grain crackers and nut butters.
I would like to join this challenge! Here are my goals:
  • take my vitamins daily
    • MSM w/Vitamin C
    • Biotin w/b-complex
    • chlorella w/green smoothie
    • Evening Primrose Oil
  • drink at least 64oz of water a day
  • eat a salad every day
  • cut out all meat, except fish
  • no more soda or sugary juices, only 100% fruit juices and tea
  • no fast food, fried food, pre-packaged foods (snack machine)
  • minimize junk food, sweets/sugary foods, and high-sodium foods
How's everyone getting on?

I'm so proud of myself I'm doing good. I made chicken and rice yesterday but I held back on the rice and the chicken and supplemented the dish with sauteed mushrooms, brocolli and avocados. It was delish!

Whilst preparing the avocado, a slice feel onto the floor so I put it in the fridge and will use that in my DC that I do on friday!

Still need to UP the water, I'm getting better but not yet where I need to be.
I am on the blood type diet most of the time but will try for at least 95% compliance.
I am type O so that means lots of protein for me.
When I gave up sugar for 3 weeks I experienced 1/2 inch hair growth.....my rate is usually 1/3 inch a month.
As we know, sugar depletes vital minerals from the body, as does the ingredients in sodas.
So, now that the holidays are over, I can do it again...hopefully.
Cool. I changing my diet to be more healthy. I have cut red meat out of my diet, instead I eat lean meats like turkey and chicken. I'm trying to up my veggie intake and drink more water. The easiest part so far has been eating more whole grains to get more fiber.
I am doing ok with this so far, I have increased the amount of water I drink, and am faithfully taking my vitamins. One thing, I tried to eat fish, I really did, I ordered this smoked salmon from this healthy place near my work that makes delicious foods....ICKKKKKK! Everything else tasted great, but my skin felt like it was crawling when I tried to eat the fish.... I can't do that again. I will have to make sure to keep my supplements up.
Snacking on some baby carrots right now. They are good for faster hair growth. I can easily eat a small bag in one day.
I am doing ok with this so far, I have increased the amount of water I drink, and am faithfully taking my vitamins. One thing, I tried to eat fish, I really did, I ordered this smoked salmon from this healthy place near my work that makes delicious foods....ICKKKKKK! Everything else tasted great, but my skin felt like it was crawling when I tried to eat the fish.... I can't do that again. I will have to make sure to keep my supplements up.

Hey Phaer! Do you not like fish?