Let's eat more healthier in 2011 for hair growth and health!

Is it too late to join this challenge??

No, come on in!

Its not really a challenge anyway, its just a commitment to eat more healthier in 2011 for optimum hair growth and health. Just to identify the areas that you feel could do with improving in regards to your diet and making committments to change it up.

Everyones diet/ experience will be different; mine is quite basic at the moment as my diet is sooo poor currently and I don't want to over commit which will lead to failure for me.
This is perfect! I was just saying to myself last nite I need to eat right if I want to achieve my goals. I exercise about 3-5 times a week but my eating habits are not what they should be. So the goal is:
*Drink 64 oz of water a day.
*Snack foods yogurt or raisin/peanut mix
*Turkey,Chicken and Fish only
*At least 3-5 servings of Fruits and Veggies a day.
*NO FAST FOOD! It also includes eating out at resturants which will be far,few and in between.
*Take muti vitamins daily
*No more soda and limit acoholic drinks to two drinks a month

When I gave up sugar for 3 weeks I experienced 1/2 inch hair growth.....my rate is usually 1/3 inch a month.
As we know, sugar depletes vital minerals from the body, as does the ingredients in sodas.
So, now that the holidays are over, I can do it again...hopefully.

I was going to enquire into this. I intake toooo much sugar its terrible. What there any healthier sugar alternatives apart sweetners? How did you give up sugar? Completely
Yes, I need this. I only drink water now, and every once in a while I have a craving for a Coke (not Pepsi, COKE), but I know I need to eat healthier. The problem is that a Salad is not considered a meal in my culture; and you can't eat dinner without meat and rice. I will definately be checking this thread for ideas. I was looking into Tofu, more vegetables, less rice (cries :( ) and more fish (ICK, I hate fish). Definately, have to research some alternatives.

I am doing ok with this so far, I have increased the amount of water I drink, and am faithfully taking my vitamins. One thing, I tried to eat fish, I really did, I ordered this smoked salmon from this healthy place near my work that makes delicious foods....ICKKKKKK! Everything else tasted great, but my skin felt like it was crawling when I tried to eat the fish.... I can't do that again. I will have to make sure to keep my supplements up.

If you really dislike fish that much, I don't think you should force yourself to eat it. Chicken and turkey (skinless) are great lean meats you can eat instead and you could take Omega 3-6-9 (or similar) supplements instead of the fish.

Also, have you tried substituting white rice for brown? I used to hate brown rice, but I've noticed it can taste very different depending on the brand and how you prepare it.
Good luck!
would like to join this challenge! Here are my goals:
take my vitamins daily: prenatal and iron
drink at least 64oz of water a
eat less red meat, eat more fish
no more soda and less sugary juices, mostly tea and water
no fast food, fried food, (snack machine)
minimize junk food, sweets/sugary foods, and high-sodium foods
eat less sugar... i will try not to add sugar to things to make it sweeter
eat more veggies and whole grains
and exercise
Just bought some plain Greek Yogurt and some blackberries (which cost a grip). This stuff better be delicious!
Im not really going to change the way I eat but instead find healthy alternatives. Everyone knows how to eat healthy and what's not healthy. Im doing alternative foods and incorporating parts of the mediterranean way of eating into my way of eating along with portion control.

As far as sugar and sodium----low glycemic foods, low sodium foods, Splenda and natural cane sugar is what I am doing.

I have to increase my water intake and workout a WHOLE lot more.

So Im all for this and it is not really hard and does NOT have to be complicated. I am going to be healthy and fit but I REFUSE to be hungry!!!!
Just bought some plain Greek Yogurt and some blackberries (which cost a grip). This stuff better be delicious!

Have you tried blueberries? I think they are cheaper than the black ones plus they taste better (at least to me anyway). You can add some stevia and vanilla extract to the yogurt if you like. Greek Yogurt is less sweet than other yogurt.

Count me in for the challenge!

I am slowly changing my diet to lose a few lbs. I believe this is one of the reasons if not the main one that my hair has been feeling and looking dry. I went over the vitamins/minerals that are good for hair and it occurred that I'm probably not getting enough Vitamin A,C, and E which are needed to help produce sebum (your hair natural conditioner) and shiny hair.

Everyday I told myself that I would eat some beans (for protein), some greens, and some nuts. and some fruit. It also helps to plan out your meals. I take a multi, flax seed oil, and I plan to take vitamin e oil.

Ladies you need to give this at least 3 months, preferably 6 months before you can see a difference in your hair. Hair and nails are the last places to receive nutrients because they are not needed to survive. I went to a trichologist and she said that it takes 12 weeks minimum for a new diet to affect the hair follicles.
I was going to enquire into this. I intake toooo much sugar its terrible. What there any healthier sugar alternatives apart sweetners? How did you give up sugar? Completely

I use stevia as a sugar substitute. I found it very difficult to give up sugar because it is in so many products. Eating whole foods in their natural state is the best way to go.
I like this idea. My goal is to eat cleaner. For me, eating cleaner means to prepare the majority of my food, including any dessert that I might eat. I find that when I cook nutritious food, I don't need to eat a lot of it to feel sastisfied and I stay satisfied a lot longer. And that includes when I'm craving chocolate . One small slice of homemade cake and I'm good to go, instead of eating many candy bars . At breakfast, a bowl of steel-cut oats with fruit and nuts will sustain ones appetite! The key to this is to always stay prepared. This thread will surely keep me motivated because a certain discipline is involoved. I'm anixious to notice the affects this will have on my hair. I never paid that much attention before because I wasn't retaining the length that I'm retaining now. Eating Cleaner can only improve my results!
Have you tried blueberries? I think they are cheaper than the black ones plus they taste better (at least to me anyway). You can add some stevia and vanilla extract to the yogurt if you like. Greek Yogurt is less sweet than other yogurt.

Count me in for the challenge!

I am slowly changing my diet to lose a few lbs. I believe this is one of the reasons if not the main one that my hair has been feeling and looking dry. I went over the vitamins/minerals that are good for hair and it occurred that I'm probably not getting enough Vitamin A,C, and E which are needed to help produce sebum (your hair natural conditioner) and shiny hair.

Everyday I told myself that I would eat some beans (for protein), some greens, and some nuts. and some fruit. It also helps to plan out your meals. I take a multi, flax seed oil, and I plan to take vitamin e oil.

Ladies you need to give this at least 3 months, preferably 6 months before you can see a difference in your hair. Hair and nails are the last places to receive nutrients because they are not needed to survive. I went to a trichologist and she said that it takes 12 weeks minimum for a new diet to affect the hair follicles.

Thanks for the tips about the blueberries and the info from your trichologist!
Found this really good article online. Tried to copy and paste but it was loading up funny on my cell phone

Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair

It says salmon is the No 1 food for healthy hair and that we should aim to eat 3 cups of beans a week

Anyone have any bean recipes? I don't eat much beans, only really eat red kldneys with rice but not very often. I think this weak I will make a salmon with spinach salad, with feta cheese and olives with soft boiled eggs. With a lemon, evoo and balsamic vinegar dressing. Maybe I could throw a couple beans in there?
I'm in...

I power walk 3xs a week...

Drink my greens...
Drink my fruits...

I still eat fruits/Vegs..

Drink plenty water..

Take vits....

Limit my junk foods/candy...I already do..But must stay focus...


Happy Hair Growing!
I'm down for this challenge but honestly, I haven't been eating too well for these past couple of days. SMH.

Eating healthy is challenging during the holidays, but now is the time to get back on track. I know I won't be cooking another feast until Easter.
I will incorporate more salmon into my diet.

Salmon and walnuts = length
Dark-green vegetables = healthy hair

Maybe a can make a salmon walnut salad. Any other recipes for healthy hair?

Does anyone have it tips on cooking salmon? I usually bake mine and it turns out very dry.
I will incorporate more salmon into my diet.

Salmon and walnuts = length
Dark-green vegetables = healthy hair

Maybe a can make a salmon walnut salad. Any other recipes for healthy hair?

Does anyone have it tips on cooking salmon? I usually bake mine and it turns out very dry.

Salmon and walnut sounds good.

When I cook salmon I bake mine aswell but cover with foil and cook on a low heat to keep it moist. My mom likes to poach/ steam salmon will makes it very succulent but it does taste extra 'fresh'
I will incorporate more salmon into my diet.

Salmon and walnuts = length
Dark-green vegetables = healthy hair

Maybe a can make a salmon walnut salad. Any other recipes for healthy hair?

Does anyone have it tips on cooking salmon? I usually bake mine and it turns out very dry.

Hi! When I bake my salmon I let it marinate in a little fresh squeeze lemon juice for a couple of hours/Sprinkle some sea salt,black pepper & little paprika/put fresh cut green & red peppers slice some onions on it too/add some water..Dont fill it to the top just enough/cover with foil..cook on 350..Until done

Happy Hair Growing!
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In an effort to eat healthier I have done the following:

1. switch from White bread to rye
2. started using sea salt to cook
3. eating a carrot and spinach with every lunch
4. started buying healthier snacks, gluten free, with sea salt
5. eating fruits for dessert. (I miss my cakes)
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That plain Greek Yogurt I mentioned earlier was horrible but the blackberries were great--even my toddler liked them, and she hates everything. Haven't had soda in almost 2 weeks. Been taking my multi vitamin and iron pill every night for the past week or so. I've also been eating a lot more vegetables...had steamed asparagus for the first time the other day...pretty darn good.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey everybody

I must admit that I've not been as good as I would have liked but I have been making more healthy conscious decisions I.e. OJ instead of my daily coke cola, drinking more (yet still not enough) water, veggies with every meal.

I'm finding it hard on cutting down on my sugary foods, I have the biggest sweet tooth EVER!!

BUT despite all of this I am thrilled to say that my hair growth has been pheneonmenal!!!! I'm normally such a s-l-o-w grower normally getting like 1/4 - 1/2 inches a month yet now I've already got between 1/2 to 1 whole inches... And the month is not even up yet ( I did start abit before January however not by many days but can't remember when exactly); but I am well impressed!

Goals for February are:

Continue and even exceed fish intake; I've made some delish fish recipes, I even considered giving up meat

More water this month want to be consistently getting a minimum of 2Litres

Continue with veggies with every meal - actually surprised at how the veggies can actually complement the meal

I will never be able to cut out all sugar foods and wouldn't want to, but I still need to look into sweetner alternatives to actual sugar, healthier/ sweet/ dessert alternatives which are tastier than just plain fruit

We get free fruit every morning @ work, so continue getting my vitamin/ boost from free fruit at work :-D
I would like to join this challenge! Here are my goals:
  • take my vitamins daily
    • MSM w/Vitamin C
    • Biotin w/b-complex
    • chlorella w/green smoothie
    • Evening Primrose Oil
  • drink at least 64oz of water a day
  • eat a salad every day
  • cut out all meat, except fish
  • no more soda or sugary juices, only 100% fruit juices and tea
  • no fast food, fried food, pre-packaged foods (snack machine)
  • minimize junk food, sweets/sugary foods, and high-sodium foods

I'm going to use your plan :yep: