Lets Be Real...Is it the stylist or you?

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What is your opinion on a stylist destroying your hair and causing a major set back after just one visit?

After my experience last weekend, I don't think it is possible. Last weekend a stylist did the following to my hair poo-clarified, clarified with heat, air dried loose under the dryer, round brush blow dried, marcel flat iron straight, and curled with a ceramic iron. Now my hair was beautiful in the end, but dry as hell to the touch. After the hair style wore off, I conditioned my hair as usual with Kenra MC. And my lovely locs were still healthy and I didn't experience any breakage.

So if your hair was healthy before going into the salon can one visit really ruin your hair? I just don't think so!
:nono: Yes .. you are lucky.

They certainly can .. especially a natural head. They could be stuck with heat damage that leaves some strands permanently straight.
I think they can.

Chemical service - easy to damage if the chemicals aren't processed properly/suited to your hair - I've read about several ladies having issues with a bad color job/not fully rinsing out a perm/not basing well/leaving it in too long/etc/etc/etc.....
Heat service - easy to damage if the heat is too high/too harsh for your hair/if it's done roughly/if no protectant is used/etc/etc/etc.....

Many members have said that they had/have hair that you can do almost anything to, and the damage is slow but cumulative. Others have hair that you give a mean look to, and it's damaged. :lachen:

Simply because your hair was fine doesn't mean anything about someone elses hair's reaction to that same series of steps.

I suspect my hair - with that much heat - would have several burnt straight sections.....which is why I stay away from the salon, because I'm not trying to find out. :lol:
I used to think the same thing. But after my experience, I just thought most don't even get this much torture done to their hair and claim that the hair was damaged beyond belief. Now we're all smart enought to know that a improperly applied chemical or high heat that scorches the hair could do damage. But most of things I read on here don't go that far. I just think some folks aren't on their hair game like they report to us and looking for someone to blame. :rolleyes:
When dealing with chemicals I certainly believe its possible.

I think around here folks tend to overbaby their hair. I think hair can stand a lot more than what many of us do, so with a heat intensive visit I think you stand a better chance unless they literally burn your hair out.
I used to think the same thing. But after my experience, I just thought most don't even get this much torture done to their hair and claim that the hair was damaged beyond belief. Now we're all smart enought to know that a improperly applied chemical or high heat that scorches the hair could do damage. But most of things I read on here don't go that far. I just think some folks aren't on their hair game like they report to us and looking for someone to blame. :rolleyes:


I disagree, but that's the fabulous thing about opinions. Yours doesn't have to have an affect on mine. :rolleyes:
I used to think the same thing. But after my experience, I just thought most don't even get this much torture done to their hair and claim that the hair was damaged beyond belief. Now we're all smart enought to know that a improperly applied chemical or high heat that scorches the hair could do damage. But most of things I read on here don't go that far. I just think some folks aren't on their hair game like they report to us and looking for someone to blame. :rolleyes:

Well, yeah, saying your hair is super damaged from a rollerset gone wrong is kinda .. :perplexed But there are some wack stylists. Unless it's heat or chemicals .. then I see what you mean ; I mean how damaged can it get?

Unless it's excess breakage. Or something.

Your hair went back to normal after a DC .. but some aren't so quick to recover.

It could stay dry for weeks and require multiples DC sessions .. which could lead to alot of breakage.
A single visit can definitely cause a major setback.

Let's say you're stretching out your relaxer---and you're at 12 weeks. You go to a stylist who has difficulty working with the various textures of your hair. Trust me if this stylist does not know how to work with your respective hair textures, you will lose a great deal of hair, during the detangling process.
A single visit can definitely cause a major setback.

Let's say you're stretching out your relaxer---and you're at 12 weeks. You go to a stylist who has difficulty working with the various textures of your hair. Trust me if this stylist does not know how to work with your respective hair textures, you will lose a great deal of hair, during the detangling process.

Actually I am texlaxed and the assistant starting combing my hair with a small tooth comb during the detangling process and I was mortified. But it didn't really suffer as much as I thought it did.

I am just saying if you always give your hair TLC, it can take a lickin and keep on tickin.
What is your opinion on a stylist destroying your hair and causing a major set back after just one visit?

After my experience last weekend, I don't think it is possible. Last weekend a stylist did the following to my hair poo-clarified, clarified with heat, air dried loose under the dryer, round brush blow dried, marcel flat iron straight, and curled with a ceramic iron. Now my hair was beautiful in the end, but dry as hell to the touch. After the hair style wore off, I conditioned my hair as usual with Kenra MC. And my lovely locs were still healthy and I didn't experience any breakage.

So if your hair was healthy before going into the salon can one visit really ruin your hair? I just don't think so!

You said your hair was dry as hell to the touch...Evidentally she sucked ever bit of moisture out of your hair that you worked hard to put in. I think if she had did one more step of heat you would have left with some breakage.

I do believe its possible to have your hair ruined in one visit. Let that stylist put a marcel iron on your hair without testing it...burnt hair would have been the result.

I would consider you lucky you didn't leave out with damaged hair. When I do let a stylist touch my hair (rare) I make sure my hair is in great conditioin before, during and after leaving them. If my hair were dry to the touch after she was done with my head --me and her would have had problems because something is wrong.

However there are times ppl roll up and their hair isn't in the best shape and go for services they shouldnt get done in which a stylist will perform on them without warning them off consequences so it becomes a 50/50 blame game. So each situation is different. When you are dealing with educated ppl on both ends client and stylist -- that ordeal won't happen

BTW: In december I had the same exact process done to my hair that you did in my Dec Pic of my avatar...i didn't suffer because she knew what she was doing and I was educated as well. I watched like hawk everything she did. Except my hair was not dry to the touch... It was moisturized, bouncy, soft and silky
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chemical processes aside, using the wrong comb... or drying/wringing out the hair by twisting & pulling with a towel can cause lots of loss...

I personally have hair loss from using certain gels that stylists often prefer

because it hasnt happened to YOU, doesnt make it unlikely for most other folks... just be glad for YOUR reaity
Well, yeah, saying your hair is super damaged from a rollerset gone wrong is kinda .. :perplexed But there are some wack stylists. Unless it's heat or chemicals .. then I see what you mean ; I mean how damaged can it get?

Unless it's excess breakage. Or something.

Your hair went back to normal after a DC .. but some aren't so quick to recover.

It could stay dry for weeks and require multiples DC sessions .. which could lead to alot of breakage.[/quote]

I agree with the bolded if you are in the beginning stages of mastering the whole protein/moisture balance thing. When I first started, I battled dryness after a simple flat iron. But after I began to know my hair and mastered my regimen, my hair can take a flat ironing or two. But I still don't push it too much.
I just don't agree. Of course if a chemical process is done it can happen but a simple wash and set no.
well of course a simple wash and set is less damaging, but your stylist could still use products with alcohol, sulfates, whatever during that process and you could leave with dry brittle hair.
:nono: Yes .. you are lucky.

They certainly can .. especially a natural head. They could be stuck with heat damage that leaves some strands permanently straight.
A single visit can definitely cause a major setback.

Let's say you're stretching out your relaxer---and you're at 12 weeks. You go to a stylist who has difficulty working with the various textures of your hair. Trust me if this stylist does not know how to work with your respective hair textures, you will lose a great deal of hair, during the detangling process.
this happened to me - i went in for a T-R-I-M, as in no washing, heat, or anything. (i had just washed and DC'd the day before.) this lady "detangled" my hair with a small tooth comb and i could hear the strands popping. when i said "i'm losing more hair than you are trimming!" she got all snappy with me and said "oh no you're not!" you should have seen that comb. :perplexed
chemical processes aside, using the wrong comb... or drying/wringing out the hair by twisting & pulling with a towel can cause lots of loss...

I personally have hair loss from using certain gels that stylists often prefer

because it hasnt happened to YOU, doesnt make it unlikely for most other folks... just be glad for YOUR reaity

I checked out your fotki, I see what you mean :rolleyes:
A single visit can definitely cause a major setback.

Let's say you're stretching out your relaxer---and you're at 12 weeks. You go to a stylist who has difficulty working with the various textures of your hair. Trust me if this stylist does not know how to work with your respective hair textures, you will lose a great deal of hair, during the detangling process.

Exactly. If a stylist does not properly detangle your hair, but just rips through the tangles, your hair will be terribly uneven and full of splits.....requiring a major trim...2 to 3 inches maybe more. This happened me to me....twice! My hair tangles badly, so i detangle myself now....no matter how many hours it takes.

also, some ppl do not have senstitive scalps, as i do, and they may not feel the stylist ripping their hair out, so they let the stylist continue. i have sat in a stylist chair plenty of times and watched in disbelief as a client sat in a chair while the stylist just ripped through the tangles....the clients look like they dont feel a thing. i would have been in soooo much pain...i am reallly tenderheaded though.
A dominican blow out....that's all I'm gonna say :lol: Keep having that done every week and see what happens. For some it's not a good thing.
I checked out your fotki, I see what you mean :rolleyes:

you are QUITE silly to say the least... and if I was a insecure & petty ***** looking for drama online, Id cuss you out like I wasnt saved.... but instead I will say my fotki isnt a reflection of anything you have mentioned in this thread... my story has been shared here enough for those with dignity & sisterhood to read....for those like you, who are obviously striving for much less, I will leave you to get your jollies thru keystrokes

but as you said to someone else, BREATHE, it isnt that serious
you are QUITE silly to say the least... and if I was a insecure & petty ***** looking for drama online, Id cuss you out like I wasnt saved.... but instead I will say my fotki isnt a reflection of anything you have mentioned in this thread... my story has been shared here enough for those with dignity & sisterhood to read....for those like you, who are obviously striving for much less, I will leave you to get your jollies thru keystrokes

but as you said to someone else, BREATHE, it isnt that serious

Awe, you're feelings are hurt, go lock your fotki...:lachen:
In my case, it's me. My stylist isn't scissors-happy and only trims my ends when necessary. She tells me where I can improve on what I'm doing well enough, but my neverending ponytail habit is pushing me two steps backwards everytime and yet again I think I'm going to have to chop some inches off to even out my hair yet again, because of breakage in the back. :-(

I have the best stylist I could ask for, but the last time I saw her she was talking about moving out of Buffalo. I refuse to let another stylist touch my hair. The first one I had was scissors-happy and let the relaxer stay on my hair too long. I've been relaxing for 20+ years and it's starting to get old, kwim?

So, as I stated before, I'm at a crossroads with my hair. One day I want to chop all the relaxed hair off and just leave my new growth. One day I want chop it short and grow out the relaxer. One day I want to be courage and try transitioning again. Most days I want my hair longer and thicker.

Awe, you're feelings are hurt, go lock your fotki...:lachen:

If I was worried about what you or anyone else thought, I wouldnt HAVE a fotki, much less would I leave it unlocked... as it is, Im woman enough and secure enough to share as is... no need to hide behind weaves, glues and cheap jabs to pass the day... One day you will grow up... in the meantime, have fun
In my case, it's me. My stylist isn't scissors-happy and only trims my ends when necessary. She tells me where I can improve on what I'm doing well enough, but my neverending ponytail habit is pushing me two steps backwards everytime and yet again I think I'm going to have to chop some inches off to even out my hair yet again, because of breakage in the back. :-(

I have the best stylist I could ask for, but the last time I saw her she was talking about moving out of Buffalo. I refuse to let another stylist touch my hair. The first one I had was scissors-happy and let the relaxer stay on my hair too long. I've been relaxing for 20+ years and it's starting to get old, kwim?

So, as I stated before, I'm at a crossroads with my hair. One day I want to chop all the relaxed hair off and just leave my new growth. One day I want chop it short and grow out the relaxer. One day I want to be courage and try transitioning again. Most days I want my hair longer and thicker.


I've tried so hard not to wear ponytails, but I just can't kick the habit...We should start a support group.
Sometimes it's a stylist and sometimes it's the client or a combination of both. When I was natural I went to get my hair braided and the stylist was all "pretty waves and curls" and then began to COMB through my hair with a fine tooth comb :eek:! As soon as she started I stopped her and told her that if she wanted to use the tail of the comb that is fine but she will NOT be combing through my hair with that comb. She made some smart remark but oblidged.

I take personal responsiblity for what happens to my hair. No marcels or hot combs, no overlapping of my relaxer and no gels :nono2:. If a stylist can't oblidge, i will leave and find someone who will. Shoot I'll even bring my own products. My hair is and always has been healthy and can "take a beating" but why take that chance? Especially with heat and chemicals. It's really a toss up and anything can happen if you/the stylist aren't careful. Consider yourself lucky. Oh and just cause the damage isn't visible now, doesn't mean that it isn't there. :hair:
I've tried so hard not to wear ponytails, but I just can't kick the habit...We should start a support group.

You think? LOL! I even use rubber bands (wondering why hair's breaking). I've been tucking my hair up into a hairclip to break that habit.

If it weren't for the ponytails and rubber bands, I'd be BSL and possibly thicker by now. I'm seriously considering chopping my hair, growing out the relaxer and grow it back out chemical free. Unlike a lot of ladies here, I didn't relax until my early 20s, so I know what my natural texture is like and how to deal with it. It's just a matter of picking the least cumbersome styles and regimen--and whether I want to constantly deal with my hair reverting due to humidity/getting caught in a downpour.
Everyone has different hair. YOUR hair is not on everyone else's head. For example, I have thick strands. My sister has very fine hair. Things that my hair can take, makes hers fall out in handfuls.
im sorry but this is lmaooooooooooo:lachen::lachen::lachen:

anyhow--i think its the person---for instance my hairdresser--who has been my hairdreesser since i was 5 yrs old

always tells me what will happen if i do a certain style to my hair and what the upkeep is---she does excatly what i tell her to do but she always warns me if what i want will mess up my hair----

i think ppl expect the stylist to create miracles--and they r not aware that YOU the person have to maintain your hair once u get home--

Awe, you're feelings are hurt, go lock your fotki...:lachen:
Ok, this thread has been reported twice already. Please keep it civil. To the poster insulting the OP about her Fotki album, BEWARE. Your treading a very fine line, and are flippin off board rules about insulting members. Let this serve as your warning...
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