** Let's all VOTE for our sista REDECOUVERT! :)

I've been voting still..until the last minute so i am staying up..
I also just re-read the criteria for the videos

They will be judged on:
• Creativity—Do they go beyond step-by-step demo to convey answer?

• Quality of answer—Which best represents the Bobbi Brown philosophy and Pretty
Powerful campaign.

• Quality of video—Resolution of video is
clear, product can be clearly identified, and answer is in line with Bobbi Brown

• Final 3 winners will be chosen by Bobbi

• Winners will be announced on April 5th,
2010, in the video gallery.

• Three winners will be chosen from the final 15 entries to participate in a Master Class with Bobbi, which will also include brunch with Bobbi.
I am soo excited!
Like many of you, I don't understand how the numbers are computed and sometimes when I click #3, I see another contestand and when I click 4 it is not me so I have to refresh.
I thought the voting ended at 20 min but on the website it says 3hrs..hmm

once the top 5 contestants are selected, Bobbi Brown is going to watch the videos and choose 3 who will win the grand prize: trip to NYC for the weekend, make up class and brunch with her...
We will find out by April 5th.
I think after this vote, all I need to do is leave it in the hands of God and Bobbi

I just know you are gonna win. Tell Bobbi we said hey :yep:
Voting is finally over. Words cannot express how thankful I am for your support!! This thread has REALLY boosted my chances of wiinning especially your dedication!!!! I made it to the top 5..YAY!!! What's next? We will find out the winners on April 6th. Please stay tuned :)
thank god I have a huuge assignment due on April 8th that way I won't be completely obsessed about finding out who she picked.
Good night!!
YAAAY I'm so glad you're up there!! You win this. Speak/think/feel it into existence!!!
Think about how awesome your trip to NYC is.
Think about enjoying brunch with Bobbi.
It's yours.
thank you Whimsy!!!! I am going to think about it every day, send positive energies....imagine the outfit I'll be wearing, questions I'll be asking Bobbi.
thank you soo much!
I'm on the road, but I'll be sticking my head in at some point during the day to join in on the celebration!!!
I am soo nervous!! I am staying up until 1-2 a.m in the hopes that they will post the results at midnight..gasp!
I can't even study!!
thank you sooo much flowinlocks!!
I need to go to sleep instead of camping in front of the website. It's just that tomorrow I have a long day and won't be around the computer....this thread has been amazingly supportive!!! I can't thank you all enough!!
thank you sooo much flowinlocks!!
I need to go to sleep instead of camping in front of the website. It's just that tomorrow I have a long day and won't be around the computer....this thread has been amazingly supportive!!! I can't thank you all enough!!

:lachen:I would probably be doing the same thing. BTW I like the new avatar.
LOL!! It is so nerve-wracking!!
thank you girl :)
so I went to sleep around 2, had dreams about the contest, woke up early and nada!!
I am a bit mad now..LOL...this is sleep deprived Amina speaking...
I have classes all day long and barely a break in between to check emails...so I won't be able to check until tonight...aaaaa!!

edit: I can always pretext a bathroom break to check the BB website!