Less hair lost when flat iron vs rollerset...


New Member
I love rollersetting my hair but there are times I will flat iron my hair as well.

I've noticed when I flat iron I tend to lose less hair vs rollersetting.

Meaning...like when I comb my hair after I've taken out the rollers vs when I comb my hair in a style when it's flat iron.

Does this happen to anyone else? Does it seems as though you lose less hair when it's flat ironed vs rollersets?

And although I flat iron from time to time; I still retain my length because I either wear a bun or high pony tail.

Cris :)
Are you talking about shedding or breakage?

If it is about breakage, I experience the opposite (I'm relaxed,don't know if that counts with you or not). I get more breakage when I flat iron root to tip that's why I stopped and only lightly flat iron roots after I take the rollers out. I make sure I detangle really well in the shower while rinsing out my conditioner and Roux PC, and then to rollerset I use a rattail comb to make the partings for the rollers and I also comb and smooth the hair over the roller. The only time I saw bits of hair after a rollerset was when my moisture/protein balance was off.
Are you talking about shedding or breakage?

If it is about breakage, I experience the opposite (I'm relaxed,don't know if that counts with you or not). I get more breakage when I flat iron root to tip that's why I stopped and only lightly flat iron roots after I take the rollers out. I make sure I detangle really well in the shower while rinsing out my conditioner and Roux PC, and then to rollerset I use a rattail comb to make the partings for the rollers and I also comb and smooth the hair over the roller. The only time I saw bits of hair after a rollerset was when my moisture/protein balance was off.

Thanks alot Danysedai...you helped me alot. Perhaps I do need to look into my protein/moisture balance.
I lose way less hair with a flat iron session compared to roller setting. You are not the only one :)
I lose way less hair with a flat iron session compared to roller setting. You are not the only one :)

Okay good to know I'm not the only one :) But you are still retaining length right? When I do flat iron it is after I've deep conditioned my hair.
You have to make sure your balance is in check, and be gentle with your hair. I detangle each section with a rattail comb and THEN an even smaller tooth comb to smooth the hair all the way out. Some people's hair can't handle the manipulation of roller sets...
From experience, rollersetting is something you really need to get the hang of through practice and since the hair is wet, it's more delicate which results in rollersetting making my hair break as well. I have a good flat-iron with rounded edges and without teeth so it doesn't snag or tug on my hair so I know where you're coming from. All I can say is to use a really moisturizing conditioner and a good detangling leave-in of some sort with a wide-tooth comb to make sure your hair is absolutely tangle free. Part your hair carefully and don't use clips or pins to keep the roller in place that will snag. Also, watch videos on Youtube to help refine your technique. Here's a two part video for your convenience but I would suggest watching multiple and adjusting to your preference: YouTube - Wash Day Pt 2 (Roller Setting Tutorial 1) YouTube - Wash Day Pt 2 (Roller Setting Tutorial 2)
I think it can seem as if you lose less hair while flat ironing b/c you are going section by section and you only come across a few shed hairs hairs here and there as you go. After a taking down a roller set and running your fingers/comb through it, all of the stray shed hairs come out at once.
I lose more hair also but its only after the rollers have dried and I am combing the hair to do a silk wrap. I don't lose much hair when rolling and combing with the rattail.