Do you blow dry, rollerset, or air dry before you flat iron?

Do you blow dry, rollerset, or air dry before you flat iron?

  • air dry

    Votes: 97 38.6%
  • blow dry

    Votes: 97 38.6%
  • rollerset

    Votes: 57 22.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I never thought the teeth of maxiglide would actually detangle?Does it detangle that well?

No, I detangle with my denman brush while wet and also brush through the hair (when dry) before using the Maxiglide. The pins help to straighten the hair while flat ironing (no need for the comb chase method)but I do not feel that the pins detangle.
No, I detangle with my denman brush while wet and also brush through the hair (when dry) before using the Maxiglide. The pins help to straighten the hair while flat ironing (no need for the comb chase method)but I do not feel that the pins detangle.

Thanks for responding! I am going to have to get that Denman brush this summer.
Until recently, I blow dried then flat ironed. Now, from the recommendation of my stylist, I put leave-in on, detangle and comb straight back and sit under a hood dryer until I'm 90% dry. Then I blow dry the rest, especially my roots, before I flat iron. The stylist said that the hair is far to elastic and prone to break when its completely wet.
I wish i knew how to air dry , when i take this weave out will give it a go!
Blow dry def' works for me before i flat iron.
Until recently, I blow dried then flat ironed. Now, from the recommendation of my stylist, I put leave-in on, detangle and comb straight back and sit under a hood dryer until I'm 90% dry. Then I blow dry the rest, especially my roots, before I flat iron. The stylist said that the hair is far to elastic and prone to break when its completely wet.

Detangle with leave-in? That's a good idea also. I always detangle with DC, but not with the leave-in.
I've been airdrying for a while because I'm loathe to add heat but with the tangles and NG I think I'll need a blow dryer.
I add my leave -in and then serum on wet hair, detangle with my denman, and airdry for a day in a bun.

The next day my hair will still be damp, but it's stretched, and detangled b/c of the Denman. I add a tad more serum/protectant to ends and blow dry with a comb attachment in 4 sections for a about a minute per section - gets all my roots dry and further stretches my hair.

Then I flat iron with my Sedu and a fine tooth comb in small sections. B/c my hair is already so stretched and detangled it only takes about 45 mins despite the size of the sections, and my hair gets really straight.
I usually air dry, but I've decided that it's really doing more harm than good to my hair. I end up losing so much hair to tangling issues that I'm not sure it's worth it anymore. Regardless of how much/well i detangle in the shower, invariably it will be a tangled mess by the end:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:. So last week I tried something a bit different, currently 11 wks post with serious NG.

After washing, I sat down in front of my fan, those column fans, with a really low breeze, used my fingers and a round brush for the front and dried my hair. It came out GREAT:grin:. Not a tangle in sight, no heat was used (I had previously used my blowdryer on the cool setting, but was still worried about heat damage), and the front NG was nice and stretched (not straight though) thanks the the round brush. I think I just found a new way to dry my hair...I didn't flat iron b/c didn't feel like it, but I don't envision that being a problem now.
I don't understand... :wallbash:what's the point in rollersetting your hair if you're just going to flat iron the curls away? That's a waste, isn't it? I mean... if you're going to flat iron, you're gonna use heat... so why not just use a dryer to get it dry efficiently and in the most time saving way? Rollerset and let it airdry and then flat you know how much TIME you've wasted? :nono:The heat from drying won't damage your hair if you do it on the right setting, and then if you're going to turn around and flat iron it anyway, why not just use a heat protectant before you blow dry and then it'll still be there for when you flat iron... Somebody please let me know if I'm missing something... :perplexed
I air dry because I've experienced what blow dryers can do if you don't know what you're doing. Air dry then flatiron..
I wash, condition, seal, wrap and tie with a satin scarf. I have not blow dried my hair in over 2 years.

Good luck OP.
Well I'm preparing my hair now for a flat-iron that I'm going to do on it Friday. I have in in about 8 plaits, so I'm going to let it air-dry completely dry in the plaits blow-dry it straight, then flat-iron it. I'll post the results Friday.
I don't understand... :wallbash:what's the point in rollersetting your hair if you're just going to flat iron the curls away? That's a waste, isn't it? I mean... if you're going to flat iron, you're gonna use heat... so why not just use a dryer to get it dry efficiently and in the most time saving way? Rollerset and let it airdry and then flat you know how much TIME you've wasted? :nono:The heat from drying won't damage your hair if you do it on the right setting, and then if you're going to turn around and flat iron it anyway, why not just use a heat protectant before you blow dry and then it'll still be there for when you flat iron... Somebody please let me know if I'm missing something... :perplexed

for me...rollersetting first allows me to use less manipulation and pulling of my hair under a more gentle and consistent heat setting when drying. It also gives my hair more bounce and softer, springier, shinier curls/hair than blowdrying does. rollersetting takes me 20 min to set and 50m to dry and blow drying takes me 30m. So, I add 40 min for softer, shinier hair. It's worth it to me and I don't consider it a waste.

If I want it straight I flat iron the whole hair with a real quick pass on the ends to smooth out curls. Doesn't take much heat or effort at all since the hair is already smooth via the curl. (My avi is 22 week post relaxer 4a-ish hair where I opted to flat iron from root to tip after a rollerset.)

Most times I only flat iron roots (I'm 22 weeks post relaxer) and leave the curls in the ends so I have lots of body, movement and full curls. It just depends on how you like your hair and what works best for it. Dif people have dif techniques that work best for their hair:yep:
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I rollerset my hair and sit under the hair dryer followed by a saran wrap treatment before flat-ironing. My hair comes out very silky from the rollerset so it takes very little direct heat to get my hair straight. I'm natural btw
I don't understand... :wallbash:what's the point in rollersetting your hair if you're just going to flat iron the curls away? That's a waste, isn't it? I mean... if you're going to flat iron, you're gonna use heat... so why not just use a dryer to get it dry efficiently and in the most time saving way? Rollerset and let it airdry and then flat you know how much TIME you've wasted? :nono:The heat from drying won't damage your hair if you do it on the right setting, and then if you're going to turn around and flat iron it anyway, why not just use a heat protectant before you blow dry and then it'll still be there for when you flat iron... Somebody please let me know if I'm missing something... :perplexed

Well, there are different rollersetting methods to yield different results. I don't usually rollerset to style my hair, but to straighten it indirectly w/out using direct heat. Plus I'm natural with near bsl, fine hair, and blowdrying is quite tedious, plus I don't want to suffer from heat damage. It only takes me about 45 minutes to roll, plus 1.5 under the dryer. If it comes out smooth enough for my liking, especially after a silk/saran wrap, then I just wrap it at night and have a straight style. Or I will flat iron from there to get it bone straight (it takes very little time and heat because my hair is already straight so I spend no more than 40 minutes using small sections)

If I do rollerset for a particular style then I generally use smaller rollers and just separate the curls. For me, rollersetting is the most efficient way to straighten my hair PRIOR to flat ironing so that I do not incur excessive damage HTH :yep:
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How you tried banding, it will straightening it out pretty good, plus it will be straight at the roots if you have the bands pretty snug, then you can sit under the dryer in order to speed it up. Hope i help you.

I airdry my rollersets
But if I am going to flat iron I air dry then I sit under the dryer for about 45- 1 hour to make sure my hair is dry then I flat iron. I have not blow dried my hair in almost 2 years.
I can not air dry before I flat iron! I just can't, but I don't know what to do. Last week, I flat ironed my hair. This was my first time since late May, and I attempted to air dry before I flat ironed. My hair was sooo tangly. I don't think air drying is the thing for me. I just don't know how to pre treat my hair before I flat iron. I don't want to blow dry. The only method that seems to work is rollersetting before....which is sad. I have not mastered that darn rollerset either, after numerous attempts. Frankly, I've given up on that. My hair always comes out really poofy after rollerset, but it comes out better than when I air dry. I'm going to let a professional do my rollerset next time. Perhaps she will yield results. Anyways...I don't know how to dry my hair before I flat iron. What do y'all do? I know I rambled a little bit, but I think you understand!

Same thing happens to me- hair gets tangly. I just blowdry. You can wash, detangle & put in your leave-ins, then use long wrap strips to tie down you hair in the front so that it does not get poofy, then dry under the hood dryer.
since i use heat so infrequently, i feel like if i am gonna i might as well indulge. i blow dry first to get the hair as straight as possible. less passes of the flat iron. plus i like to get the job done in one day.
I airdry about 80% then blow dry b4 I flat iron, when I tried airdrying w/o blow drying first my hair was way too tangled and I didn't like the outcome
I blowdry then flat iron. I have to much hair to air dry then flat iron I would have to do to many passes to get the result from blowdrying first.

If I rollerset I'm wearing my hair curly and wouldn't sit under the dryer for 2 hours just to flat iron the curls out. I'd rather flat iron then pin curl.