Length Vs Style: Would you sacrifice your hair goals for style?


Well-Known Member
So what about you ladies....have you ever thought about compromising or sacrificing your hair goals so that you could be "cute" or keep up a certain style?
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I have friends that have chin-length or shoulder length hair thats not super healthy but always looks fly....and nobody seems to mind that its only shoulder length as long as it just looks nice. Thats not always the case for me with my protective and low maintence styling...

I love bootcamp...dont get me wrong...it has gotten me growth but unfortunately it doesnt allow me to wear the one style that looks the best on me that often.....straightened hair.

Whenever I press my hair, I get compliments and people are like u should wear your hair like that more often. My pics come out better and I dont have to untag my pics from facebook cause it just wasnt cute :rolleyes:

So it got me to thinking like maybe I will wear my hair out more often even if it takes me longer to get from APL to BSL....at least I would be cute in the meantime :yep:
Well, I'm trying to keep a balance. But I'm willing to sacrifice some length or grow out my hair more slowly for the sake of a cute style.
i always wear my hair out because i dont like ponytains and i dont like the way i look with my hair pulled back. so hair out it is AND my hair has been growing like crazy.
I'm the minority. I sacrifice length for style. Yes I'm growing my hair back out but there is no need to look a mess in the process. I prefer to be fly :grin:
I'm the minority. I sacrifice length for style. Yes I'm growing my hair back out but there is no need to look a mess in the process. I prefer to be fly :grin:

I completely agree. I just feel so much better when I have my hair bouncing and flowing, rather than in a bun/baggy. Also, I've gotten to a place where I'm happy with the length so I enjoy it!
So what about you ladies....have you ever thought about compromising or sacrificing your hair goals so that you could be "cute" or keep up a certain style?

:yep:, I've been thinking about this lately. I don't want to lose my progress, but I think I can be more patient about reaching my future goals if I can be cute most of the time. I'm tired of looking aight.
At this point, no. But when I get more length to play around with/sacrifice like around APL, yes.
I think it's possible to have both length and style, especially since most of the hairstyles I love require longer hair. I won't sacrifice my "cuteness" for the sake of length; that is one reason why I refuse to stretch my relaxers longer than 8-10 weeks...'cuz after that point, I start to look a mess.:ohwell:
I did sacrifice length for style and regretted it. :nono:
Of course it was my stylist to blame who gave me a horrible haircut. However, everyday when I style my hair (in a bun :grin: ) I think about how much thicker and longer my hair would have been if I had just kept the length and skipped the style.
Since LHCF. No. I'm sooo impatient. I know I'm gonna be mad at the end for trying to be cute. Besides, protective styling isn't bad on me anymore.

I can't be the only one who looks damn good in protective styles, can I?? :lachen:

I don't have to make the choice - I wouldn't wear an ugly style, and I don't want to wear a non-protective one.
yeah, just did it today in fact. i'm all about health first, shape second, length third.

now i don't down anyone who goes for length and then gets the shape-up after reaching their goal. their hair, their business. but it's important to me that my hair looks good as it grows out. i already went thru a not-so-cute transition and had a funky twa "growing out" stage. i retain the right to look cute from now on! :lachen:

I can't be the only one who looks damn good in protective styles, can I?? :lachen:

I don't have to make the choice - I wouldn't wear an ugly style, and I don't want to wear a non-protective one.

I mean I look good regardless but my facial structure and huge head needs to be covered in hair to provide optimum fine-ness. Slicked back looks are a no no for big-headed women like myself. I only wear what enhances, if it don't it got to go! :grin:
Cute comes before length in my book. I want to enjoy my hair most of all and for me that's looking fresh and having a flattering hair style. I had blah hair for too long.
Now that I've found LHCF I prefer length over style. Although sometimes I miss my short hair cuts...:ohwell:

I second that:grin:! I was a short haired girl, and was very addicted to the compliments and flattering style. However, since I have been growing it out, I have not much length, therefore I am choosing it over style. My hair needs to rest away, and while my protective styles aren't the most flattering, I am learning to work with them. After all, I am a woman addicted to maintaining my flyism.:grin:
I mean I look good regardless but my facial structure and huge head needs to be covered in hair to provide optimum fine-ness. Slicked back looks are a no no for big-headed women like myself. I only wear what enhances, if it don't it got to go! :grin:
YOur hair is pretty!:grin:
I think I do because if I would bun 99% of the time I would probably be APL by now. I'm so impatient and m friends as soon as they see a LITTLE bit of length, they persuade me to wear it straight and down. SooOooo my journey is taking forever. I wish I could get the strength to just bun or use strictly protective styles until I reach APL....but I'm lazy lol
I prefer style over length. But that does not mean your hair is not healthy.

I just prefer enjoying my hair, wearing it out, doing what I want and having fun with it for style, vs. protective styling, no heat, major relaxer stretching, etc.
i spent 1,5 years on lenght ... no way im going to sacrifice it for a cute style...i rather walk around with a bun allday everyday until i reach my goal and than start to style it:grin:
Loved reading the responses....it sounds like we have both sides of the fence...

I definitely wasnt itching away from protective styles for the first two years of my journey....but after two years... the FLYY part of my name wants more play!!!

Maybe I need to go wig shopping...but its just not the same as your own hair :nono: Although I did get good feedback when I wore one for a week about a year ago but then I gave it to my mom...it just wasnt the same...maybe Ill try again.

Im going to try to be strong until the end of Bootcamp...and be creative...but after December...I think regardless of length....its going to be cute and flyy...HEALTHY hair for me :grin: and if it takes me another 6 months to get to BSL...so be it...but Ill be cute along the way... I will still protective style but not 24/7.