Length of hair as a kid determines your ultimate hair length?


Well-Known Member
I remember reading this somewhere- a poster said something about how long your hair was as a child as a factor/indicator of how long your hair will be as an adult. Is this really true? Im aware that other factors come into play, such as healthy hair practices in childhood.

This just has me worried. My hair was natural as a child, but was never past chin length in pictures. I did have a TON of shrinkage, and remember sometimes my mom would stretch my hair and it would be APL.We didnt have real healthy hair practices back then (slept on cotton, used pantene and grease/no moisturizers, no trims, rough combing, brushing, and after 5thgrade I wore it in poofs all the time so I had tangles galore)

Anyway, I notice it is SO difficult to keep my hair at BSL. I am having setback after setback.
I don't think so because as children, our hair may not have been able to grow to it's full potential due to poor hair care practices, poor diet, etc. Now if as a child, you were healthy and your hair was well cared for but still was short, then your hair may just be prone to breakage and would be harder to grow out.
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No I don't think so. My hair has been much longer as an adult than as a child. And there is a thread on Whats the longest your hair has been as an adult, and many people have noted that there hair has surpassed where it was when they were children. Even women on the board who had long hair as children have exceeded that as an adult.
Definitely not... I had nubs as a kid, and my hair has grown to APL twice - once during my transition, and again while fully natural last month before I cut it.
The longest my hair was as a kid was a little past APL. Maybe BSL at times. If thats as long as my hair will grow I'd be d@mned. :mad:
Nope. I'm just APL and I already have like 3 times the amount of hair that I had as a kid. i was a little baldie
Be wary of "fatalist" comments like that ("only mixed people or those with good hair can grow it long" being other typical statements). People use them as excuses to not put the effort into nurturing their hair. Most women - regardless of hair type - can achieve at least BSL with time and the right care.

I was one of those who had longish hair as a child: my mom took good care of it, but the comb and brush were not adapted to my hair type. Also mom was a bit rough with my head and never used conditioner, just green Dax. Now as an adult with better practices, my hair is longer than it ever has been.
I think that is a bunch of bull... look at so many black children who hair was broken all the time and never had anything but a twa and now that they are grown and learned about their hair it is beautiful and has grown longer than they ever had...
Nope, I reached the longest length of my life, this year..lol the younger version of me would be so jealous.
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Plus you have to remember, when you were a young child, you were way shorter than what you are now. So a four year old with BSL hair would be much shorter on an adult...
Be wary of "fatalist" comments like that ("only mixed people or those with good hair can grow it long" being other typical statements). People use them as excuses to not put the effort into nurturing their hair. Most women - regardless of hair type - can achieve at least BSL with time and the right care.

I was one of those who had longish hair as a child: my mom took good care of it, but the comb and brush were not adapted to my hair type. Also mom was a bit rough with my head and never used conditioner, just green Dax. Now as an adult with better practices, my hair is longer than it ever has been.

It's not necessarily fatalist. If your hair was healthy and allowed to grow to it's full potential when you were a child then that might be an indicator of the kind of length you can achieve as an adult. Also if part of your heritage includes people with hair to their knees then there's no point in denying that's a factor anymore than denying that any other of your physical attributes are inherited. These things are not set in stone by any means however, just guidelines.
Not true. My hair was NL-SL as a child, it was relatively healthy though for the knowledge I had at the time about hair. My hair is BSL now progressing towards MBL. If that statement the poster made was 100% fact, I'd be NL-SL. :perplexed
That's so untrue I've reached my childhood length before and will reach it again and if youre counting height child vs adult then most of is have already surpassed our childhood lengths BSL on a 3ft child is not the same as on a 5 ft+ adult.
Although it could be true that to have knee length hair you have to have e gene umm that's knee length extremely long length. BSL MBL WL even HL everyone can attain wih proper haircare and growth retention and patience.
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Not true. My hair as a child was only a little longer than shoulder length. My adult hair has been mbl, and on it's way to WL until I BC'ed in January.
I think the answer is no either way...
As a kid my hair grew well regardless of so called "bad" practices
If it was pressed it would be about waist length
Now I fight for every inch with healthier hair practices
On the other hand
My niece had thin hair that really didn't seem to want to grow
I did my best with it... Now she's a teen and doesn't give it good
care at all for example combing from the top and its a tad past her shoulders
so to me it's not about how long it was as a kid or just healthy hair practices
Regular life stress, exercise, eating, etc or lack of plays a big part.
Also I am a believer of genetics being a big deal...
As I child I had SL hair and I thought my hair was oh so long until as an adult, when my hair finally grew to WSL and my old hairdresser whom I had seen in years asked if I finally had succumbed to becoming a weave wearer. Bear in mind that this is the same women who laughed at a 7 year old who told her that she wanted to have long hair when she grew up and yeah it felt good to let her check me for non-existent tracks.