LeKair Cholesterol vs. ORS Hair Mayonaise


New Member
Anyone tried both? or just the Cholesterol? I used the ORS for my last couple of washes, and was really looking forward to using the Cholesterol..but the 5th ingredient is Mineral Oil and I really try not to put mineral oil on my scalp...Thanks in advance! I'd really like to hear your experiences..
i've heard good things about Cholesterol. which brand do you have though? i would say at least try it to see how your hair responds. i think there's a big difference in using something with mineral oil that you leave on your hair vs. rinsing after a few minutes. that's why i say to give it a try before deciding whether to take it back or not.
Good advice! My mom already had it in the cabinet..I'm home for the first time since joining the boards, and I've just been going through her stuff, and trying it for FREE before I go out and become a pj and buy it all! Thanks!
i started using the lekair conditioning creme last week it's wonderful. i used it after i did a shampoo wash with optimum and then deep conditioned with Lekair. After i deep conditioned i put infusium 23 leave-in treatment. i'm getting my hair in med. micros tomorrow. i will be keeping the micros in until july or aug.
I hated both products..So I can't compare..They were both drying to my hair..But some people find success with them...