Leave it all in?


New Member
I read on a website that once in a while, you should put conditioner in your hair and just leave it to go about your daily activities. Has anyone ever done this? If so, does the conditioner get hard when it dries? Does it flake?

I've left in some conditioner but not ALL of it. And when I put regular conditioners on as leave-ins, I only use a couple of dallops..not enough to completely saturate.

Just wondering if anyone has ever done this? (Not referring to leaving in overnight.)
I have done it a couple of times and it didn't flake. However, I did it a few times when I had a lot of new growth and it did get cakey on the new growth part.
I have not done this, I too would be afraid of it getting hard. I just leave my house with a little leave-in and some water to keep my ends moist.:D
I've done it with no weird side effects. It didn't flake or make my hair hard.

Nope, I can't think of anything negative that happened.

I don't remember it making my hair super-duper soft and special, either, though. So I think that's why I stopped doing it.
Yeah I do this I put in my Conditioner wit a little coconut oil and put my hair in a ponytail.
I have done it before but I think it is something u can do sometimes but not all the time. Once when I was younger I called myself wearing the wet look and would rinse my hair in the shower and glob in conditioner and some hairdress and scrunch it. After a while my hair got too soft, it was so soft it was coming out and my hair started breaking and thinning like crazy.

I have heard of putting some conditioner on your ends for protective styles...but after my experience, I will stick to creamy leave ins for the most part. I think u could dilute a regular conditioner in water and use it as a leave in though...
Mostly when i've done this i put the conditioner and rinsed it out halfway leaving some of it in as a leave in. Results depend on the conditioner. The only ones I cant do this with are Vo5 and kenra because they leave me with a dull nasty film on my hair.
i did this last nite with suave humectant and plain ole mayo and some olive oil...i sat around for about 4 hours (i was shooting for 6 but i was gettin sleepy) and rinsed it out in the shower...hair is velvety soft
Maybe you could do it if the conditioner is water. I've never tried it before, but if the conditioner is watery I think you wouldn't have to worry about flaking and hardness.
I've done this before with great results. It made my hair soft. But I think it depends on the conditioner. I was using the cholesterol at the time.
Hi Hairlove,

I do this about once a month with my LeKair Cholesterol conditioner (twice per month if I've neglected to deep condition weekly). What keeps mine from drying is that I also use a plastic cap. I don't leave the house
, but I'll generally do it on a Saturday morning while I'm doing things like cleaning, eyebrows, catching up on mail and magazines, etc. I've even fallen asleep with it on, but the longest I think I've left it has probably been 6 hours and my hair comes out really soft and tangle free w/very little breakage (even if I'm several weeks post relaxer).

I try not to leave it on that long more frequently than once a month.

I've done it a few times before and it didn't do anything extra special to my hair. I don't like the way my hair feels after doing it though (dry and limp), but I do use a LOT of conditioner.
I do this a couple times a week with Deep Brillance Moisture Shine Treatment. I rub a marble sized amount and a little bit of water in my palms and massage throughout my hair. My hair always comes out soft and moisturized.
My roommate does this all the time. It's how she wears her hair curly. She just leaves her conditioner in.

I've done it before. It doesn't flake but my hair often feels heavier when I do it.
Like Southern Girl, I put the plastic cap on and I have even left it on overnight - probably 24 hours (rarely). I wrap a scarf around the plastic cap, then put a bulky cap over that and I go for my walk, grocery shop, whatever. I prefer to sit under the heated cap, but same difference.
I just recently started doing this because I haven't found a good leave-in for my hair, and I like minimal manipulation when out of the shower. I noticed that the Suave Milk & Honey easily rinsed out of my hair because it's so light, so I thought of leaving it in (since it's so light). For once, my hair actually looked how it does when it's in the shower. I'll rub my coconut oil over it and sometimes gel (to define waves & curlies), slap on my scarf and go to bed and get my waves in the morning. I do this only for when I put my hair is in its regular two ponytails while in the shower--too much coating to wear my hair out. I tried this for a wash & go, made my hair too thick and felt gunky. I also tried doing this with Pantene Hydrating Curls, but during the day my scalp would be itching... smelled good though
Thanks guys! I probably didn't explain what I meant in my post well...though I think some of you gave me the answer I was looking for. I wasn't really meaning it for extra conditioning purposes but more so for styling. Meaning, I'd leave the house and do whatever I needed to do whether that's hanging out with friends or going to work. And I wouldn't do that with a plastic cap...lol Thanks for all of the responses...sometimes I am just not very clear.
My roommate does it for styling purposes. It works great for her as long as the conditioner she uses is kinda thin.
I've done it but it depends on the conditioner you use. If you put it on so heavy that its white or you can see the color of it in your hair, it will usually dry white, or at least filmly, and flake. Some condtioners will dry clear though. Oil sheen will sometimes help, sometimes make it worse. You have to just try it on a day you arent going anywhere and see how it responds. When I do this instead of just rinsing it out I normally do a light shampoo otherwise it coats my hair too much.
I've done this for the past 10 years or so. I learned which conditioners I could do this with and not have my hair too heavy feeling. I find that the lighter conditioners work better when I was wearing my hair down and thicker ones when I'd put it in a ponytail. My hair is really thick so the conditioner helps slick it down when in a ponytail. Now that I'm natural I still leave conditioner in my hair since I wear braided hairstyles. No problems.
Tai said:
My roommate does this all the time. It's how she wears her hair curly. She just leaves her conditioner in.

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Me too. I do this after every conditioner wash, which is almost daily to help define my curls. I follow it with EVOO and/or S-Curl. It never gets hard. I would think that some conditoners may have the potential to harden though.
hairlove said:
mahoganee - What kind of conditioners do you use?

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I use Motions moisture plus,and the Motions salon herbals fortifying conditioner. I don't use more than one conditioner when I do this or it'll feel sticky. When I was perming my hair I'd use Lekair cholesterol also. Oh and I've tried the Herbal Essence condtioners in this way also,they worked out too.I tried the Motions herbal one a couple of weeks ago and love it. It smells great too. Reminds me of Bartle and James coolers.
My braider laughed at me.
I do this a lot - I put t my haiar in a bun. I find heavier conditioners work best. My fav for this is Kenra MC because it disappears into the hair as soon as it's applied.

I don't look hot or anything, but it's fine if I'm just ruinning errands and stuff. I wouldn't do it to go to work.
Hairlove: Did you mean, for example, do conditioner wash, comb it through and leave it all in (no rinse)? That was my interpretation of it.
I used to leave it all in when I was younger and natural. I would use Herbal Essences (in the pink bottle), apply it in the shower and just not rinse. My curls always came out best when I did this. It only flaked when I used too much. Now I put in a tiny bit of Redken's Butter Treat after I've rinsed out my daily conditioner and after I've detangled. It makes my roots smoother and my hair shinier. I have to be really careful not to use too much though.