Leave In Conditioner & Moisturizer search


Active Member
I've found a great shampoo & DC conditioner regimen and my hair loves oils like argan/coconut combined oil, jojoba & bhringraj oil. What I'm still looking for is the right leave in conditioner & moisturizer but I must ask:

am I in the wrong to expect similar moisturizing from a leave in conditioner instead of using a moisturizer?

I've tried a number of natural moisturizers & concoctions but haven't found that an item which keeps my hair moist after washing my hair.

I'm currently using Cantu Shea Leave In conditioner as my leave in and moisturizer however once my hair has naturally dried from washing or the product has dried, my head of hair is not as soft. I have tried leave in mists like Aveeno N+C therapy spray to return moisture while away from home but that gets sticky.

Tips most welcome ladies!
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I use hello hydration conditiiner mixed with aloe vera juice and evoo as a leave in. Smells great and keeps my hair soft for days
I use Annabelle's perfect blends moisturizing conditioner as a leave in. She also has leave in sprays and a leave in pudding. The hair cream will leave your hair so moist it's crazy.

You can read our reviews for it in the vendors forum.
I have to ask what are some good natural moisturizers out there. I have come across shea butter which is not protein. Wondered where to buy whipped shea butter?