Learning to self relax. I'm still struggling.


New Member
Are there some beauty schools that teacher people how to relax hair. I would like how to do that. Cause I self relaxed twice. The fist time I did good in some areas others not that great. The second self relax was just a big disaster. I didnt loose hair and I didnt straighten my hair at all.

I noticed that my pitfall is mostly massaging/ working the relaxer...I have no clue what Im doing. All i know i should not pull the hair nor comb it.

As for my next relaxer...Im going to get it done at a salon. My biggest wish is to be able to master this. Cause to me that is the #1 thing that i could do to myself. My biggest wish to be able to self relax and do my touch ups impeccably.

Any tips?
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Hello fellow canadian!:wave:

I guess it is normal to struggle when self relaxing. I tried once or twice and each time I underprocessed.
There are a lot of good site that can help you though.
did you check the forum sticky?

This is an except of what LadyEsquire put in her sticky. that might relate to you

Many women relax in Sections:

SouthernGirl gives extremely detailed instructions on how she relaxes in 2 Sections:

LondonDiva, relaxes in sections and has a photo tutorial in her fotki: (PM her for PW)

Lonei has a tutorial in her fotki, she does hers in halves also:

Here, Nixx shares her method of relaxing in halves:

http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=132633&highlight=relaxing+section s&page=2

Arcadian's Method (she uses Clips to separate small sections): http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=130924&highlight=clips

Preventing Overlapping:
you know i just self relaxed the other day (tuesday) btw it's not my first time i used to do it when i was younger. but i had mixed feelings about the result...i guess im so use to my texturized hair when i saw how straight it was i was like wth i thought i overprocessed it (followed the instructions) but then i realized i didn't overproccess it but you can notice how much my hair thinned in the front from braiding when i slick it back. but i really dont care anymore b/c i'm glad i can slick it back. but what i did want to share is i didn't use gloves (i did when i underprocessed it like last year) and i find that it is much easier to feel what you are doing. Also i did the four sections like the box said and i found it very easy to manipulate my hair in these sections. also like another poster said do not be cheap with the relaxer i mean i really saturated the new growth with the relaxer and as i said it came out very straight. the only thing is i did use a regular relaxer for 20 minutes and next time i think i will try 15 because it came out VERY straight and i have mixed feelings about that right now just b/c my hair is fine. it's a whole lot easier to manage (i can get a comb through it) and it stopped breaking (from being underprocessed) but it's just very straight and im not used to it. hth