Learning to be patient....how did you do it?

Awww, Gym. :blowkiss:Don't be troubled. It will be ok.

I always resort to Cornrows. They are the answer to so many questions.
How are you wearing your hair today? **Cornrows**
What will your next style be? **Cornrows**
What is your favorite protective style? **Cornrows**
How do you wash your hair? **Cornrows**
What will you be doing for the talent portion of our show? **Cornrows**
What's for lunch? **Cornrows**
Where do you live? **Cornrows**
Who do you love? **Cornrows**
What's your cat's name? **Cornrows** :lachen:JK

You can do this Gym, it really sounds like it's time to put your hair away for a couple of months. :boxing:and tough it out.
:lachen:I wish I had your skills when it came to cornrows. You should have your own video!
This is a great thread. Patience is something that I definitely need to work on!! Keeping it up forever is sooo hard for me though...I love wearing my hair down!:cry4:
I don't measure my hair at all. That's how I deal with it. I focus on keeping it happy and healthy, so when I do notice the length, it comes at a complete surprise. I used to obsess about length to the point where I was driving myself :nuts: Now I don't really care as long as my hair is thriving b/c with healthy comes length.
Amen ..im getting my hair back in braids w/ extension I thought I would leave it alone for the summer .. detangling is annoying annd styling too so i will let my hair grow out of my in between stage to keep my hands away from my hair . Thats what I need to stop complaining hide that hair for a while.

:bighug: It's crazymaking sometimes, ain't it?

I have to put it away. I get into a rut of a protective style, and I just - leave it be.
That's usually when I drift away from the boards a little, too, and start focusing on other obsessions. I try to keep my moisture and protective game on point, because that's my hairs main 'weak point' and - basically ignore my hair as much as I can. :lol:

It usually works long enough for me to relax/release enough that the long term scale of things sinks back into my head.

I agree with everyone who says put it away. This is what I usually do. This hair care journey can be sooo frustrating for some of us especially the ones who've been on this board for a long time and still haven't acheive their hair goals and have setbacks. I'm frustrated w/ my hair now(especially my ends) and I'm trying to find someone to put my hair in kinky twist or something. My hair does good in braids and sew ins.

Hopefully this OCT/MT will help us and we will be at our hair goal before you know it. girlie:grin:

That is me! :nono:

I've been wearing cornrows under wigs since last August. That has helped signifcantly. Because I can't see the length of my hair, I don't feel so bad. I feel a twinge sometimes when people who've joined LHCF after me achieve their BSL and longer goals, but I feel happy for them :yep:.

Members such as Esoterica also inspires me. That lady has some serious patience (check out her goals and date range).

I'm confident that I'll reach my goal by 2009.
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When I'm impatient or fed up, I also just put it away. I keep it up and keep it moving...concentrate on other things. This has kept me from doing something rash quite a few times. Benign neglect sometimes works wonder for hair growth, too. Patience is not my strong suit, but it seriously pays off with hair.

I haven't been at this growth thing long, but putting it away is helping me significantly. :yep: I can relate gym, I haven't been too enthusiatic about buying products either. I'm at the point where there's nothing else that I can buy or do that will give me 3 years of length. I just have to wait. :ohwell:
Thanks Ladies for ALL of the responses. I just sometimes we can be a little too hard on ourselves and start making things worse with our worrying. I am going to try to fully submerge myself into this Discrete Mathematics class I have this summer :lol: That should do it :lol:
Tuck it away and leave it! My mom and sister did this, and they have long hair. I didn't follow suit, now look at me:wallbash:! I have an Economics course, that I am suppose to be also submerging myself into, and I have gotten distracted by my hair. Now, I have sew in, and I really am not focused on my hair that much. So keeping busy helps!:yep:
To become better at being patient with my hair, I would:

-Bun it up and keep it moving. Less manipulation and less time spent on my hair would free up time to concentrate on other things.

-Keep in mind that consistency can really pay off. Sure, the PJ in you is always gonna tell that you that the "grass is greener" and there's going to be some new hair product that you MUST try...and it doesn't hurt to switch things up every now and then. But over the "long term", I really believe that consistency in your regimen (regular deep conditioning, regular moisturizing, protein treatments as needed, trims or dusting as needed, etc.) really pays off. So when you get that PJ urge to buy something when you already have things that work perfectly fine for your hair, try to keep this in mind.

-Ask God for patience...it's a great quality to have in general, not just for your hair ;)
I'm struggling with this right now because I'm very impatient by nature. But I notice my hair always grew best when it wasnt constantly on my mind, either because I had braids or I was having fun just trying new styles.
Another good thing to do (:look: that I did today, yes I did) is go back through your old photos, and put together a 'new' set of growth comparisons. I did one, and it's private because it uses a lot of the hair pictures don't nobody but me need to be seeing (:lachen: I should just delete them, but I can't bear to!) and it's really inspiring (or awakening) seeing how far my hair has come, as how it's changed as I've done different things to it.

Stroll down digital memory lane - you'll see the changes over the long term.... :yep:
I had learned to enjoy my hair as it went through all of its different stages. for example when my hair was short i really liked it because it could do different things with it that i can't do now .....when my hair was growing i had multiple layers and when i rollerset it, it looked so full and bouncy...now my hair is longer and i don't have layers and i'm wearing different styles. just have fun with your hair and explore the different styling options that you have as it grows out.
Usually when I start to get impatient or even getting a little nervous about not making my goal, I know that it's time for me to do something different with my hair. There are lots of temporary things you can do, like get braids, that will change things up for you.
The last time that happened to me I got my hair straightened. It lasted for like three weeks. I had fun, and then I really loved my hair even more after that. And then I could go back to my normal plain old styling and have no problems.
I thought I was the only one who did this :yawn: