Any Advice on Learning How to Do Your Own Sew-In?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice about learning how to do your own sew-in. I plan to learn during the month of January. I am going to buy a mannequin to practice on and then attempt my own in February.

My first sew-in, I paid $200 like a dang fool. I was her only customer but I was in the shop all day. My cousin just did my sew-in in less than two hours and she wouldn't have charged me anything, but I gave her $25. Her sew-in looks better than the lady who charged me $200!! I've decided that I'm going to try to learn on my own to save money and time. I'm a DIY but I have NEVER been good at braiding or anything dealing with weaves but this year I am transitioning, and I going to learn even if it kills me because I am not giving in to the relaxer!

Any help, tips, advice, tricks, videos, tutorials, etc? Thanks guys!
There's tons of info over at BHM. That's how I originally learned.

Really? That was the very FIRST hair forum I was a part of. Can I ask you a couple of questions then.

1. Did you already know how to braid as well or did you learn on your own?
2. How long did it take you (and how many attempts) before you got the hang of it and your sew-ins looked decent?
3. Do you have any pics available that you wouldn't mind showing so I can see how your sew-ins turn out?
I learned by paying attention to how the stylist did mine as well as YouTube videos. I practiced on myself and in no time I was doing flawless sew ins! :) good luck on will get it in no time if you know the basics of cornrowing
You can find a lot of info on BHM and YouTube. Just google what you're looking for. When I first started I didn't know how to braid but practice makes perfect... Good luck
lol i love how determined you are to learn this. You'll get it down in no time. the biggest piece of advice i can think of is to be patient. don't be frustrated if you don't get it right the first time, or if bumps are showing or it takes you all day. be patient with yourself.

start with learning to cornrow (YouTube videos are handy here) then just go for it.
I'm interested in learning as well. My cousin braids in the circle pattern all the way up to the crown of the head. However, she braids extremely too tight and pulls the thread as twice as tight. Therefore, I need to learn how to do my own head.
Get your cousin to teach you.

Ha! Good advice but I'm leaving to go back to school on Wednesday. I go to school 14 hours away. She did provide me with a couple of tips and showed me what she was doing while she was doing my sew-in though.
You can find a lot of info on BHM and YouTube. Just google what you're looking for. When I first started I didn't know how to braid but practice makes perfect... Good luck

That's encouraging to know! I know the basics of braiding and I can braid a little, but I can't braid all neat and tight like it is required for sew-ins.

lol i love how determined you are to learn this. You'll get it down in no time. the biggest piece of advice i can think of is to be patient. don't be frustrated if you don't get it right the first time, or if bumps are showing or it takes you all day. be patient with yourself.

start with learning to cornrow (YouTube videos are handy here) then just go for it.

Thanks hun! I am VERY determined. I am ordering my mannequin online tonight!
I'm here strategically planning my own sew in myself. Figured I know how to braid, why pay someone $200 when the hair is already costing me a GRIP!

Lawd geeesus...pray for me yall!

Good luck ljbee. WE CAN DO IT! read later..

I wanna try installing a sew in to help me stretch a little longer.. maybe an extra 6-8 weeks. also any advice avoiding a setback from a sew in?
Yes I was just thinking about this yesterday. I want to relax my hair again and install a sew in but need some tutorials on how to do it.