Lawdammercy! My Hair Is Tangled, Knotted Mess - Please Help!

I too had matted sections in the middle of my hair towards the crown the last few times I shampooed, from overmanipulation. I held on to the matted part, and slowly pulled up and out one hair at a time starting with the individual hairs on the outside of the tangle, and working to the middle of it. It was painstakingly slow, and I had to eventually use the tip of a hair pin to help pry the mat a loose. Didn't have to cut tho,it just took a lot of time and patience. I wish there was a magic cure for knots and tangles, and I'm so sorry that happened to you.
If you still have the knots, you might want to consider trying the Kiya Fizzle. You can search for threads on it. Basically, what I do is add a teaspoon of kosher salt to about a 1/2 cup of conditioner (this is my own ratio) let it sit for a few minutes and then detangle under running water. I don't know how or why it works, but it's a miracle to me and detangles my hair better than anything ever has. Good Luck!
Update: After 4 days of attempted detangling, during which time I made some progress (decreased size of knots by 15-20%), today I was going to relent and cut them out. Before I went ahead, I decided to text my mom with my decision as a last cry for help.:lachen: (She had offered to come over Tuesdat but I didn't want to trouble her at the time.)

I am happy to report that after a 4.5 hour detangling session, the knots are gone. :yep: My mom didn't use the scissors - only patience, coconut oil, Just for Me 2 in 1, and a smidgen of brute force. Some of my hair in the affected areas is gone, along with half the length of one knotted spot but it turned out far better than if I had cut them out.

Here are the highlights of this debacle:
- Being transported to my childhood: Between the smell of Just for Me 2 in 1 and sitting on the floor between my mom's knees, it was sunday night hair session all over again!
- I got to see my natural, shrunken texture for the first time. Since I began transitioning with only 1 coil's length of new growth, I've been doing twists, braids or bantu knots on wet hair and thus, had never seen my hair in its natural dry state. I absolutely love it! It's thicker than I though it would be and I've not been able to keep my hands out of the penspring coils.
- LHCF to the rescue! You ladies offered great advice that came through in the end, along with support.

Once again, thanks so much! I truly appreciate your help. I will not be getting myself in this predicament again.:yep: