Lauren450's "messy bun"

Sui Topi

New Member
:dead:! I was reading thelauryndoll's thread about shrinkage because it is ennerving me too and I was considering texlaxing or something, but I don't want to cop out (not saying texlaxing is copping out, but after all I've told my husband about natural hair while I was transitioning...if he saw me go back to relaxers now, he would card me for the rest of my life). I saw her hair and it just inspired me to keep pushing. It is so beautiful! So anyway, what is that? Just a warm blow out with the dryer?
ITA, her messy bun was very pretty:yep:, it looks like a light blow out to me or it could have been a braid/twist out that she brushed out too. Good luck with staying natural.
Thank you! I think I am going to stick it out for the long run. I think that once I get a little more length I will be okay. She inspired me so I blew mine out and put in some twists. since I blew it out, I can see my length and I am just imagining how the twist out is going to look. Woo hoo! Yesterday I tried doing my signature hair style and it just didn't seem right. So I think I found a new style!