Lauren450 Cut...

Looks like she is transitioning (1 yr post relaxer)....she is doing a great job to have handled the two textures this long without breakage! I want to ask her how she has done this....Im very impressed! She did a great job cutting it too.

When I transitioned (gradually trimming off the relaxed hair) for a year I got quite a bit of breakage from it. Her tips sure would help those who stretch relaxers.
Bumping. I plan to one day transition and it'd be nice to do so without having to chop all my hair off. Her hair is GAWGEOUS indeed!! :clapping::worship2:
Lauren, you are my sHERO!!! I am so proud of you and your commitment to your transition to know the story behind my journey, although I, too, am hanging in there.

You hair looks great, but I can't believe you cut it! You are so brave!!! Thank you for being such a great inspiration!!!
Thank you ladies for the compliments! I know I had said I wasn't going to cut it, but I just had to do something. I was stuck in a rut.

Dealing with the two textures was starting to become difficult, mainly because of the length. Plus, I had just seen all these cute bobs in Paris and I was a little inspired by that. When I got home, I told my dh I was going to cut it, and he said "Yeah right!"

So, I just did it. I didn't come here first because I probably would have changed my mind.:lachen:My dh was surprised I did it, but he loves it. He said, "That long hair really hid your pretty face". I was like awwwww.:grin:

I was supposed to put a layers tutorial in my Fotki a long time ago. I'm going to get on that soon.
Oh Lauren450, your hair looks so pretty. I''ve been going back and forth with this bob thing for a while. I had one before where my hair was just at my collar bone. I loved it and am thinking about doing it again.

....(sigh)! I'm so torn...
Why oh why :cry:!!

Really though, her hair is gorgeous short or long. The thickness is off the chain, and her layers are really pretty :).
I stalk...I mean visit ur album quite frequently and was waiting on an update...
Then BAM!!! there it was ...Ur hair is still beautiful and cant wait for ur layers tutorial:grin:
Thank you ladies for the compliments! I know I had said I wasn't going to cut it, but I just had to do something. I was stuck in a rut.

Dealing with the two textures was starting to become difficult, mainly because of the length. Plus, I had just seen all these cute bobs in Paris and I was a little inspired by that. When I got home, I told my dh I was going to cut it, and he said "Yeah right!"

So, I just did it. I didn't come here first because I probably would have changed my mind.:lachen:My dh was surprised I did it, but he loves it. He said, "That long hair really hid your pretty face". I was like awwwww.:grin:

I was supposed to put a layers tutorial in my Fotki a long time ago. I'm going to get on that soon.

Where did you learn to cut like this????? I mean honestly to cut your own hair in layers like this is a talent. Some beauticians can't cut this well:nono:. Your hair looks great! The thickness of your hair long or short just overwhelms me. OT...I love that family pic:yep:.
:nono: OH NO!!! was what I thought when I read the title........
But guess what? I absolutely love it!! (booking an appointment to come and let you cut some REAL layers in my hair!!!)
Your hair is so beautiful and thick that it doesn't matter at what length, it would still look great!

I'm 9 months into my transition and I would LOVE to have the courage to cut this stuff! Can you send me some? (courage:grin:)

Good luck as you continue to transition!
