Last year this time, where were you relationship wise?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise? How were you feeling about it then. How are you feeling about it now?

I'll start . . .

Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
Although I was in the midst of a great relationship with Dutch Chocolate, about this time I was p!ssed because he did NOT invite me to go to the beach with him and his family for the 4th of July.

How were you feeling about it then.

How are you feeling about it now?

In retrospect, I see this as the first clue that he wasn't ready to commit for the long haul. (Yeah, he said the reason we wouldn't work out was because of religious differences, but I believe in my heart of hearts that he was truly scared of living a different kind of life than he'd had . . . he was content with his quiet, solitary world . . . .)
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

Unfortunately, pretty much where I am right now, dealing with someone who can't/won't give me the relationship that I want. Only this time around it's way more complicated because of his situation and our unexpected feelings for each other and the fact that we got so close so fast.

How were you feeling about it then.

Frustrated, annoyed at myself attracting yet ANOTHER emotionally unavailable man into my life.

How are you feeling about it now?

As I mentioned in RT, I'm realizing that this is a vicious cycle that I have to address and eventually break. Hopefully, it'll be before I do anymore damage to myself mentally and have nothing left to give the person that I'm meant to be with (if he's out there).
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
I was being pursued by an undesirable lol he was very short, reached my shoulder and corny, ugh. But in running from him I missed out on a potential other guy that was starting to show interest in me.

How were you feeling about it then.

How are you feeling about it now?
Still Yuck about back then, but now I have relaxed, become more open minded where potential suitors are concerned. Still no to short guys though.
around this time i was getting broken up with...

i was hella depressed....

i don't give a F!!! he was all kinds of lame! i dnuno why we were even together in the first place!
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
In the same relationship. Living 1,800 miles apart.

How were you feeling about it then.
Wondering if the relationship would withstand the distance (or even if I wanted it to). I felt like I had all the responsibility of a relationship without any of the benefits. LDR's aren't easy and at the time I was starting to feel frustrated and wondering if the relationship was worth the (odd) effort.

How are you feeling about it now?
Much better. Over the past year he's shown me that he's someone that is trustworthy and dependable. He still moves a bit faster than my liking, but he's a good guy. :)
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

Dating someone, we made it official last August.

How were you feeling about it then.

Good it was the summer time, my first summer outside NYC, he showed me DC life. good

How are you feeling about it now?

Not sure. We broke up a few months ago, we are still friends, he's still a good guy (just didn't work out for an important reason). He still keeps in touch, There are still feelings....but ya know.
Last year this time I was not in a relationship but rather in a Friends With Benefits type of deal.

I was feeling about it then. It was exactly what I wanted and felt like I could handle at that point in my life.

Now I'm in a relationship with the man that I was involved with this time last year and things are great. I don't regret anything.
The same position I was in now...single lol

at that time I was okay with it because I was still in school and needed to stay focused
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise? Single but dating. Around this time had my first date with a guy I met online and it led to a short relationship.

How were you feeling about it then.
I didnt mind being single but dating was exhausting. The guy kind of insisted on a relationship and I figured why not since he seemed more stable than my ex but I should of just held off and listened to my intuition since I wasnt that into him.

How are you feeling about it now?I'm with a great guy now & being with him opened up my eyes how I was just dating and accepting losers out of boredom or loneliness at the time when I should have had more standards.
I was in the same place then as I am now, and I'm content with it. :yep:

I'd also like to add that I am fatter. :look: :lol:
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

I was about to mistalenly start a pseudo-relationship with a male friend of two years. Ugh :barf: We hung out a lot in May-June and he started telling me he didn't want to hang out anymore unless I agreed to be his girlfriend.

How were you feeling about it then.

I was feeling :perplexed: :barf: because I had no attraction to him in that way and I was content in hanging out and remaining friends only. I thought maybe I should try since I was 25 and never been in a relationship before, he would grow on me, and I was being shallow just because I wasn't attracted to his physical appearance.

How are you feeling about it now?

I still feel sort of nauseous when I think about it. Now I know to never try and force myself to be attracted to someone. I still consider myself as never having a relationship nor a boyfriend at 26. The "relationship" lasted about 3 months. July-Oct. He "broke up" with me weekly because our@ personalities started to really clash since we started spending even more time together. He became verbally abusive, moody, and argumentative. He said that's how relationships were supposed to be. Breaking up to make up. I think he was salty because he expected that once we had the labels boyfriend and girlfriend I would get all lovey-dovey, clingy physically affectionate, but I continued to treat him like a friend with a closed-mouth kiss here and there sometimes. He was upset when he realized he liked me more than I would ever like him and started to try to bring me down with words. Never again.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
Last year this time I was in a relationship with my ex boyfriend of 3.5 years..things were ok, planning our cruise in August of last year.

How were you feeling about it then.
Back then I was comfortable, lazy, overlooking a lot of small problems and issues that eventually led to big, unresolved issues

How are you feeling about it now?
Still sad...empty..lonely..I hate not having a companion, someone to talk to, experience things with..What makes it worse is he is kinda back in my life in a weird way..I havent met anyone who has even attempted to get to know me seriously since him and I dont see that changing anytime soon..Ive become numb to it and I hate how that feels.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
I was single and content to a degree. I was open to meeting guys and met a few.

How were you feeling about it then.
Just anticipating meeting someone interesting but I was so focused on money and starting my new job that it was not that big on my list. I ended up meeting someone on the first of july and my emotions have been on a rollercoaster since....

How are you feeling about it now?

I kind of wish I was back there again bc I was not emotionally attached to anyone, now I am but we are not together for a variety of reasons including timing. I am not interested in dating alot of guys to be honest right now. I just hope a change will come. I am trying to focus on becoming more grounded. Last year before july came I knew that when july came I would meet someone and my job opportunity would open in (i even said I would have two jobs), and it did. I feel that in November a significant change will come in some way or fashion.
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This time last year I was single. I didn't like it.:nono:

This year I am very happy in an amazing relationship.

This time next year I expect to be engaged.:grin:
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
In a relationship..very unhappy and it was rocky.

How were you feeling about it then.
Sad but in love.....wanting him to grow up

How are you feeling about it now?
We broke up after 2 yrs in March..I was happy it I miss him more..we both grew up and this break up was good for us both cause we werent happy..but the possible for us getting back together in the future is still there..He's a good guy..he was a late bloomer (so the speak).just getting on his own and wanted freedom to find himself...So thats what I gave him..
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
At this time Last year, I was still with K and I thought I was on the road to being engaged.

How were you feeling about it then.
I loved him, I thought he was going to marry me.

How are you feeling about it now?
Relieved. I am glad that our relationship exploded. I look back and realize that he was emotionally abusive. He started complaining that I didn't smile anymore and that I was never happy, now I realize that I was never smiling/happy because of him. He made me feel bad about myself and I am glad to be rid of him.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
I was dating who I believed to be a very lovely guy. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and was content with taking things slow.

How were you feeling about it then.
I was hopeful that a relationship would evolve.

How are you feeling about it now?
We haven't spoken in over 4 months now and I am still extremely hurt at how and why things ended. I've never in my life had a breakup that caused me to feel so much hurt and pain for this long. I feel that it will take me a very long time to get over him.

However, I know I need this time alone, and I am content with that. I spent 6 years rebounding from one relationship into the next because I was so afraid of being alone. Now I'm ok.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

Single by choice.

How were you feeling about it then.

I was fine with it on most days. Other days not so much.

How are you feeling about it now?

Pretty stupid I should have been dating at the very least, even if I didn't want to be in a relationship.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

This time last year I was single. I was dating this guy that was trying to rush a relationship, when I wanted to take things slow, he started acting strange and eventually we stopped talking to each other.

How were you feeling about it then.
I was upset at how things turned out but I knew he wasnt the one for me...he ended up getting married to some girl 4 months later.

How are you feeling about it now?

I prayed to God that the next man I meet will be my husband... I am very happy in an amazing relationship. This time next year I pray that I will be engaged to my honey, hopefully sooner:)
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

This time last year I was in the beginning stages of a whirl wind relationship. We got together by accident....

How were you feeling about it then.
I was just going with the flow no expectations, I was living and working in a new city temporarily and expected the relationship to be the same....a temp....

How are you feeling about it now?

I am excited to say we are getting married in August! I am a firm believer in Divine Order and before I came to this new city, I prayed for a job and a man and I got both. Left the job behind but kept the man.
This time last year i was in the same relationship as im in now. But it was fresh so we were all giddy for each other.

Now the honeymoon is over lol. Still together but now seeing our own true colors and its not a great process. I hate this phase. We will continue to see if we can deal with each other for the future
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

I had been in a relationship for about a year. My supposedly first real "adult" relationship.

How were you feeling about it then.

Like crap. Las summer was right before we broke up. And things were horrible. We were across the country on vacay and I almost left in the middle of the desert to find an airport to get the hell away from him before I slapped the taste out of his mouth for talking to me crazy once again. Yet at the same time I had let him convince me I was a horrible person and everything was my fault and I believed it about 95% of the time.

How are you feeling about it now?

I feel MUCH MUCH MUCH better now. I realize I'm not perfect but I'm not the evil horrible person accused me of being. I no longer believe those horrible things about myself. And a good bit of our problems were HIS issues (self esteem, trust, manipulation, etc) and just wrong time, and probably wrong people, just not meant to be. I'm getting my life together and have accomplished a lot this year and am much happier these days, tho I do get lonely quite often.
i was getting ready for a boat cruise with an ex, who was trying to make it work with me.
I think it was this exact day last year, we went on the boat cruise... and it was a HOT MESS.

i never spoke to him again after Canada Day.

how i feel about it now?
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
Single by choice

How were you feeling about it then.
I felt free, single, but a little down that I can not seem to maintain interest in anyone longer than 5 mins.

How are you feeling about it now?
I am glad I went through the experience. I was on the verge of 25 years and it prepared me for what I know now. I can not be molded very easily. I am who I am, no changing that to much so love me or leave me. And the world of men became much more clear to me.
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I'll start . . .

Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?
Last year this time I was heavily contemplating leaving my ex. We were very rocky and I kept trying to hold on knowing he wasn't what I wanted and it would prob go no where.

How were you feeling about it then.
Very indecisive, but I knew I'd likely be leaving him. Relationship issues aside, last summer I read a book called "Why Him, Why Her" and it discussed personality traits and who we are attracted to, and it further shed some light on the type of traits I'd innately be drawn to in a man.

How are you feeling about it now?
Looking back, I wish I really would have left my ex sooner. What really got me was that I thought he was such a nice guy, but there were many things about him that I just didn't like that I repressed and glossed over b/c I thought he was nice and had potential. I was essentially trying to give the 'nice guy' a try but deep down I thought he was whack, way too passive, soft, overly emotional, pathetic, tries too hard, felt way too sorry for himself, and selfish. So yeah, I wish I did it sooner, I been fell outta love with him.
Last year this time, where were you relationship-wise?

I was dating a guy who was very attractive and basically everything I've ever dreamed of. We went out on two dates and by the third date he asked me for money, it's been a year now and he still tries to reach out to me but the hasn't paid me back and I've told him to keep the money and lose my number.

How were you feeling about it then.

I'm very naive in general and especially when it comes to rlps, at the time I thought: this is something we will look back to and laugh about one day and tell our children bla bla bla, I know it's silly but we were both struggling financially and I truly wanted to help him out.

How are you feeling about it now?

Like another member said I just feel so numb, that was my second attempt at dating someone and it failed yet again. Although I haven't lost all hope I have to admit it's just so...exhausting. And I feel bad about the fact that I'm waisting my good years on these losers while I could be going on trips and dinners with 'the one', and connecting with him on a deeper level.
Last year this time my relationship of 1 year had just ended

Honestly, I was feeling relieved and free at not investing more time and energy into a man and relationship that was a "dead end."

How are you feeling about it now?
Great. Since then, I dated 4 people casually. 3 of them did not work out but I honed in on "what I want" out of a relationship and partner. I am dating someone now (LDR) and seeing how it goes. I'm happy.