Last night I hennaed my hair and then......


Well-Known Member
I will be giving myself a touchup this saturday, and based on Softresses thread a few days ago, she said she hennaed her hair before and after her touchup. Well I did my henna treatment last night using amla powder mixed into it for the first time. I was a little nervous because I thought I used too much amla powder. I left it on for about 2 1/2 hours and when I rinsed it out, (used VO5 strawberries and cream to help rinse it out) I could feel the strength in my hair. But I didn't stop there. I remember Softresses said to do a deep condition because amla is acidic and so guess what..... I did the avocado mask treatment that Candy_C recommended that she does before she gets a relaxer. I did my research prior to doing this, and it says that avocado, egg, evoo, are all natural ingredients and it is very good at conditioning the hair. So I knew that henna is natural, and I reasoned that the avocado would not hurt it. Well I left the avocado mask on for about 30 minutes as recommended and my hair just felt so good. I then added a good leave in conditioner, put castor oil on my ends and braided it for the night. When I took it down this morning it was very heavy, and very moisturised. I am very pleased. I also seem to be subtly getting the red in my hair that I'm looking for. On saturday I will do my touchup and then do my other henna treatment, and then deep condition my hair overnight. This was a very good suggestion, Softresses. Thank you, and thank you Candy.
YYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!! I am so glad you tried it. You will be so happy with the new strength and condition of your hair. It gets stronger and stronger! I love the way it makes hair EASY to detangle and silky smooth.

Wait until you do your touch up!!! YOU WILL BE SO IN LOVE WITH HENNA!!!!!


Softresses said:
YYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!! I am so glad you tried it. You will be so happy with the new strength and condition of your hair. It gets stronger and stronger! I love the way it makes hair EASY to detangle and silky smooth.

Wait until you do your touch up!!! YOU WILL BE SO IN LOVE WITH HENNA!!!!!



I have always loved henna. I remember this girl who had beautiful reddish brown color to her hair that shined, shined, shined. It was then I learned about henna. But so many hairdressers talk negatively about henna, that I stopped using it. I am so glad I'm back on it! My hair is so strong and because my hair is fine, I need that. Your suggestion was so great. I would have never thought of doing a henna treatment before and after a touchup. I will follow your instructions very clearly and hopefully my hair will thrive even more. Your hair is so beautiful. I can definitely see the shine, the strength and the health of your hair. I will definitely be doing henna treatments regularly like every other week, or every month. I was also very impressed with the amla powder. Where do you purchase your amla powder because I only ordered 200g from hennaforhair and I know i will have to order more. It was a nice addition to the henna, and I had enough mixture (100g plus added amla powder) to do my whole head. I find that henna treatments are becoming quite easy, not a lot of mess in the bathroom, and it goes on so nicely when you make it the consistency of pancake batter. I am just so excited about my new love. You are so right about your hair becoming easy to detangle. I can see how my cuticles slowly but surely are smoothing out because they were a bit rough before.Thank you Softresses for all your help, and I will defintely keep you posted when I touchup and henna again on saturday.
Thank you for the compliment Fancypants.

My hair is very finely textured also but I have a huge, dense mass of it. I can definately tell how much thicker the strands feel now. I purchased my henna and amla off ebay, however I have an order in with Catherine that I am expecting in a few days.

I am glad that we ladies are now busting through all the falsehoods that have been thrown our way reguarding our hair.

Do you also notice that there is also amost no shedding in the trap after you shampoo?

Softresses said:
Thank you for the compliment Fancypants.

My hair is very finely textured also but I have a huge, dense mass of it. I can definately tell how much thicker the strands feel now. I purchased my henna and amla off ebay, however I have an order in with Catherine that I am expecting in a few days.

I am glad that we ladies are now busting through all the falsehoods that have been thrown our way reguarding our hair.

Do you also notice that there is also amost no shedding in the trap after you shampoo?


Absolutely no shedding. I too have so much volume of hair that many people think my hair is thick, but I have fine strands of hair. I absolutely love the strength though, and I love how it feels and how it looks. Do you also noticed that your split ends seem to disappear? I know they really don't, but it seems like they do. I read on the hennaforhair forum that some say that this is just another added benefit you get from using henna. Imagine how the split ends would be by consistently using henna overtime. Something really to look forward to because it can cut down on those trims. I have to check out ebay for amla powder. I just put in an order at (website that Sareca recommended) where I purchased 100 x 100g of jamila henna. They are out of it, and I told him that I wouldn't be sending my money order until he lets me know when they have it in. Sareca and another friend ordered from them wholesale, and it is wayyyyyyy cheaper in the long run to purchase it this way. Sareca is in love with jamila and the way I understand it is the "deluxe" brand of henna. How often do you give yourself henna treatments with amla powder?
You're right, they say that with use, over time you hair just continues to be in better condition. I don't have any of the stiff dry ends that usually occur when you air dry! This would help a lot with spits and with problems airdrying!

I love Henna too!

Glad to hear you had such a good experience/results!! You'll find that the more you use it, the better your hair will turn out each time!

Welcome to the Henna Family! :rosebud: