Lanza Chelating Shampoo


New Member
Has anyone used this shampoo?
Did it work like it was supposed to?
Did you get good results?

I'm looking for a Sulfate-free chelating shampoo to combat my hard water. And if it's as gentle as it claims, I won't even bother looking for another shampoo for regular use.

Thank you!
I have used it and it is pretty good.

I don't care for the price, though.

It is not clarifying for me either, if that is what you want it for as well.

But, it is a nice shampoo. I got a bottle of it on clearance once and enjoyed it. I did not repurchase because I really think it is overpriced.

Well, maybe it isn't. They don't have much competition in the sulfate-free chelating shampoo arena so they can charge more. :look:
It removes mineral deposits. Not everyone needs them actually.

I do because of ,my water quality.

I also notice after using my relaxer I need a chelater.