Lake Swimming Hair Care tips?


Well-Known Member
Im going on vacation with my boyfriend to a lakehouse in Missouri and Im not sure what to do with my hair. It's possible that I will be getting in the water everyday.

Any suggestions?
I'm not completely sure since I'm not an expert but I have been told for pool swimming that many people slather their hair in oil/conditioner before getting in the water to protect it. I tried the oil one time in the pool and it definitely worked because when I went to wash my hair afterwards, it was soft and didn't feel stripped and rough and generally just gross after chlorine exposure. So I figure if it works for the pool, I guess it'd work for the lake too.
Where I live we have a river and I don't really do anything special to my hair. I pull my hair back in a bun and go swimming. Once I get home I wash and DC my hair, then go one about my business.