Laides! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?


Well-Known Member
Ladies! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?

I want to go to a salon, but don't want them to trim or cut my hair. They do wonderful jobs at styling my hair, but every time they want to cut it.

What did you say that made them not trim your hair?

What advice can you give out?
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Just say ''Listen to me closely. I DO NOT want you to bring scissors to my hair, and I do not care how damaged you think my hair is. If you bring scissors to my hair... I'll bring scissors to your face'' :naughty:
lol. It was just some internet humour.

I agree, ofcourse there's no need to be rude. Just politely tell them you don't want a trim. Some go overboard... but usually if you stress it out to them and you're firm, they listen. :yep:
girl don't make me burn this place down.
One time I made the sylist take a picture of the back of my head as evidence and told her that when she was done my hair had better be this length or longer or we would have some serious problem. I never got another appt with her, she is always "busy" but my hair turned out great. Do you live somewhere with conceal and carry gun laws? That would give me more options.
No trim today... or when they offer to trim I reply "no thanks" if they insist I again reply "no thanks". I'm not the type of person you want to be persistent with. My you must have lost your mind face is serious :lol:
girl don't make me burn this place down.
One time I made the sylist take a picture of the back of my head as evidence and told her that when she was done my hair had better be this length or longer or we would have some serious problem. I never got another appt with her, she is always "busy" but my hair turned out great. Do you live somewhere with conceal and carry gun laws? That would give me more options.


I dont even blame folks. Some stylists act like you need a notarized doctor's note to decide whether they can cut your hair or not.:rolleyes:
I bribed him one time. I told him I'd give him double his tip if I didn't leave there crying. He got $20.00. And I left there so happy.
I will say no. If she insists, the I will say it loudly. I'm quiet and for some reason it makes people nervous when I raise my voice:lachen:
Re: Ladies! What did you say to a stylist to make them not trim or cut your hair?

I know exactly how you feel... .I Love my stylist to death. She cuts like no other but when its time for me to get my trim, the SECOND before she gets ready to trim my hair I stop her and remind her that I'm growing my hair out and I don't want a hair cut. She tells me that I always say that and we laugh it off but that keeps me from loosing too much hair.

I want to go to a salon, but don't want them to trim or cut my hair. They do wonderful jobs at styling my hair, but every time they want to cut it.

What did you say that made them not trim your hair?

What advice can you give out?
girl don't make me burn this place down.
One time I made the sylist take a picture of the back of my head as evidence and told her that when she was done my hair had better be this length or longer or we would have some serious problem. I never got another appt with her, she is always "busy" but my hair turned out great. Do you live somewhere with conceal and carry gun laws? That would give me more options.

:lachen:Several years ago, when my stylist had to leave town due to an emergency my BFF managed to get me an appointment with hers. My hair then was between SL/APL. She kept insisiting I needed a trim. After telling her twice I had one the week b4 I let her know that if she came near my head with scissors I would not pay and would send my sylist to see her when she returned. My hair did look nice but she told my BFF that I was too much trouble.
Say "not today", or "next time" or "if your hair is $100, (trim being $20) say I only have $80 budgeted for my hair this week, no thank you".
i would just say DO NOT TRIM OR CUT MY HAIR in a firm but nice voice, the pay CLOSE attention to her hands to make sure she doesn't pick up the scissors, is she does i'll stop her and tell her not to trim/cut. If for some reason her mom dropped her on her head when she was a baby one too many times AND she's of the special kind AND STILL cuts my darn hair even if just a tiny bit, i'll proceed to tell her i ain't paying for nothing. (but i doubt someone would be that slow)
Just tell them what u want, and let them know u don't want a trim, and if they can't understand that, then that's a stylist who A)needs to go back to school and learn how to listen again, and B) a person who doesn't care about what the customer has to say. The customer comes first, and if u tell her u don't want a trim, then she shouldn't have to even look at u twice, she should be respectful. If she argues with u, then leave and find someone else, because I wouldn't want someone like that doing my hair.
Real simple.

"I will not pay you for a trim."

If they offer it to you for free, tell them you'd rather take a discount on the service YOU ASKED FOR.
Great topic OP. I will have to face this situation over the weekend when I get my touch up. This is the best that my hair has been in awhile and since I know that I can only deal with my hair when it's a longer length, I will have a fit if my hairdresser trims my hair and I can't take care of it like I've been doing lately.
Tell them you take care of your trims yourself and you only do them at solstice :) (A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes.)


Tell them to point out 1 split end because you do the search and distroy method so there shouldn't be any.

Tell her that U dont have enough money for a trim and a which is more important to her..
I went by the hair salon before my appointment and told her what my expectations were (I hadn't gone to her in close to a year and I was going for color). I told her that I didn't want a trim. Then on the day of my appointment, I reiterated, "Now remember, NO TRIMMING" and she didn't!
Make your expectations known before your behind hits the chair. If you wait until the stylist asks you if you want a trim, you may be too late. Some just start cutting without asking when they think you need a cut. Upon arrival I usually state something like, "I'm getting a wash and rollerset only, no trim." Then I keep my eyes open and pay attention to what she is doing in my head. One time years back i was reading while she was styling and before I knew what was happening she was already trimming away healthy ends. I may be a fool once but not twice.
I used to say "Please don't trim my hair. I'm pretty set on my decision that I don't want my hair trimmed, despite any suggestions or advice." until I started trimming my own hair. :)