Ladies who relax straight (bone straight)


New Member
Ok I really want to know if hair is relaxed bone straight if it still maintains elasticity. Are there any ladies who relax bone straight able to pull their hair without it snapping. In other words does it still have elasticity. Also is it possible to not have elastic hair as a result of this and still have healthy hair?

Your opinions please.

I relax bone straight and to be quite honest my hair feels healthiest after my relaxer. I also notice more elasticity in the strands and less falling hair. I think this is due to moisturization before and the deep conditioning and daily moisturizing afterwards that helps.

I feel my hair getting dry when new growth starts coming in, and then I have to hone in on my ends more than the entire head.
I relax bone straight, and my hair is healthy. There may be a confusion between "bone straight" and "overprocessed". Hair that is over processed tends to break easier since there is no elasticity left in the hair.
I relax bone straight and my hair is a lot healthier than it was when it was natural. However I didnt take as good care of it when I was. I think if you dont use excessive heat, comb all the time, conditioner and moisturize your hair it will be healthy not matter what. I also agree that there is a difference btwn bone straight and overprocessed.
I relax bone straight. My hair is dry right now from protein/henna overload. I have never had a problem with my hair being super straight.
My last relaxer by stylist two weeks ago is bone straight and healthy. Yes it has elasticity. I have learn to step up with my protein often.

My hair is relaxed bone striaight with a lot of elasticity and it is VERY healthy. I think moisturizer treatments and sitting at work with a conditioner cap and a head full of ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Pack under a stylish head wrap helps as well. :yep:
I am currently bone straight after my corrective. I got my protein treatment and a great moisturizing treatment and yes it is very elastic. As like any other hair, letting it dry out, by not keeping it up can cause it not to be. Like right now I have been home sick, so to not let it dry out, I used Dove Mist and Kera Care Conditioning Creme Hairdress and then wrap it up with a silk scarf. If not dry breaking hair.
I relax bone straight and my hair also feels it's healthiest when it's straight b/c it's easier to manage. The more I give it want it wants (DCing, moisturizing, no direct heat) the more it is happy and loves me back!
I relax bone-straight and my hair has a lot of elasticity, it tangles less, and its easier to keep it moisturised.
Thanks a lot ladies, for those who answered yes they relax bone straight and their hair is healthy with elasticity, I was just wondering how do you know your hair has elasticity. I think my hair is healthy, uneven yes but healthy, but how do you test for elasticity if it is very or bone straight. I wanna know.

I get relaxed bone straight and my hair is reasonably healthy. I guess you can do a strand test for elasticity. Take a strand that has shed and give it a good jerk to see if it stands up to the abuse.

Otherwise I don't know how you can do it....

My last touch up my lil sis used a regular for 15mins and my hair was straight... this is after texlaxing for a year. i actually prefer my hair at this straightness and feel i'll be able to reach my hair goals quicker because its easier to manage.

When my hair is wet it has a very slight wave to it yet it still feels strong... i guess im testing for strength/ or elasticity in this case.
Thanks a lot ladies, for those who answered yes they relax bone straight and their hair is healthy with elasticity, I was just wondering how do you know your hair has elasticity. I think my hair is healthy, uneven yes but healthy, but how do you test for elasticity if it is very or bone straight. I wanna know.


You test for elasticity when your hair is wet. Here is a link to sistaslick's article with more info on assessing wet hair. Hope the link works.
Thanks oh so much for that link. This is what I wanted. I saved the article and will keep it for future reference. My hair is not breaking but I was wondering about the elasticity and I know now it is healthy but I need to watch the protein overload and give more moisture. When wet it stretches when combed without breaking, but when dry it does not stretch very much so I was confused.
Thanks for clearing this up for me.