Ladies who have been or are in LD relationships...


Well-Known Member
How long have you been together?

How often do you visit each other?

How far apart are you and your SO?

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him?

Does he plan to move to be closer to you?
How long have you been together? A year n change

How often do you visit each other? 1-2 times a month. He works weekends now so that's throwing a wrench into planning.

How far apart are you and your SO? He's in Buffalo, I'm in NYC so 1hr flight or 6 hours driving.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?

Pro: Well I guess I get more me-space but every visit makes me miss him more and vice versa. We talk every day on IM, on the phone, and via texting.

Con: I miss him. I miss his touch, I miss him stealing my pillow when I get up to go to the bathroom, I miss looking into his eyes, I miss his smell. It just makes it worse every time we have to part.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? I might move with him somewhere but only after...

Does he plan to move to be closer to you?
He's saving up enough to move here. He moved from Vegas to Buffalo last year so now the next step is here.
How long have you been together? Six years

How often do you visit each other? We visited each other every weekend

How far apart are you and your SO? 1hr and a half

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
Pros: makes you appreciate every moment
Cons: not as accessible, expensive

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? Already have, I moved back after college

Does he plan to move to be closer to you?If I decided to stay for grad school, he said he was gonna have to
How long have you been together? A year n change

How often do you visit each other? 1-2 times a month. He works weekends now so that's throwing a wrench into planning.

How far apart are you and your SO? He's in Buffalo, I'm in NYC so 1hr flight or 6 hours driving.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?

Pro: Well I guess I get more me-space but every visit makes me miss him more and vice versa. We talk every day on IM, on the phone, and via texting.

Con: I miss him. I miss his touch, I miss him stealing my pillow when I get up to go to the bathroom, I miss looking into his eyes, I miss his smell. It just makes it worse every time we have to part.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? I might move with him somewhere but only after...

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? He's saving up enough to move here. He moved from Vegas to Buffalo last year so now the next step is here.

That is so cute. I can't believe you get down in the kitchen like that and you are only cooking for yourself.
How long have you been together? Six years

How often do you visit each other? We visited each other every weekend

How far apart are you and your SO? 1hr and a half

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
Pros: makes you appreciate every moment
Cons: not as accessible, expensive,

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? Already have, I moved back after college

Does he plan to move to be closer to you?If I decided to stay for grad school, he said he was gonna have to

I am sure it can get very expensive for some folks. I have a friend who was in a LD relationship and she was in the the Midwest and her SO was in NY. She was gone almost every other weekend and he came to see her very frequently. I can not even image how much they spent between the two of them flying back and forth. He finally move up here and they are so happy together.
How long have you been together? It will be 5 years Sept 12th.

How often do you visit each other?He was in Texas for military training (for a year) and we saw eachother once a month. We just got back in a LDR this month (we were in the same town for a few months) but he is close enough to drive. I have not set up how many times we will visit eachother bc money is tight right now, but hopefully every few weeks.

How far apart are you and your SO?I was in GA, he was in TX. Now I am in SC, he is in GA.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?You learn to appreciate eachother. You learn patience. It can make your relationship stronger bc you are able to handle the distance. The distance can sometimes be stressful. You get lonely sometimes. You have to sometimes wait to tell him good or bad things that is going on with your life.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? IDK. If there was a ring on my finger, of course.

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? He has talked about it in the past. I know that he would, but we are not in the position financially to do any of that right now.
techinically i have no business being in this thread lol. But my sister was in a LD relatinoship with someone from england. ( we live in NJ). They only saw each other MAYBE 2 times a year. They met through a penpal thing she used to called transatlantic penfriend. And they met before we even used the internet like that, so they used to communicate through snail mail when the phone bill got to expensive. That was about 11 years ago.

He ended up moving over here and they've been married now for 8 years :)
How long have you been together? 15yrs

How often do you visit each other?Every 6wks initially, then every 2-3m when he went to grad school.

How far apart are you and your SO? I was in Okla, he was in Philly. Then I was in Okla, and he was in Michigan. So a good distance.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
Pros-You talk about everything. I found that I wasn't insecure/jealous b/c why in the world would you be in a LDR if you are constantly going to worried about what's he doing/who's he with.

Con-Gets lonely. The increased expensive of phone bill/travel.

DH and I got engaged my senior year in college. He worked that year in Cincy, and the following year we moved together to San Fran as a married couple. Sept 20, will make 11yrs of marriage.
How long have you been together?
We have been together for 8 years. We were dating in college for three years, did the long distance thing for two years, and then we moved in together and got married.

How often do you visit each other?
The first 8 months we did not see each other. It was HELL, whenever I saw attractive men I felt like Halle Berry in Monster's Ball when she was groaning "make me feel good".

After the 8 months we both started making enough money so that we could fly back and forth twice per month.

How far apart are you and your SO?
We were 800 miles apart

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
We were young and it was a great opportunity for the both of us to get established on our own. Live alone in our own apartments pay our own bills etc. Because DH was my first boyfriend, in the beginning of the long distance thing we tried just being friends so that we could date other people. No one could compare so we got back together.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him?
We both found job opportunities in the same city after he proposed. We did the long distance thing for two years, after three years of dating.

Does he plan to move to be closer to you?
see above
techinically i have no business being in this thread lol. But my sister was in a LD relatinoship with someone from england. ( we live in NJ). They only saw each other MAYBE 2 times a year. They met through a penpal thing she used to called transatlantic penfriend. And they met before we even used the internet like that, so they used to communicate through snail mail when the phone bill got to expensive. That was about 11 years ago.

He ended up moving over here and they've been married now for 8 years :)

Awwwwwww...sounds like something out of a fairytale. Thanks for sharing.
techinically i have no business being in this thread lol. But my sister was in a LD relatinoship with someone from england. ( we live in NJ). They only saw each other MAYBE 2 times a year. They met through a penpal thing she used to called transatlantic penfriend. And they met before we even used the internet like that, so they used to communicate through snail mail when the phone bill got to expensive. That was about 11 years ago.

He ended up moving over here and they've been married now for 8 years :)

What a great story!
How long have you been together? Almost 2 years

How often do you visit each other? Before it was once a year but now its every 6-8 weeks.

How far apart are you and your SO? Before it was half a world, now its around 1600 miles.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship? Con- you miss each other, things can be easily misconstrued in email or on the phone and you get that lonely feeling sometimes like you aren't even in a relationship. Pro- seeing him is really sweet and it makes you appreciate the time that you do get to spend together.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him?
IF we get engaged and have set a wedding date.
Does he plan to move to be closer to you? If we get engaged and have set a wedding date but I think I will be the one doing the moving since he is in the military.
How long have you been together?
Since April of this year
How often do you visit each other?
Only seen each other once (3 weeks ago):sad:
How far apart are you and your SO?
I live in OH, he goes to school/lives in Iowa
What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
Pros: We have gotten to know each other on a much deeper level, we have to show our affection in more creative ways, taught me patience (I am so not a patient person), allows us to take things slow, builds trust in the relationship, forces us to really communicate

Cons: I don't get to see him as often as I like, hard to see how we interact with each other in certain situations, can't see what kind of small things make him tick/set him off, can't express our love for each other in a physical manner as often as we'd like, can't snuggle with him as often...did i mention that we don't get to see each other often enough:wallbash::wallbash:

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him?
He wants to move closer when he finishes his Masters degree next May, but we have also talked about moving someplace together, and since I'm planning on going back to school and one of my schools is where he's at now, I may move to him...decisions, decisions
Does he plan to move to be closer to you?
See above......
How long have you been together? 7 years

How often do you visit each other? first 5 years was like holidays and some weekends but we would go 4 months many times. He was away at school. The past two years was like every other weekend he moved back to Houston and now that I am starting school again it will be every weekend until hopefully I move back at the end of the year or end of the spring.

How far apart are you and your SO? Now we are 1 hour and 45 mins apart. He lives where our work. We use to be 5 hours apart.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?
Pros- it make you appreciate the time you get to spend with that person, because sometimes you arent sure when it will be again.

You get to learn alot about that person cause during the in-between time all you can do is talk.

Cons- Missing them. EVERYTHING about them. We use to bicker ALOT and it was really only because we were frustrated because we missed each other. But once we relized that and came to a happy medium cause he is not a phone person and I am not but i felt that it was all we had and he felt like talking to me sometimes would make him frustrated cause he wanted to just hold and kiss me. He need to see me.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? yep, end of the year or end of the spring.

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? nope because he lives in my home town and where I work and I love my home town.The move wasnt by choice

Please see above.
I am happy to see they you ladies are having success in these relationships. Thanks for sharing...hoping there is more to come from others.
How long have you been together? We have been together only 2 months, but we have been friends for 2 years (and kept this secret about how we really felt all that time.)

How often do you visit each other? Whenever he is on leave from the military.

How far apart are you and your SO? At the moment he is in California and I'm in New York, we are about 3,700 miles away. Next week he is going to North Carolina's training base and so we will be only a few hundred miles away.

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship? The pros being that some times you meet someone you may have never did in your own area, you get to learn trust, and also the personality of the person being the most important factor of the relationship. The cons being the loneliness, and for me, fearing for him when he is deported or stationed overseas. If we don't talk at least once every other day, then I begin to feel the loneliness of him being away. Patience is a virtue for sure.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? We have plans but most likely he will be moving to New York

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? Yes, He is going to move to New York after he gets out of the service. *So Excited!*
How long have you been together? 4 years, but LD for 2 yrs

How often do you visit each other? 3-4 times a year , depends on school and his work schedule

How far apart are you and your SO? DC to Dubai

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship? Pros... Appreciating time and each other more,
Cons... Its Hard, you cant see one another, feeling Lonely

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? Yes

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? He cant really move cause of his family business in Dubai
How long have you been together? a year and a half How often do you visit each other? 2 to 3 times or when our schedule permits it because I am a full time student and he works a full time job.
How far apart are you and your SO? I am in FL and he's in Boston
What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship? the pros are learning to have to communicate more effectively with each other, learning more about the other person, and appreciating the moments once you are in his arms agian. the cons is the loneliness and frustration of not being close enough to them. being
on the phone and wishing you could grab a hold of them through the line.

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? yes, we plan on it by next year.
Does he plan to move to be closer to you? see above
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How long together? We were together 1 1/2

How often do you visit each other?
very often

How far apart are you and your SO? Cali and minnesota

What do you think the pros and cons are to being in a long distance relationship?

Pro's we both had alot of free time and financially stable and were able to spend weeks at a time together, when we were apart we talked all day everyday and were able to miss each other

con's worked out really well

Do you ever plan to move to be closer to him? were not together n e more...he's in italy now, so really far away , but if we were still together i would go back and forth or even stay with him over there

Does he plan to move to be closer to you? we broke up :(