Ladies who got the Brazilian Keratin Treatment: Updates on BKT and questions

thanks chocolatesis, im texlaxed so im hoping i would still have a wave pattern. but every couple of years I end up chopping off like 6 inches and having to start from like neck/shoulder length because the color ate up my hair. I'm hoping if I use this, I will be able to retain length because my hair will be stronger and won't have all that breakage. cause im pretty much like a crackhead when it comes to color. im feenin.
I actually don't have a camera. I just have the camera on my cell phone, so these pictures didn't come out very clear.

My hair is wet in both pictures--right after being towel dried. My hair usually doesn't lay this flat after it's towel dried. In the second picture you can kind of see my wavy roots. The BKT didn't straighten them. It just made them smoother and more manageable. The comb just glides right through. Sorry if they're not clear enough.

I just got the BKT done, actually, I did it myself and I LOVE the result. My hair feels soooo smooth and silky. I love that it doesn't dry up during the day. One of the reasons I never really liked to wear my hair out is that it always dried out so much during the day, but now it doesn't.

I naturally have a 4b texture, but with the BKT, my hair feels like a 4a. I just wanted to post for those ladies who are seriously considering having it done.

I know people probably think I'm crazy for doing it myself, but I wore a mask and I had a fan right in my face, as well as windows open. I wouldn't suggest anyone do it themselves--that was just my choice.

Bumping! Where did you get the products to do this yourself? Thanks

Also, how long does it last before you have to get another treatment?
ok - so i think i'm in denial! I think it has finally worn off but i dont want to believe it and have still been staying away from sodium chloride just to be sure. my demarcation line is getting a little more difficult and i have a little more shedding than i did when the BKT was fresh - so either its gone :( or its just summer issues. i initially said i would do it once a year, so lets so what happens. it did really burn my eyes and the dominican lady who did it felt like she was REALLY abusing my hair, but i liked the result, so i'm still thinking....... the good news is that i've been using more oils and my hair is more manageable even with the BKT wearing off. and by the way - that new Aveda dry remedy conditioner is safe to use - wippee!
I'm transitioning with BKT (9 months into the transition). My hair dries straight instead of wavy when I dry it in a bun (since that is what I normally do). I co-wash almost every day and it is just starting to ware off a little bit 1 month later. It is still nowhere close to my natural hair texture. I plan to do it every 2 months. My hair is so much more conditioned and silky. It needs way less product and it has cut down my flat ironing time to 15-20 minutes when it used to take 2+hours. I love my BKT and with it I think I can transition until whenever I feel like cutting (probably 3 years+). I do it myself at home.
My research:

I did some research on a couple of sites and this is what I've learned and understood:

1. BKT is NOT permanent, it's not like a relaxer. Its used to relax the curl/make hair less frizzy. You can have natural hair and use bkt. You can have relaxed hair and use bkt.

2. Porous (relaxed and/or colored) hair is a better candidate than non-chemically altered (virgin) to get this treatment.

3. If you do have virgin hair, it might not do as you want/ make your hair straight w/o flat ironing, but the condition of your hair will be better.

4. There are different BKT treatments. The higher the formaldehyde percentage, the longer the results last. Those that dont have formaldehyde use ether. in any case, you need proper ventilation. Results can last up to 4 months.

5. You have to use special shampoo (sodium chloride free and salt free) and conditioners. Elucence and Purology were names I recognized.

6. Names of bkt inspired processes: Coppola, Marcia Tiextra, the Kerastase Institute (please see before and after pics on the Afro hair)

What I need to know:

My hair is EXTREMELY porous, and I am looking into getting this treatment done. I'm transitioning to texturized hair. My plan is to get it done professionally for the first couple of times, then do it at home. I can see me doing this often (4 to 5x's a year) as I can't find anything to remedy my overly porous hair.

I'm scared to do this as, are there any ppl with experience with AA hair that do this??:look: Just saying.. i'd feel more comfortable having an AA stylist of some sort..

Sorry for the long post, I guess i want to know what my hair will look like afterwards. And if anyone can offer a salon in the NY area that does bkt, or the kerastase treatment, pls let me know!!

Thank you!!
all of the afro hair shots just looks like relaxed hair that has been badly air dried or blow dried with no product. it does not look like natural hair. i want to see before and afters of natural hair.
all of the afro hair shots just looks like relaxed hair that has been badly air dried or blow dried with no product. it does not look like natural hair. i want to see before and afters of natural hair.

im sorry if I disappointed you. they use the word 'afro' when that's not really what it is..
From what I know, experts disagree on what is a safe level of formaldehyde. I agree with this site that says "pick your poison and research it." I did a lot of research which made me comfortable with my decision. Each individual has to do his or her own.

I am unsure about the FDA safe levels because I think they do it by ppm which is different from % in aqueous solution. This site makes reference to the FDA regulations being 37% at least at some point in time for food additives, but it is quite possible that it is different for cosmetics.

ETA: To keep the fumes away, I have a fan that blows directly in my face. I wear a mask and gloves and I keep my windows open. The windows are quite large and let a lot of air in. It does irritate my eyes though if I turn away from the fan for too long so I am sure there some bad stuff happening there lol.
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how is the treatment working for you? how often do you do the treatment and how do you wear your hair on a regular basis (wash & go?, straight?) do you blowdry/wash&set once a week?
I usually wear my hair in a bun after I co-wash about every other day or so (it varies). Every thursday I try to do a style of some sort. I have been flat ironing because I am so excited about the difference in time it takes from being 9+ months post (transitioning) to being BKT'd. Before it would take me well over an hour minimum. Now it takes me about 15 minutes. I recently bought caruso steam rollers so I am still figuring out how to do that but my hair dries with just very slight waves in the natural part and completely straight, smooth and silky in the relaxed part. After I figure out the caruso (been researching some techniques), I will post pics in my fotki.

I do the treatment every 2 months (planned) and I like it.
I did the treatment once and loved it, but it was expensive to do at the salon, and the whole eye burning thing bothered me - lol. But i really really liked it. Someone on this board (i only remember her real name, not her username so i wont write it) recommended me to a spot in bronx newyork that does a kinda 'imitation BKT'. It was almost half the price, has no smell or burning or formaldehyde, and works REALLY well. if not equal to the bkt, then just pretty darn close. its called Keratina - and im sure there are others. I would ask around in dominican and puertorican salons for the keratina or anything similar. The guy who did my hair said he tried BKT, but once he saw it was burning through his gloves, he figured it wasnt safe and now he loves the keratina..... just a thought for those of you skeptics. Either way - adding keratin, bkt, keratina - whatever you want to call it is GREAT. relaxed or texlaxed results with easy styling and no permanent commitment - wears off in two or three months like a dye rinse.. I could do a friggin commercial for the stuff - lol.

p.s. the third pic in my siggy is after bkt, the fourth is after the keratina...
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i'm really thinking about trying this early next year after i color but im so afraid that after I stop getting the treatments, my hair won't curl up the same anymore. i know they say it wears off but still.
Miss Rissa, You can try the formaldehyde/ether free formula. It's the Ether/Formaldehyde that makes it stay straight.

Even if you do it regular, your curls will always come back... but only in like 2-3 months.

PS. I think I might do it... going off to research Keratina..:drunk:
I did the treatment once and loved it, but it was expensive to do at the salon, and the whole eye burning thing bothered me - lol. But i really really liked it. Someone on this board (i only remember her real name, not her username so i wont write it) recommended me to a spot in bronx newyork that does a kinda 'imitation BKT'. It was almost half the price, has no smell or burning or formaldehyde, and works REALLY well. if not equal to the bkt, then just pretty darn close. its called Keratina - and im sure there are others. I would ask around in dominican and puertorican salons for the keratina or anything similar. The guy who did my hair said he tried BKT, but once he saw it was burning through his gloves, he figured it wasnt safe and now he loves the keratina..... just a thought for those of you skeptics. Either way - adding keratin, bkt, keratina - whatever you want to call it is GREAT. relaxed or texlaxed results with easy styling and no permanent commitment - wears off in two or three months like a dye rinse.. I could do a friggin commercial for the stuff - lol.

p.s. the third pic in my siggy is after bkt, the fourth is after the keratina...

I actually like the way your hair look with Keratina. Maybe this will be my relaxer fix. I am so tempted...this will be a nice substitute. Do you have any links? not getting much from google.
Yeah, i didnt have much luck with google either. everything talks about the regular BKT, and the name Keratina is somewhat generic. i went to the salon and got the treatment on the recommendation of someone here at LHCF. I already had the BKT and she said it was similar w/out the smell or eye burning so i went to the salon and spoke with the stylist. I like what he had to say and so i got it done. I see signs for keratin treatments in a lot of dominican places - i live in NYC so they are everywhere. Where do you live? The stylist didnt really tell me the brand, he swore i could look it up by typing Keratin - but there are two many choices with that. Im gonna look up the username of the girl who recommended it to me and you can PM her
peacensoul is her username

BTW - im sorry i dont have a before and after pic, but the diff was dramatic from wet wash to after the treatment. even the stylist was crying that he hadnt take a before pic.
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My hair is the length in the last pic of my siggy - alittle below APL and he charged me $150. Another girl was only charged $125. As opposed to the BKT - which cost me $270. The results are pretty much the same but without the harsh smell.
Does anyone know if Mega-tek can be used with this treatment?!! I'm interested in this but I have to do my research first. TIA
I asked the same question last week - lol (cant find the link now though). I've been told they can be used safely in conjunction with each other. And since BKT is keratin and the MT is protein, it makes sense. Many members on here use both......
Hi there, sorry a bit of novice on the subject but can it be used on relaxed hair???? can someone answer me pleasssse.

Many thanks in advance
Hi there, sorry a bit of novice on the subject but can it be used on relaxed hair???? can someone answer me pleasssse.

Many thanks in advance

Ok - im just gonna continue posting all up in here - just cuz i'm bored and know the answers - lol. :grin:
Yes, it can be used on relaxed and natural all the same. Its supposed to last longer on relaxed hair and is recommended for colored hair as well. It reinforces the hair with keratin and will make it stronger against breakage and shiny (the reason relaxed heads like it) and easily styled and easy to manage/detangle (the reason naturals like it). Just keep in mind - its not permanent (wears off in a couple months) and b/c of this, whenever you do it, you have to do the whole head, rather than just the roots. hth..