Ladies who can braid...


Can you please tell me how you do it? :blush: I can't figure out how and where to start. Once I learn this, my styling options can widen and my natural journey will be more successful. Any tips you give will be appreciated.:yep:
Can you please tell me how you do it? :blush: I can't figure out how and where to start. Once I learn this, my styling options can widen and my natural journey will be more successful. Any tips you give will be appreciated.:yep:

Uhmm...I'm not sure what type of braiding you're asking about? Singles? Cornrows? With extensions? Without? It's not easy to describe it. You really have to watch someone doing it or be taught hands on. Have you tried Youtube? Or the videos offered by Robin at Or is it Braids by Breslin?
i learned how to cornrow at age 10. i've been braiding now for 18 years. i taught myself. i do all my own cornrows, twists, micros and i add hair.

i asked my mom to teach me when i was little but she said i can't teach you. you have to get in the mirror every day and practice until you learn. so that's what i did. i would part my hair down the middle and practice doing two cornrows everyday. at first i wasn't getting the hang of it. but i was determined to learn so i keep trying. i don't know how long it took me, probably some months. but one day i just got it! and i've been doing it ever since.

i think you need to watch someone do it and watch how they place their fingers and what they do. then find a head to practice on.

my little sister taught herself to braid also. i told her to practice and learn. she can't braid her own hair but she can braid other people's. she practiced on her dolls i think and also our little cousin's hair.
Just the simplest braids without extensions. I need to learn the basics before I can get fancy. Can you help me?
The best thing to learn on is a maniquin head or a barbie head if you are a visual learner a video might help go to you tube and practice practice once you learn it's like riding a bike