Ladies who BCed leaving 2-3 in. of hair...

ekomba said:
Hey Ms_Twana i big chopped bald and enjoyed it a lot as there was nothing else to do lol :lachen: i just colored it caramel blond till i grew tired and rechopp it again. (and another thing every one thought i was gay with my hair short bald lol :cool: )then i waited to grow 2 inches so i could put micro braids ( they were the only ones i could do where the braider could actually grab some hair:lol: i remember losing them everywhere hahaha one there one on the train cause they were holding to dear life lol) i never thought about wigs but its okay i mean i did not like the in between stages before i reached 2inches maybe cause it was the first time growing hair natural i looooved the polished look of the bald head with color but i did not like my twa and as soon as i reached 2inches i kept it in braids doing the crown and glory for a year and now today marks 1 year and 5months since i big chop here s some pix for the BC when i felt comfortable:

i had just shaved it with a clipper and colored it and when i grew tired of the color i let it grow a little then i chop it again really short

then i was decided to let it grow to my waist and as soon as i had 2inches just braids first tiny; but thanks to vits and mtg, baggie method keeping my hair moist, i was able to switch to just 10 cornrows that s my best crown and glory as braids were too time consuming, too much build up but its ideal when you only have 2-3inches of hair

So girl i would advise you if you big chop to first enjoy the hair short to get used to it then as soon as u have 2-3 inches to do tiny braids, wear wigs cause to me it was a shock dealing with my natural hair, i was not comfortable at first it took me a while but eventually i realized it s how u care for the hair basically. and in the meantime do a lot of protective styles (wigs), i was washing my hair daily :grin: cause it felt so liberating to chop i felt free!!!!:lol: :lachen: good luck with your decision Ms_Twana!!!!:p ;) :D

AHHHHHH, Ekomba, I've seen that blonde pic before but I must say again, YOU'RE GORGEOUS! You darn model:-)
ETA: And braids kind of scare me because someone suggested not getting braids until you have at least 5 inches of hair to grab. Do you ladies have problems with the braids slipping out??[/QUOTE]

If done properly, nope. No breakage, healthy hairline and plenty of retention and growth. HTH