Ladies that work out and hair routines


Well-Known Member
Being that is winter who wants to cowash everyday? If you workout a lot more than three times a week how to you still do it i dont think its not a low manipulation practice doing a lot a washing and detangling but if it works for u how do u do it

You should never sacrifice hair over health
I co wash and towel pat, moisturize and finger comb and manipulate right into a bun. I dont detangle until full wash and dc on saturdays. I wear pretty hats to work every day--if it's that cold. Been doing this for years. Never got sick. Because I am a bun chick. I dont need to do much more that finger combing and scarf wearing. By the time I get to work my bun is neat, shiny and air drying slowly. I'm good.
pin up my twists so the ends dont get wet/sweaty.

definitely wash every week, I only work out like 3 days a week.
I rinse at least after each workout 5 to 7 days a week. No matter what style my hair is in. If I'm bunning I don't detangle with each hair is stretched so not many tangles anyway. I will water only rinse or cowash untill my scalp laughs at me and then its time for shampoo!

Droid baby!
I co wash and towel pat, moisturize and finger comb and manipulate right into a bun. I dont detangle until full wash and dc on saturdays. I wear pretty hats to work every day--if it's that cold. Been doing this for years. Never got sick. Because I am a bun chick. I dont need to do much more that finger combing and scarf wearing. By the time I get to work my bun is neat, shiny and air drying slowly. I'm good.

Oooh, I think I like this. I'm going to have to go buy a couple of hats.

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I work out 3-5 days a week mostly 5 and I use a headband and still wash weekly. I'd like to wash more often but to tired.
I just wear twists and pin them up and tie a scarf over them while working out. During the week when going to class or out in public, I just keep the twists pinned up and wear a beanie over them (because I don't like wearing twists pinned up in public...personal preference). Then on the weekends I take my twists out for...*drumroll*...a twistout lol.
I just wear a ponytail. I dont wash more than once per week. I never had an issue with sweat being drying or anything of that nature.
I workout 5-6 days a week in the morning. If I co-wash, I use a microfiber towel to squeeze out excess water. I also wear a satin-lined hooded scarf or hat to work sometimes. On the days I work out in the evenings, I just braid my hair, squeeze out excess water and go to bed.
I just wear twists and pin them up and tie a scarf over them while working out. During the week when going to class or out in public, I just keep the twists pinned up and wear a beanie over them (because I don't like wearing twists pinned up in public...personal preference). Then on the weekends I take my twists out for...*drumroll*...a twistout lol.

This is pretty much what I do, only I dont wear a beanie or pin my twists up throughout the week.
i wear a bun or a ponytail, high on my head while i'm working out. i cowash only once a week and do a little detangling with my fingers while in the shower. i shampoo and condition once a week and that's when the main detangling session occurs. very low manipulation and it works for me, i work out like 4-6 days per week.
i pull my hair up and tie a bandana around the edges. then don't touch it until my hair dries.
it stays alright, a lil frizz but meh that's cool. i'd rather have nice abs than completely frizz-free hair, lol.
i only wash once a week, typically.
I either braid it before a workout or be ready to do a quick rinse with a 2-n-1 when I get home. I've accepted that fact that I'm gonna sweat and my hair is gonna be screwed by the end of the workout. Either way after all of that I feel the need to wash my hair anyways because running long distances makes me feel dirty. When I ran track I would put in kinky twists or braids during outdoor season to save myself time.

Health definitely goes over hair. If you're not healthy, you won't have any hair to care for.