Ladies that wear fake hair, eyelashes, whatever...


New Member
Do you ever feel incomplete or maybe even naked without them? I have recently started wearing fake eyelashes. I admit I am so hooked. :lick: In my opinion my eyelashes give my face a "finished" look without even having to wear makeup. I took them off today after 3 1/2weeks and I'm ashamed to say it....but I admit... I feel so incomplete:lachen:. I am going to put my lashes back on immediately! So how about you ladies that frequent anything false, hair, eyelashes, nails, whatever. When you take them off do you feel incomplete? No judgements.:yep:
I don't wear any of these things so I can't answer. But where is the lash pic???
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You know I haven't taken any pictures of my lashes but I will when I get them done again and share with you all.
Cant wait to see. I am sure they are beautiful with or without the lashes, but I understand what you are saying about feeling naked. I am like that with lipgloss.
Great timing. I just got lash extensions and I love them.
My natural lashes are pretty long, but these make my eyes "pop" more especially with a hint of mascara. Naked they look as nautal as my own....but I digress.

I have lash extensions and braids. No I would not feel naked without them. But I do feel naked without my Mascara.

When I learn how to turn my computer camera on:rolleyes: I'll post updates.
I didn't realize you can get lash "extensions". That sounds different than the ones people attach daily. Is that right?
Yes, Mwedzi. Eyelash extensions are different. IIRC, they attach them one at a time and they last a few weeks.

I wear braid extensions for months on end, but I don't feel any different w/o them in the sense of sth missing. It does take longer to deal w/ my hair out of them, so I miss that easy living. But I can tell you what I cannot leave the house w/o: my fake drawn-in eyebrows. :lachen:

I have never tried false eyelashes but I can see how they can be addictive. :yep:
I didn't realize you can get lash "extensions". That sounds different than the ones people attach daily. Is that right?

yes. I have individual eye lashes put on for $15 at my local beauty salon. They style my lashes to my desire. It only takes 15minutes to do and they last about a month. Semi-permanent extensions to my knowledge growout with your own lashes, and is expensive.
I didn't realize you can get lash "extensions". That sounds different than the ones people attach daily. Is that right?

YES, these are diffrent than the regular strip or individuals folks attach everyday (The longest they will last is 1week maybe) . These should last (with care) up to 2 months. The Brand I have on are 3D Lashes. They ones I have are about 8mm long. Here's a link:

The lady who installed them did a wonderful job, after the 1st day I couldn't tell they were on.
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I like this thread. When I went to college many years ago, I used to wear tons of make up and wore my hair in extension braids. I wore a lot of make up because I had bad acne then and I wore extension braids because my mother told me that natural hair should only be worn plaited or pressed. My look was also very much so representative of the 90's with Madonna and Janet Jackson (plenty of make-up and big hair). Anyhow, I never thought anything was wrong but I would feel ashamed without the make up and the hair extensions, without them I did feel naked as they were my trademark. The problem in my case was that I was not caring for my braids properly and the make-up only aggravated my acne, without them I looked a mess. So, when I left university I just did something radical, I stopped wearing make-up cold turkey and took the extension plaits out of my hair for two years. My skin cleared up and I enjoyed styling my natural hair. The journey helped me to really like myself. Now, I wear make-up but I pay much more attention to my skin, diet and hair care routine. When I went back for my college reunion over the summer (before I going back to Africa and now on haitus), all my classmates were really surprised at how young I looked and how much better I looked. With all that stuff on I looked about five years older.

Almond Eyes
I know me too, I really used to feel naked without make up some years back, now I dont care anymore, and yes it makes me look younger
I am so wanting to go get my lashes done now. I might do it before Halloween just in case it looks funny I can say it's part of my costume lol.
Well, Tammy Faye Baker wore all her make-up (including false lashes) until the very end of her life and she still found two husbands that loved her. I guess if wearing all that make-up and hair is true to who you are then you should not care what other people think. But for me, I just wanted a more natural look.

Almond Eyes
I don't go to the grocery store without wearing lip gloss - i feel like i'm naked, but i have 2 friends that MUST wear the lashes. I hear they're addictive. I may get some for the Holidays.
I feel naked without eyeliner. Feel like my eyes are bald and just plain old wrong.
I had those individual eyelashes put on once and after a week they started pointing in weird directions and a few fell off. eyelashes ain't like hair you can't tie it down and keep it in place LOL. anyways I got fed up and I'm sure I had more than 1 bald patch after trying to pull them off myself.
Won't be messing with those again
I would feel soooooo naked without my mascara!!! My eyelashes give me enough trouble as it is w/o adding more length to them :lachen: (they always reverse and stab me in the eye!) but my mascara helps keep them curled straight out AND gives more definition to my eyes. Two birds, one stone. :yep:

I would also feel kind of weird without my phony bun these days too....but that's only b/c my hair isn't long enough to make a bun by itself and I like the easiness of just slicking my hair back. If I were to slick my hair back sans phony bun however ........:nono: so that's a staple for me now too.
i really would like to get some eyelash 'enhancements' - the only thing i feel naked w/o at this point though is lip gloss - feel like i look like a corpse. i've gotten better about it now than i was in college, but its still a must for the most part.
i wear weave every now and then, like if i'm going out of town for a big weekend like a homecoming or memorial day wknd. I feel more "fancy/flashy", plus compared to everyone else i prob would feel naked without that extra oomph for those types of outings. I would just LOVE to try lashes but I'm so sensitive I think my eyelids would swell up as soon as they get attached.
That is so funny that you mention that. I was thinking about putting on some eye lashes today at work...but decided to put on some mascara (running late). I tend to not do a lot of make up. I will wear some eye liner, mascara and some gloss.

But I do feel naked if I dont have anything on my eyes and my lip gloss aint poppin.:gorgeous:
If my 'real hair' isn't done professionally......then I feel naked going out daily without my half wigs now. I have to have that new due look. But the weird thing about it is, I do get my hair professionally styled......somehow by the next two days that half wigs still finds its way to the crown of my head.LOL

Shoot.....My Half wigs have become apart of me.

I ain't going to lie.!!!!
Oh Lord! Up until very recently... like a couple weeks ago, you would not see me without some form of hair extensions (99 percent of the time)... couldn't live without them and yes, felt 'naked' without them.
Now, I'm so happy that I don't need a wig or piece to feel 'complete' when I go out and the only reason I will be wearing fake hair is for protective stylin'.

Now... I refuse to try the fake eyelashes / extensions because if I like them, I may get hooked... gotta stick to my weekly budget :look:.
Do you ever feel incomplete or maybe even naked without them? I have recently started wearing fake eyelashes. I admit I am so hooked. :lick: In my opinion my eyelashes give my face a "finished" look without even having to wear makeup. I took them off today after 3 1/2weeks and I'm ashamed to say it....but I admit... I feel so incomplete:lachen:. I am going to put my lashes back on immediately! So how about you ladies that frequent anything false, hair, eyelashes, nails, whatever. When you take them off do you feel incomplete? No judgements.:yep:

I've worn weaves back to back FOREVER. I think I did feel a little incomplete before when I didn't wear it, but now that my real hair is the same length as my weave I no longer feel that way.
one of my girlfriends turned me onto revitalash, she used it all summer and shocked the hell out of me when i saw her for the first time in a while in the fall she no longer has to use false lashes at all. i was really skeptical when she first told me about it $100 eyelash conditioner umm no. but i just received my order last wednesday and i'm already seeing some results. i cant wait to see what they look like after a month or 2
i recently got my eyelashes enchanced for fullness and yes i am hooked. Shame but so worth the $15 dollars, and tons of compliments too,
Nope...... I did used to feel that way about weaves back when I was relaxed and damaged but not anymore. You might see me one day with fake hair and my own hair the next. Same thing with makeup. I've never worn fake lashes though.
i had lash extentions before and it was a complete waste of money for me. maybe the place i went to just wasn't up to par but, they charged me $60.. when it was all said and done, i had thin wispy lashes ( i perfer thick over long ) that came out every time i washed my face. i perfer the strip lashes that you glue on. i don't feel naked without them, even though i wear them a couple times per week but, they definately give my face/eyes a more finished look.. i LOVE them.