Ladies that use MOTIONS CPR TREATMENT . . . . . .


New Member
It's been a while since i have used Motions CPR treatment. However i want to start using it again because it worked for me in the past (it really strengthened my hair).
I just wanted to ask some few questions just to get an idea of how you ladies use it? Maybe i can add a thing or two when using it . . . . . .

How often do you use this treatment?

If you do use it weekly, how do you maintain the moisture in your hair?

When you do use it, what do you mix with it? i.e Olive Oil etc.

TIA :)

I use Motions CPR once a month and it works great! It also really strengthens my hair. I don't mix it with anything. It does not cause my hair to become dry but then again, I don't use it weekly.
I use it as a pre poo weekly. It doesn't dry out my hair at all, it makes it feel really soft. I moisturize twice a day and baggy every day, so moisture isn't a problem :) Oh, I don't mix it with anything.
I love Motions CPR. I use it about once a month. After I wash my hair I put on the CPR and sit under the dryer/heating cap for about 20 mins. After I rinse the CPR out, I will put in some regular condtioner in for a final rinse. (for about 5 mins as I shower) I never have problems with hard hair after doing it this way.
I recently started using it.

I clarify and then use it w/ heat for about 20 min.
Then I DC with a moisturizing conditioner (like Motions Moisture Plus)
From there I use my daily moisturizer every day or every other day.
I love Motions CPR, it is really good for my natural hair. I use it every two weeks or at least once a month. I have used it by itself with a heating cap or mixed with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner and it works very well both ways.
I use it every other week, usually with some EVOO or Shea Butter oil and always with heat. It has definitely helped my shedding and breakage. My hair comes out soft and strong. I love it.
I've also used it as a pre-poo, with oils, and that work great, too. Same results.
I loved cpr....I used it when I was natural before and it was wonderful...I keep forgetting how good these products were...Right now I use Protein Reconstructor by Motions and its doing a great job.
I use CPR whenever I have breakage. I have mixed it with evoo and amla oil in the past, but I think it is not as effective mixed. Sometimes I follow up with Motions Moisture Plus if I have any tangles.
How often do you use this treatment? Weekly

If you do use it weekly, how do you maintain the moisture in your hair?
moisturizing 2x daily and the baggie method helps me maintain moisture
When you do use it, what do you mix with it? i.e Olive Oil etc.
I usually do a hot oil treatment on my scalp and apply the motions to my hair
Thank you Ladies for all your advice. I really appreciate it. :)

@Nikkipo i intend to do it weekly with EVOO and i would try to balance the moisture by moisturing my hair daily. Would let you know how that goes . . . . . .
Estelle said:
It's been a while since i have used Motions CPR treatment. However i want to start using it again because it worked for me in the past (it really strengthened my hair).
I just wanted to ask some few questions just to get an idea of how you ladies use it? Maybe i can add a thing or two when using it . . . . . .

How often do you use this treatment?

If you do use it weekly, how do you maintain the moisture in your hair?

When you do use it, what do you mix with it? i.e Olive Oil etc.

TIA :)

I use it whenever I'm doing wayyyy too much to my hair. I use it a week before I color it... then post color I deeply moisturize. That helps lock in the color anyways.

When I use it, I just use it as it comes in the tub. Then I deep moisturize with heat and then do a hot oil treatment.
Estelle said:
It's been a while since i have used Motions CPR treatment. However i want to start using it again because it worked for me in the past (it really strengthened my hair).
I just wanted to ask some few questions just to get an idea of how you ladies use it? Maybe i can add a thing or two when using it . . . . . .

How often do you use this treatment?

If you do use it weekly, how do you maintain the moisture in your hair?

When you do use it, what do you mix with it? i.e Olive Oil etc.

TIA :)

Which Motions CPR are you all using? I saw mention of a 'tub'. The MOTIONS CPR I use is in a yellow bottle; are the tub and bottle the same? I get good, soft, smoothing with the one in the bottle.
I use it bi-weekly. Since I use heat that often, it really helps in keeping my hair from fallin out from all the heat. I use the Motions Cpr after wash, then follow up with Lekair. So I don't se any loss of moiture.
BrooklynSouth said:
Which Motions CPR are you all using? I saw mention of a 'tub'. The MOTIONS CPR I use is in a yellow bottle; are the tub and bottle the same? I get good, soft, smoothing with the one in the bottle.

The one in the bottle that u have is probably the RECONSTRUCTOR and the one in the tub in, that i have, is the TREATMENT.
BrooklynSouth said:
Which Motions CPR are you all using? I saw mention of a 'tub'. The MOTIONS CPR I use is in a yellow bottle; are the tub and bottle the same? I get good, soft, smoothing with the one in the bottle.


^^^ That one. It has the lil herb fleck things in it.
Thanks, Ayoung and Suerte. Would you believe I had this in my hands today at the Sallys counter but put it back when I was told it is not a part of the "Buy 2, get 1 Motions for free" sale? I'll be buying it tomorrow prior to my touch up with my switch from SILK ELEMENTS REGULAR LYE to SILK ELEMENTS MILD. LHCF is the best hair consultant there is!
I haven't used this in awhile but is a nice protein treatment that doesn't give me hard as a rock hair. As you can see from some hair pics of users, it really does prevent and halt damage over the long run.
I have used this every 4 days with success......sometimes I would follow up with the Motions Moisture Plus if my hair need extra moisture. Motions CPR is one of my staples.