Ladies that retained 5 or more inches of hair in 2007


New Member
I need your hair care regimine and any tips you may have. If you were able to retain 5 or more inches of hair this past year.

Thanks! :)
hi there. I got about 5"-6". I trimmed once ( about 1 inch) myself. The biggest contributor of retention is moisturizing daily and wearing satin caps every night. Also, i recently limited direct heat to once every 2 months for length check only. I used to have soooo much breakage when i would flat iron frequently..but not anymore!:nono:

I wash and deep condition frequently now, but I did not for most of the year. I co washed often and wore ponytails. Rollersets will be all I do in 2008:yep: I am aiming for 10 inches. (I got two inches in 7 weeks using MN and co washing every other day:drunk:)
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I went from being barely SL to a smidgeon away from APL this year. I don't measure my hair or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's 5 inches or more :look:

Anywho, for about my first 9 months here I did the typical stuff. Washed and dc'ed once a week, moisturized daily, baggied nightly, wore protective styles (UPA clip, assisted doughnut bun, snoods, etc), stretched 12 weeks between relaxers, and I used Lenzi's Request mixed with Capsaicin every other day. When I got too much new growth, I would flat iron my roots on wash day (after my hair airdried) and keep it like that till next wash day. I took vitamins too, but not long enough to see results. Well, except for the MSM, I saw results from that. MSM made my new growth so easy to manage. And when I relaxed it, it was so shiny, smooth and pretty.

For the last 3 months, I've switched up my regimen. Now I do daily co-washes and I dc with a hooded dryer twice a week. My hair loves moisture, so that's what I give it. After I co wash, I apply my leave in and put it back in a bun till the next day. I still stretch relaxers, but I'm not taking vitamins (I'm preggo) and I hardly ever use heat (probably about 2-4x's a year) I stopped using Lenzi's Request a while ago but I'm gonna jump on the mn bandwagon in a few days :yep:

Sorry so long, but you asked :lol:
I dont measure either but I went from the bottom of my neck to armpit and it was from february thru october where I got most of my growth (my hair seems to be taking a break from growing at the moment).

I cowashed anywhere from everyday to every 2 or 3 days and moisturized twice a day. I deep conditioned once a week without heat (I just got a dryer about a month ago). I relaxed every 3-4 months. I only used direct heat 2 or 3 times last year. I never used vitamins or growth aids consistently (maybe a week here and there lol). Thats on my to do list this year...take vitamins consistently. Also Im rollersetting under the dryer now instead of airdrying part of the time and am going to experiment with airdrying in a rollerset...Im just too impatient to wait that long for it to dry.
I retained about 8" last year (from the end of 2006). I would say the main things are moisturizing and sealing daily, being gentle with my hair, laying off the brushing and the trimming and eventually the combing. Vitamins like biotin, flaxseed oil and B-100 certainly helped as well I think. With all this I don't think I got very much breakage at all last year and so I was able to retain all or most of my length.

My current regimen
wash 2x a week
dc w/heat at every wash
comb every week or two
protective styles 99% of the time
always sleep in satin cap
moisturize and seal with castor oil daily
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This is what I did my first six months to retain length:

-stopped using heat
-always wore my hair up
-kept my hair moisturized
-only combing my hair on wash days (which was once every 2 weeks back then)
-use castor oil for EVERYTHING!
-baggy my dry ends (dry, as is not wet)
-stretched my relaxers
-took evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil daily on an empty stomach
-drank 64 oz. of water a day
-drank a glass of carrot, celery, cucumber juice daily

I know this is a little extra, but my hair was very damaged when I first got here. But all this is second nature to me now, so until I get to mid-back, this is most likely what I will keep on doing.
Same here!

-I wash and DC every five days
-This is the only time that I comb
-I put my hair into a bun in the shower after combing
-Leave it like that to dry
-I moisturize every evening
-low/no manipulation

Plus great products of course, lol!
I did! I started at neck length in Jan and now I'm about 1 inch from APL. Check out my fotki and there you will find my regi. I plan to update my fotki in Feb after my relaxer.
I did! I started at neck length in Jan and now I'm about 1 inch from APL. Check out my fotki and there you will find my regi. I plan to update my fotki in Feb after my relaxer.

from NECK to APL....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if this is possible being natural.... right now I am neck length stretched...If I could get to APL stretched..... couldnt tell me nothing :grin::lick:
I need your hair care regimine and any tips you may have. If you were able to retain 5 or more inches of hair this past year.

Thanks! :)
My hair care regimen is in my fotki. Basically no heat, no chemicals, deep conditioning, protective styles, low manipulation (I comb my hair anywhere from every two weeks to every six weeks--usually closer to six weeks than two weeks--and only when there is deep conditioner in it), gentleness, and washing as my hair and scalp tell me to (rather than on a set schedule) are what work for me. I went from just below BSL to waist length this year and the bangs I cut in went from just above my chin to between my boobs (I have a very long neck). I didn't take vitamins or use growth aids either (I'm not disciplined enough nor am I convinced enough of their efficacy). I also have natural hair and never wear it straight.
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Good tips ladies.

I've incorporated most of these tips into my regimen since about November, and I've noticed a great change in my hair. Hopefully 08 will be my year to reach APL....
I think I did - I don't actually measure, so I'm not sure... but here's what I did...

1) Protective Styling - I can't over emphasize this enough, esp. for my fine & dry hair.
2) Henna - gave my hair the additional strength it needs to stay strong
3) Weekly DC's - insured my hair had the flexibility it needed to stretch and bend, not snap.
4) No Heat - none. Not even bonnets. The closest I get to heat is hot water.
5) Low Manipulation - I touch my loose strands once a week. My goal in 2008 is to up that to twice a month, and see how things go.

That's about it, really.
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Hey everyone! I got about 5 inches this year. I went from NL to a little bit below SL this year. Im so excited!

+ Kept my hair braided the entire year, ( 99.999 % of the time)
+ Weekly deep conditioning and wash
+ Incorporated moisture in my regimen using oils (castor oil, olive oil, coconut oil ect.)
+ Combing less frequently, once a week at time of wash
+ Taking hair vitamins daily, Superfood vitamins, new diet consisting of fruits and veggies
+ Incorporating Boundless Tresses into my regimen (made a world of difference!)
[size=+1] I started at nape in 11/06 now I'm apl. That's with 2 hair cuts and 1 trim. I had to get all the fried ends off due to a bad dye job. :(

I don't use heat.
I henna every month or every other month.
I wear a bun 24/7.
I condition wash 2-3x's a week.
I wash once a week.
I use tons of moisturizer.
I pree poo with oils( shikakai, amla, or coconut)
I seal my ends with vaseline.

Once I reach more daily bunning for me. :)
LOVE!! your hair Sounce - it's BEAUTIFUL!

My hair care regimen is in my fotki. Basically no heat, no chemicals, deep conditioning, protective styles, low manipulation (I comb my hair anywhere from every two weeks to every six weeks--usually closer to six weeks than two weeks--and only when there is deep conditioner in it), gentleness, and washing as my hair and scalp tell me to (rather than on a set schedule) are what work for me. I went from just below BSL to waist length this year and the bangs I cut in went from my chin to between my boobs. I didn't take vitamins or use growth aids either (I'm not disciplined enough nor am I convinced enough of their efficacy). I also have natural hair and never wear it straight.
I try to keep it pretty simple.

Wash 1x wk w/ Aveda DR Shampoo, for the conditioning I switch between almond bark, dr, and dr protein treatment.

After a wash I put a little brahmi/amla oil on scalp and through the hair, and sesame oil on the ends. And style, usually protective/tangle preventing styling.

2 - 3 x week I massage brahmi/amla oil into the scalp and hair then rinse and detangle the next morning.
This has got to be one of the best threads. I've been co-washing 1x per week and I notice a drastic change, my hair is so much softer. I've done 2 henna treatments and I've noticed the change. I've applied mn about 2x's per week and my hair has grown about an inch from 11/27 with the middle almost filled in again. I have committed to 4 sessions of the longhair bootcamp. I'm going to trust you guys and remain consistent in refraining from heat. That's truly the only way huh?
I believe that I got about 5 to 6 inches.
I started out January 2007 at above collarbone.
I have long neck mind here's what I did...
  • The first few months I washed 2xs a week and did alot of con washes/ sealing with sesame seed oil. Bunning and cornrows. This help my hair get healthy again and fuller. Also it help with stopping mass breakage.
  • I had stopped using heat all together for about 7 months and then I started to blowdry my hair every once in a while...but this was because I started to notice growth and I wanted to see how long it was getting.
  • I used vitamins all throughout 2007. The last few months of the year I realized which vitamins I want to hold on to and which ones I wanted to stop. (I take my vitamins by mixing them in my homemade fruit smoothies. Some I take daily without mixing in a smoothie)
  • Now, I have learned that protective styles and NO manipulation as much as possible is the way my hair grows. I had to train my hair to grow. I had to let my hair realize that I wanted it to grow. Once it realized what I was doing it succombed to my wishes.
From December 06 to December 07 I went from about 2-4 jagged, damaged inches to a nice even, smooth, healthy just at shoulder length. There were, of course, a few trims in there as well. Like the other ladies, it was the result of lots of care. I wash and deep condition twice a week, co-wash on the alternate days, wear protective styles, after conditioning, I use a leave-in, seal with oil (castor and camellia). On my date night with DH, I roller set after the wash/dc, and my hair goes back up.

I still try new products, but I do not deviate from my wash/dc/co-wash/leavein/seal schedule, and the only time my hair is not up is on date night. I do take vitamins for hair and health reasons, something I also thing contributes to my hair growth and health.
I wash and condition my hair daily. I only comb my hair in the shower under running water. I henna:love:, and I take my vitamins(MSM, Biotin, Flaxseed Oil pill). I also deep condition once a week.

My products that I cant live without are African's Best Tea Tree and Shea Butter Moisturizer, Jamican Black Castor Oil, Salerm 21, ORS Replinishing Pack, Dudley's Moisturizing Conditioner, QP Conditioner (I mix all three conditioners for deep conditioning) and I use Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner for my daily washes.

Good luck.
I need your hair care regimine and any tips you may have. If you were able to retain 5 or more inches of hair this past year.

Thanks! :)

okay i didn't get all 5 inches in 2007... i'm counting from February 2007 till now. but that's a year so it's okay right? :yep:

i contribute my length retention to sticking with a simple routine and leaving my hair alone for the most part. i am natural so i co-wash all week with a 50% V05/50% water mixture... then wash with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa shampoo... detangle once a week with V05 conditioner... deep condition with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner (add conditioner, put on shower cap, wrap with a towel, sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse). i then put Afro Detangler on my hair, brush thru, and plop. i then go back to co-washing all week. once a month i use egg and mayo to give my hair a protein treatment. :yep: in the colder months (like now) i'm on the Crown and Glory method... i only wear protective styles (sometimes with extensions, sometimes without) and i just wash and condition once a week (no co-washing). i use Wild Growth Hair Oil after washing/conditioning and leave my hair alone after that.

HTH! :grin: