Ladies that do preshampoo treatments


Well-Known Member
I know some people do hot oil treatments (myself included) but some also do preshampoo treatments with conditioners.

I was wondering, what benefits do you get from using conditioner as a preshampoo treatment as opposed to hot oils? Also, can you share what you do to use the conditioner as a preshampoo? For example......

Do you put it on dry hair/wet hair?
Do you rinse it out completely before shampooing?
Do you add any oils to it?

Thanks in advance!!!!

I don't think there are any special advantages to using conditioners as preshampoo treatments as opposed to using oils. I'd say it's just a matter of personal preference. Same thing if you spike that conditioner with oils, blackstrap molasses or even some avocado. It's what works for your hair.

I haven't done this in a long time. When I did, I would dampen my hair a bit for easy spreadability with the conditioner. Not for maximum penetration or anything like that.

Can remember a bad experience I had doing this with Aubrey's GPB. I left it in my hair overnight and I had actually done a mini-hot oil treatment previous to applying the conditioner. In the morning, my hair was coated like I had applied thick milk. I say "bad experience" because I had to use a lot of warm water just to loosen the mess up.

What were you thinking of trying? Pray you are well!

Much Love,

I mix the oils with a conditioner like tea tree or peppermint because I like the "tingly" effect and it makes detangling my hair easier.
I do it for the same reason as sassygirl. I was doing just oil treatments, but it was hard to detangle my hair before I would shampoo it. With me having natural thick 4a/b hair, i need to detangle before I shampoo or i will have knots and tangles. the conditoner makes it easy to detangle before I shampoo, also the shampoo seems to be more gentle when applied to conditioner/oil coated hair.

I began doing preshampoo treatments w/ cholestral because I was suffering from dryness and excessive tangling.
I put the conditioner on my dry hair and put a plastic cap for about 30 to 60 minutes. Then I rinsed and detangled completely, then I did my normal wash. I did this faithly for 5 months 2X a week and my hair no longer tangles
This is confusing to me but here is a guess, in that I don't do either on a regular bases, I would think it depended on what was in the conditioner. I could be as wrong a 2 left shoes here but I was thinking that part of the purpose of doing either was to counter the drying/stripping effects of the shampoo by giving the shampoo something extra to remove thus minimizing its strength. If this thinking is correct than I would think, in general, oil would give shampoo a run for the money.

On the other hand, if a conditioner (water based) is used to help saturate the cuticle so that there wouldn't be any room for the shampoo to get into the cuticle, as well as giving the shampoo an extra job to do in trying to remove the conditioner that's coating the hair, than again the shampoos negative effect would be limited some.

So I guess, it really depended on what your hair needs are at the time of the preshampoo treatment due to the amount of build up, strength of the shampoo and other factors. They both seem to be beneficial.

Okay Sistahs in the know, help me out here if there is anything more to be said to get the theory right. TIA.

There were numerous posts about preconditioning in November 2003.
Comments by Peachtree, Chocokitty, Faith, and Boadicea came up in the search.

Does anyone still precondition their dry hair before wetting it in the shower? Are there major detangling benefits? Do you use the same conditioner for the preconditioning as for CO washing?
megon...I just peeped your album and DANG your hair has grown! It looks beautiful, healthy, shiny, and LONG! You grow girl!
I haven't been preconditioning as of late do to lack of supplies. However, pre-conditioning helps me to detangle. Plus I think my hair benefits from from the extra amount of moisture. I apply cholesterol, honey, coconut milk & lime to my hair while it's dry. Then rinse in the shower; shampoo & condition (w/ a regular condtioner or AO GPB). I don't feel the need to deep condition afterwards with this approach. I think it saves (me) a little more time in the bathroom. I can slap my preconditioner on with a plastic cap and run around the house until I'm ready to shampoo. Versus washing and conditioning; then deep conditioning and having to jump back into the shower.

BTW Megon--your really looks good! Way to grow mama!
I was just thinking of doing this today. I have a bit of LeKair cholesterol I've been trying to use up and I was considering applying it to my dry hair, maybe mixed with some H6O. If it works well, I think it is something I might do regularly once I get to school. I rarely do any conditioning that takes longer than my shower when I'm at school simply because it's inconvenient to keep getting in and out of the shower. If I do a pretreatment I can just apply while in my room with a plastic cap and then just shampoo and condition like normal whenever I'm ready

As a matter of fact I think I'm gonna go slather my head with LeKair right now, before I read any more threads...
Do you put it on dry hair/wet hair? Dry

Do you rinse it out completely before shampooing? Yes

you add any oils to it? I put EVOO on my hair first, then add the conditioner (Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal) right over it.

I added the conditioner because sometimes my ends would dry out from being under my soft bonnet dryer.

Before adding conditioner, my hair was easy to detangle. I just wanted extra moisture.
Sometimes I do it on wet, sometimes on dry.
I rinse it out before shampooing.
I add EVOO/B&B Oil It Up in it. (suave m&h)

I started doing it to keep my hair from being stripped.
<font color="purple">I prefer to do the treatment on dry hair. I mix my treatment with conditioner(I use Suave Tropical Coconut or VO5 Oasis Honey &amp; Almond), EVOO or Castor oil, shea butter, coconut milk and honey or sorghum syrup. Melt it in the microwave, pour the warm treatment to my hair and cover it with a plastic cap for about and hour or two. And rinse in the shower. My hair is normal, but needs to add more moisture so my ends won't be parched. </font>
Do you put it on dry hair/wet hair? Dry

Do you rinse it out completely before shampooing? Yes

Do you add any oils to it? Depends on what I feel my hair needs at the time. Sometimes it needs a hot oil treatment, sometimes just conditioner, and other times a cholesterol treatment. No hard and fast rules here. I obey my hair.
Hey Daviine...long time no see. How the heck have you been?

I started to do preshampoo treatments again because I noticed my hair is softer after I do one.

Do you put it on dry hair/wet hair?Dry

Do you rinse it out completely before shampooing? No....not completely...maybe half.

Do you add any oils to it? six oil
Hey Faith!

It's so funny that you said "long time no see". When I saw your name, I was like "Faith? Is that you?" But I see it is! :lol:

I'm fine. How the heck are you?