Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently...


Well-Known Member
I just want to say this i may not be buying anymore products(homemade and even now more weary of the shelf life of products at stores now) from anyone and even store brought if im not going to use them consistently or faithfully.

If this didnt scare me enough to consider tossing everything that i havent been using faithfully(including store brought and mail ordered/homemade). The other night i was about to go and use a product i ordered probably about back in April on my hair. I had one bottle not used and one 1/2 bottle that had been used. So im looking at the bottom of the bottle and seeing this cloudy mole like dark worm looking stuff at the bottom. I know i didnt get the bottle like that when it came. And i kept the bottles in a cool place.

So i shake it and say oh well maybe its the ingredients just laying at the bottom. It would dissolve a little but still come to rest and look the same. I tossed both bottles. I'll take a picture when i get home because they are still in a upright position at the bottom of my trash can and i need to clean out alot more products.

This kind of reminded me of the show Tyra did on bacteria etc in makeup products and other things.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Great advice. I had the rash from hell a couple of months ago and I'm almost positive that it came from a bad conditioner.
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Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Wow. I was just thinking how I bought too many products "experimenting" and they are just sitting there.

Thanks lady. I'll be doing to cleaning out tonight.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for the reminder. I have a bunch of stuff just collecting dust under my sink. I don't know why it's so hard to say goodbye. :nono:
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for the heads up.

I guess I should start washing my hair more often.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for the reminder. I have a bunch of stuff just collecting dust under my sink. I don't know why it's so hard to say goodbye. :nono:

yea im the same exact way ive actually gotten to small containers full of hair products and i need to do the same with skin and body products say goodbye to them. But im not sure why i cant. I guess because i figure i'll go back and use them or may need them later.

But then thats when a good regimen would come into play with hair and skin etc. And one product for each thing.

1- skin cleanser
1- shaving cream
1- face moisturizer
1- body lotion
1- toner
1- exfolilator product
1- hair moisturizer
1 to 2 - shampoo
1 to 2 - conditioner

I think thats what im going to work on is getting to this point. But ive been trying to use up the products i do have to not be wasteful. It doesnt help with buying all these products and sometimes never getting a chance to use them or switching up products(because how do i know what will work).
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for the heads up. There are a lot of bottles I bought at the start of my journey that I haven't got back to now that I have my staple products. I was trying to get rid of some this week.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I know why I don't like to throw anything out. It just feels so good to look in your cabinet and see row upon row of fabulous (and not so fabulous) products to use. I like seeing them all and I count them to make sure my sister hasn't stole anything. I pretty much use all of mine or I think I do. I like to have a variety.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I just want to say this i may not be buying anymore products(homemade and even now more weary of the shelf life of products at stores now) from anyone and even store brought if im not going to use them consistently or faithfully.

If this didnt scare me enough to consider tossing everything that i havent been using faithfully(including store brought and mail ordered/homemade). The other night i was about to go and use a product i ordered probably about back in April on my hair. I had one bottle not used and one 1/2 bottle that had been used. So im looking at the bottom of the bottle and seeing this cloudy mole like dark worm looking stuff at the bottom. I know i didnt get the bottle like that when it came. And i kept the bottles in a cool place.

So i shake it and say oh well maybe its the ingredients just laying at the bottom. It would dissolve a little but still come to rest and look the same. I tossed both bottles. I'll take a picture when i get home because they are still in a upright position at the bottom of my trash can and i need to clean out alot more products.

This kind of reminded me of the show Tyra did on bacteria etc in makeup products and other things.

It's interesting that you post this. I was thinking about something very similar. Most of the products that we buy are in coloured bottles or opaque in someway. We have no way of knowing how the product looks throughout or if it is going bad. I wish that products, especially natural ones were sold in clear bottles. I have started putting mine in clear bottles after I noticed something "weird" with something I used in a solid bottle.

Manufactuers can still make their bottles attractive with clear bottles with pretty lables. I've seen it done!
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I know why I don't like to throw anything out. It just feels so good to look in your cabinet and see row upon row of fabulous (and not so fabulous) products to use. I like seeing them all and I count them to make sure my sister hasn't stole anything. I pretty much use all of mine or I think I do. I like to have a variety.

I do the same thing. I keep mine in a closet and at least once a day I look in there to see all of the pretty products lined up nice and neat. Makes me think I have my own little BSS.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I know girl:lachen:. I feel like a stylist when I get ready to do my hair. Then I get to mixing them together and that's a whole different story.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

ewww so they go bad? dang i def have some old products I never look in them though.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I know why I don't like to throw anything out. It just feels so good to look in your cabinet and see row upon row of fabulous (and not so fabulous) products to use. I like seeing them all and I count them to make sure my sister hasn't stole anything. I pretty much use all of mine or I think I do. I like to have a variety.

Yes Yes Yes it's the ssame feeling I get when i go into the beauty store!! I LOVE having a I need to put myself on a "Just use it all up" challenge
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Wow! The product you ordered in April, was it an item you can find in a BSS or it was a homemade product?

Thanks for the heads up. I would hate to have to cut my hair off due to a fungus or something.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Good Thread!!! I was guilty of buying a million products just to collect dust...

I decided to use everything that I currently have before I buy another product.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

It definatley has to be a $$ factor! Especially after shelling out $10 for a shampoo that I don't even like I can't even see myself throwing it away.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Wow! The product you ordered in April, was it an item you can find in a BSS or it was a homemade product?

Thanks for the heads up. I would hate to have to cut my hair off due to a fungus or something.

No it wasnt a product brought from a BSS. It was a product homemade---when i say homemade it was made by a member on a hair board and i ordered it(im not going to put the member on blast because thats not my style and i probably shouldve used the products as soon as i got it. I dont believe in knocking anyones business just like to make people aware to be careful with the products that they have and been having for too long either BSS or ordered from online etc.)--not as in i made the product and mixed it together. Sorry i didnt clarify that.

That is a good idea about the clear bottles forget the dark colored bottles i have to know the shelf life and open the product now to make sure it smells and looks right. Its hard to tell with those dark colored products though.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I'm not sure if you ladies have noticed but many hair products now have either an expiration date (like my Humecto expires 4/12/10) or has a small picture of an open jar with 12M, 18M on it...that indicates the shelf life after opening.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

No it wasnt a product brought from a BSS. It was a product homemade---when i say homemade it was made by a member on a hair board and i ordered it(im not going to put the member on blast because thats not my style and i probably shouldve used the products as soon as i got it. I dont believe in knocking anyones business just like to make people aware to be careful with the products that they have and been having for too long either BSS or ordered from online etc.)--not as in i made the product and mixed it together. Sorry i didnt clarify that.

That is a good idea about the clear bottles forget the dark colored bottles i have to know the shelf life and open the product now to make sure it smells and looks right. Its hard to tell with those dark colored products though.

I won't want you to call them out either:nono:. But good looking out.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for the reminder. I have a bunch of stuff just collecting dust under my sink. I don't know why it's so hard to say goodbye. :nono:

For me I used to think about all the money I wasted, but last month I said forget it. I dumped almost everything under my bathroom sink cabinet that I wasn't using, and I will do so again soon.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Please take a pic of it for us. I wanna see.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

This has pushed me to stop procrastinating and clean out my hair closet. Yes, hair closet, I have one now too!
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

see this is why i bought a mini fridge for my homemade n natural hair products. anything homemade like store bought has to have a peservative in it. otherwise u might as well collect the recipe and make it urself.
my discovery this past weekend: i put aloe vera gel, water, and glycerin in a spray bottle thinking i'll be able to use it as is...uh uh, a week maybe 2, white mold just showed up and was like what's happenin'! That spray bottle got an emergency clorox n water in the quickness. but i haven't heard of store bought p's, has anyone else? But I have heard natural products should be placed in the fridge and not kept as long as the average p's we buy.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Okay here are the pictures of the bottles they arent that great of pictures to see but i was trying not to actually show the label for the members sake and her business.

I didnt make any changes of the bottles or take the product out of the bottle that it came in. This is the bottle that it came in and yes i tried to see if i could shake the product up several times to see if it would dissolve and if it was just the ingredients and it wouldnt. It looks somewhat like a mole. I didnt even smell it or nothing.
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Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

see this is why i bought a mini fridge for my homemade n natural hair products. anything homemade like store bought has to have a peservative in it. otherwise u might as well collect the recipe and make it urself.
my discovery this past weekend: i put aloe vera gel, water, and glycerin in a spray bottle thinking i'll be able to use it as is...uh uh, a week maybe 2, white mold just showed up and was like what's happenin'! That spray bottle got an emergency clorox n water in the quickness. but i haven't heard of store bought p's, has anyone else? But I have heard natural products should be placed in the fridge and not kept as long as the average p's we buy.

Mercy, I just made this mixture myself. I guess I'll be putting that in the fridge and using it liberally. :ohwell:
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

As I've narrowed and continue to search for my staples, I've thrown out many a bottle of almost full products. I have no problem throwing it out if it didn't work. More room to store something that does work!
My mom, on the other hand, hates for me to throw stuff out and she'll keep taking it out of the trash, so I really wind up throwing out the same stuff 3-4 times.
Anyway, nothing has lasted long enough in my cabinet to go bad.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

eww, that's gross! bluediamond i would have tossed that out to girl...was it preserved?
VioletW....I'm wondering about putting vodka in homemade concoctions. I know some natural lines use vodka as a perservative, does anyone use it in their formulas?
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

:eek:... OK, they were not very pretty pictures :nono:.
I'm a little worried now, because I've bought some homemade products that I know I will not get through within the next few months.

Question for everybody: Do you think that if I put them in the fridge it will keep them from 'going off'?
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

refridgeration can help, even freezing really helps...someone mentioned putting their carmel in th freezer to store for later...that's what i do for my carmel and it unthaws quickly, i grab what i need and throw it right back in the freezer.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

refridgeration can help, even freezing really helps...someone mentioned putting their carmel in th freezer to store for later...that's what i do for my carmel and it unthaws quickly, i grab what i need and throw it right back in the freezer.

I've just checked the website where I bought my products and they say that the shelf life of their products is a year, but I think I'll store them in the fridge just to be sure! Thanx DivaD and BlueDiamond!