Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently...

Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Thanks for posting the pics. It definitely looks like they've gone bad.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I've just checked the website where I bought my products and they say that the shelf life of their products is a year, but I think I'll store them in the fridge just to be sure! Thanx DivaD and BlueDiamond!

u're welcome. its always cool talking to ya.
blued thanks for posting, i definitely helps us keep stuff like this in mind when it comes to bacteria growth in our products. i know i have stuff i don't use but keep them for that, just in case moments...i'm just going to get up and toss them, they've been sitting up in the shelf for 2 years now, i don't want them, if i did i would have used them by now.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Yes everytime i would look at the pics and even the bottles when i was taking pics i felt grossed out. I'm even checking the products and looking at them now for everything i look at.

I even told my mom because she has a closet full of products at home and i told her to go ahead and clean them out and get rid of them if my sister is not using them for her hair.

I'm trying my best now to use up whatever i have and get rid of all the products. Sorry ladies im not sending out anything i dont want to put not only my hair at risk but anyone elses hair at risk. So I wont even list them on the exchange board or try to profit off of them.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

Wow - that was a good catch.

For those who make homemade products - tea tree oil is a good preservative, as is citric acid - I usually add one or the other to anything 'homemade' that I make to extend it's shelf life.
Anything that I make homemade with shelf-stable products (butters, saa, honeyquat, etc, etc), I don't worry so much about going bad - if it's not going to go bad in the bottle on it's own, I doubt that it's going to go bad mixed together.
Anything with honey/yogurt/coconut/food products in it, I make either ONE 'serving', or the leftovers go in the freezer.
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

No it wasnt a product brought from a BSS. It was a product homemade---when i say homemade it was made by a member on a hair board and i ordered it(im not going to put the member on blast because thats not my style and i probably shouldve used the products as soon as i got it. I dont believe in knocking anyones business just like to make people aware to be careful with the products that they have and been having for too long either BSS or ordered from online etc.)--not as in i made the product and mixed it together. Sorry i didnt clarify that.

That is a good idea about the clear bottles forget the dark colored bottles i have to know the shelf life and open the product now to make sure it smells and looks right. Its hard to tell with those dark colored products though.

refrigeration for natural products with no perservatives in them works

I bought A CPR that went bad , really funky smell! I think they changed the formula now because it hasnt happened since, or it was a bad batch
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

I wonder if the product was made with preservatives or not? I think that a product could have a 1 year shelf life with the proper preservatives. Liquapar is pretty good for natural hair oil/cream concoctions, while germaben is good for shampoos and conditioners!
Re: Ladies please throw out products that your not using faithfully and consistently.

im not sure about the ingredients i know msm was in it and some other products so yes refrigeration may have been the key to keep it from going bad. But i guess i found out the hard way and im sure im not the only one that hasnt never had to refrigerate products, but this really lets me know that i dont need to buy EVERYTHING for my hair and to be more critical about the ingredients.

I'm going back to the basics anyway with my hair no more extra i guess as some say KSS(Keep it Simple)