Ladies Please Help...Really Bad Breakage


New Member
Hi Ladies,
Okay so I had a weave put in and it broke my hair off dramatically, I've also been stressing alot lately so that didn't help.
My breakage is kinda severe, I'm kidding myself its bad. Its all around the hairline and in the back or nape area. I actually went to a docctor who referred me to a dermatologist. Ladies I've never seen my hair this bad and I'm extremely depressed about it. I know its only hair but dammit when u look good u feel good and its looking horrible.

Can you ladies please please help me and give me some recommendtions on products to use, pills, homemeade concoctions I don't care I just need to know what I should take to get it growing fast.
(((((((BIG HUGS))))))))) I know it is feels bad now but you can baby your hair and it will grow back, patience and time.

My suggestions of products:
Hairfinity vitamins
OCT/MT hair stimulators for growth
Castor oil for thickness
Coconut Oil
Wild Growth hair oil if you can stand the smell
Get your moisture and protein balance good and get a solid regime and watch the growth come in. YOU Can do it and it will grow back patience and solid regime of products and you will have nice hair. Don't give up and don't get frustrated.
I agree with Moonpie8. I also would suggest you get a trim for a fresh start, trust me, your hair will definitely look better afterward because it will get rid of the split, dry, broken ends. A product I would recommend you start with is Aubrey Organics White Cameilla Conditioner to add moisture and keep your hair smooth. After using that for a period of time, I would add some molasses, honey, and oil (possibly olive, avocado, or wheat germ oil) to a bowl with the conditioner for a treatment that you can use as needed; possibly every 2-3 weeks. Molasses is a humectant but it also has strengthening properties to help keep your hair in tact. If you have any of the treatment left over, keep it in your fridge covered in foil or plastic wrap to use another time.

Pre-pooing will also help! Refer to this thread for a good treatment:

Hope that helps, good luck! :yep:
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thanks ladies
I've been thinking of combining the h37 and hairfinity or viviscal but I'm definately going to take you guys advice
Use mane n tail detangler 1 day before removing any braids to decrease breakage and help with the detangling process. Many oils are said to stimulate growth (I mix olive, coconut, jbco, rosemary, and peppermint oils together and add sulfur to it.) You may also need a protein treatment (Ive used aphogee). Since this has happened to me before I stopped wearing sew-ins and started to wear cornrows and put wigs over it- this way its easier for me to care for my own hair.
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The only advice I can add is not to buy everything in hopes of seeing instant results, and also to stick with whatever you try for a MINIMUM of 90 days to see if it works or not. Two weeks of anything will not give you an accurate assessment of whether it is helping or hurting.
take ALLLLLLLLLLLL the tension OFF your hair for as long as you can!
drink lots of water
wigs..... scarves, bonnets, whatever your flavor is
drink lots of water
but this would be the numero uno response I would give to your hair!
and yes.... any great vitamin (concentrate on the internal factors/overall health... for BEST external results: vitamins,supplements and supreme diet, NOT HAIR)... the hair will sprout (IMO)
drink lots of water
find some ways to relieve stress..... yoga, meditation, sex....? (who's judging:)
drink lots of water
and condition, baggy, steam...... condition, baggy, steam (don't forget the protein)
scalp massages (be gentle.... you can lose your edges easily being harsh)
drink lots of water
last tip: ask NONIE:look:
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I would suggest you focus on protective styles... not hiding your hair. Perhaps after getting a trim you can PT/DT, moisturize, seal and braid or twist your hair in large, somewhat loose sections. If it's long enough to tie up, invest in some silk or satin scrunchies and sleep with those in under a satin scarf.
When I religiously tied my hair up in this way during my transition, it thrived and grew past APL before I big chopped. For about an hour every other day I'd take out my braids (maybe 6 in total), hop in the shower with the scrunchie still in, let my hair breathe but not get it wet, and reseal my ends afterwards. This would be a good time to survey your hair and see if feels or looks better. Otherwise I'd have it under a scarf if I was home. None of what I did is certain to work for you, especially if you're having a dermatological issue, but I do hope it works just as well or better if you try it out.
I hope you find the answers you're looking for and your dermatologist visit goes well. Hang in there.
I agree with what the others said. I would do wigs with a wig cap and make sure to moisturize and seal daily. Nothing is going to work over night. Give it at least 90 days like a pp said.

I can't wear weaves either. They break off my hair something terrible too.
