Ladies please agree with me (2nd job interview)!

i think you should be still and let God work His magic. He knows better than you do what you need. I had a similar situation last year involving 3 interviews! It had me on an emotional rollercoaster and I was so upset when I didn't get it. But God had much better things in store for me and a much better opportunity was given to me with ease. Looking back I can say that God knew what I needed and wanted, but gave me what I needed and it was infinitely better than what I thought I wanted.
***does that make sense? i tend to ramble sometimes*** lol

much love and blessings

Yes!! Hairoffire, this makes absolute sense! I'm actually developing a new found love for my job I have now and what I do because I know this is my season, with what ever the outcome. I try not to speak defeat when I'm talking about it, like "what if I don't..." but at the same time, I see now it doesn't have to be a negative "what if..." so I'm truly happy for at least being conisered among the qualified few and I know other doors will open.

I'm also happy to hear your doors were opened for you as well :flowers:
Thank you Monilove122, I needed to hear it again: Claim it and receive it!!

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2

I used to do this before, I am going to do this now. Thank you hun :rosebud:

Good stuff! :yep:
I was in the same situation 2 weeks ago. My Story ->

All I can say is .. No matter what happens try to be content.

I am 100% employed at the time and starting a new job that God chose for me on the 20. I will pray for you.

Zeal, thank you for your prayers. I know your testimony all too well and I truly admire your obedience. I am praying for the eyes and ears of discernment to see and hear where HE is directing me to go. I realize sometimes His directions can be subtle, so I am doing like you did and hoping to just be still and obedient. Your testimony keeps me smiling and encouraged. Thank you again my dear :hug2:
Thank you Monilove122, I needed to hear it again: Claim it and receive it!!

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2

I used to do this before, I am going to do this now. Thank you hun :rosebud:

That's right girl, God already knows your heart and He knows your desires. So, no need in worrying over something that's alread been done. Yes, it could go either way - you may get the job and you may not but whatever the outcome, know that God knows best. Trust me (and I know from experience) what he has for you is always better than what you want for yourself. Either way, CELEBRATE!!!