
Well-Known Member

I want to know what questions you've always wanted to know a man's thoughts on when it comes to relaxed or natural hair.

Help me to make this interesting.:grin: No question is too embarrassing.

I will be sharing the perspectives of close to a dozen guys....maybe more.

ETA: Where you will be able to find the answers to the questions? Here
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How important is hair to overall attractiveness in your opinion(s)? Specifically, style (down vs. ponytails or buns), and length.
I guess I'd want to know if they feel like there is a "natural hair movement" going on right now and their feelings about that (i.e. do they think it is just a "trend"?). also why do they think that women go natural? (i.e. do they think that most do it to make a statement or because they just want to stop relaxing?)
Ask them why does so many men feel like they're entitled to have an opinion when it comes to what we (women) do to our hair.

This is a serious question.
Do they really notice the difference in hair textures and does it affect their opinion on whether their woman should go back to being natural or not?

Do they even care whether a woman is relaxed or not?
I have no questions to ask, but I think it's really great that you are getting replies from more than one man. The thing that I hate about a lot of times when men voice their opinions is that one will choose to speak for the group...especially when those like my SO :love: prove time and time again that not all men are complete a**holes when it comes to black women and their hair.
why are you afraid to pull my braids/hair even after i've given you the greenlight? is it because the style has changed? Cause, green means green....jus sayin :giggle:
Why do you think women keep asking your opinion about their hair?

- I'm totally serious too, lol. Like, men don't have shows, articles, etc asking women what they think of their fades and shape ups, or locs, fros, etc...
Why do you think women keep asking your opinion about their hair?

- I'm totally serious too, lol. Like, men don't have shows, articles, etc asking women what they think of their fades and shape ups, or locs, fros, etc...

LMAO! I wish some of them would ask!

Thanks guys for your questions thus far.
Do you like it, hate it or not care either way when your SO changes her hairstyle often i.e., wash & go, flat ironed, wigs/weaves/braids etc?
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-Why come, yes I said why come, men SAY they like a "natural" look but then their ideal girl has a weave or a relaxer? Which is it??
-Why come you THINK it is okay to pull a girl's hair if she has natural hair? :look: ( You can't pull ANY black woman's hair! :nono: )
Wait wait I thought of a good one!

Why do men believe that natural women can't mess their hair up? One time my bf was trying to play in my hair when we were about to go out and I was like have you lost your mind? And he was like, "Oh, I didn't think I'd ever hear 'Don't mess up my hair' from a natural." I was like negro what?!?!
What do you find more attractive curls or a straight look on relaxed hair?

Well I'm going out this weekend. Single and ready to mingle and the question crossed my mind a couple days ago.
-Why come you THINK it is okay to pull a girl's hair if she has natural hair? :look: ( You can't pull ANY black woman's hair! :nono: )

I have to respectfully disagree... I love some hair pulling....and so do my friends.... (not violent yanks, but sexy tugs) its more than okay (in the right situation of course), and last i checked we were all black

My question(s) :

How does the amount of time your S.O. spend on her hair affect you? Do you prefer that she spend hours at a time on her hair? small amounts of time on her hair? How much time spent on hair starts to become a problem, turn off, or detracts from other activities in your opinion?

How do you feel about the amount of money your S.O. spends on her hair? Is there a point where the amount of money spent is a turn off or a source of conflict? Is it acceptable for her to spend as much money as she chooses as long as she always looks fly?
Why is it such a big deal when a woman states she wants to cut her hair? (Not WL to NL, but shorter. It grows back)

Do men prefer women with long hair? Why or why not?

One more: Is a woman seen as more desirable because she has 2a-3b/c hair vs. 4a/b hair?
How would YOU contribute in supporting your SO on her HHJ? Encouraging words? Pitching in with the purchase of haircare products? Being her shoulder to cry/lean on when she feels she's at wit's end?
Oh, Just thought of another :scratchch

How do you view females with weaves? Does a woman somehow lose/gain "cool points" if you know she's wearing a weave? Can you even tell the difference between a weave and natural hair? (lol)
:poke: So where are the men's answers?

:) Good question. If you sub to this thread, you'll definitely find out where the answers to these questions will appear. Still working out the logistics.

But I thank you ladies for the questions this far. Keep 'em coming!
Oh, Just thought of another :scratchch

How do you view females with weaves? Does a woman somehow lose/gain "cool points" if you know she's wearing a weave? Can you even tell the difference between a weave and natural hair? (lol)

Subbing.. I'm really interested in the responses you'll get.

My SO answered this one for me.. He says I spoiled him by going natural. For him they lose cool points. Each time he sees a BW with a weave, yes he can spot them, he thinks to himself: You have your own hair, why would you wear fake (fake as in not growing out of your own scalp)? He says it out loud to me each time I'm contemplating a weave as a PS.
But that's just one opinion out of many :lachen:
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