Ladies, I'm struggling...


Well-Known Member
I'm in a place that I have never been before. Every bone in my body wants to leave my husband right now. And I mean EVERY bone. I have absolutely no reason for wanting to leave him other than the fact that we've been married for 10+ years, we have a troop of kids and I'm tired. That's it. I love him, he takes excellent care of us, he's funny and sweet. So ummm...what's my problem? Is this a mid-life crisis at 36, an attack from satan or both?

My pastor preached on not allowing satan to move you out of your blessings on Sunday. I shared this with RR. He specifically said, "Those of you who are thinking about leaving your spouses. Don't. The devil loves division. He did it with Adam and Eve and he wants to do it with you too." When I talked to him later he said he couldn't figure out why God had him preaching that. But he advised me that we should come in for counseling. I agreed. I told DH and he agreed. But I don't even wanna go. :spinning::nono::spinning::perplexed

We're going to Chicago for Christmas and I promise yall I feel like not coming back. :ohwell: Please pray for me before I do something foolish that I will regret.
I'm in a place that I have never been before. Every bone in my body wants to leave my husband right now. And I mean EVERY bone. I have absolutely no reason for wanting to leave him other than the fact that we've been married for 10+ years, we have a troop of kids and I'm tired. That's it. I love him, he takes excellent care of us, he's funny and sweet. So ummm...what's my problem? Is this a mid-life crisis at 36, an attack from satan or both?

My pastor preached on not allowing satan to move you out of your blessings on Sunday. I shared this with RR. He specifically said, "Those of you who are thinking about leaving your spouses. Don't. The devil loves division. He did it with Adam and Eve and he wants to do it with you too." When I talked to him later he said he couldn't figure out why God had him preaching that. But he advised me that we should come in for counseling. I agreed. I told DH and he agreed. But I don't even wanna go. :spinning::nono::spinning::perplexed

We're going to Chicago for Christmas and I promise yall I feel like not coming back. :ohwell: Please pray for me before I do something foolish that I will regret.

I don't even know what to say:ohwell:
Mocha5, please don't do something that you probably will regret. You said yourself that he takes excellent care of your family so there is no reason why you should let this negative spirit block your blessing.
Mocha5, please don't do something that you probably will regret. You said yourself that he takes excellent care of your family so there is no reason why you should let this negative spirit block your blessing.

Yeah, there must be a negative spirit that's trying to attach itself to me. I had an accident the other day too. I need to bind it and cast it out. I probably need to start fasting. Thanks, Janie.
Mocha5, please don't do something that you probably will regret. You said yourself that he takes excellent care of your family so there is no reason why you should let this negative spirit block your blessing.

ita...with the bolded

it seems you have more reasons to stay, don't let the
d***l talk you out of your blessing.
Don't do anything to fast. Take time for yourself one weekend and re-evaluate what you are thinking. You are probably bored and in a rut. You have been blessed and sometimes we take our blessings for granted. Maybe even take up some new hobbies.

(((hugs))) You will get thru this.

You mentioned that you are may just be temporariy worn down from all the daily responsibilities of being a wife and a happens. Why not take some time for yourself after the holidays?
(((Hugs))) to each of you. I can't seem to find the kissey face smiley. I probably really need some alone time. I am tired. Everyday life can be so suffocating sometimes. I never thought about a new hobby: bellydancing, flower arranging, skydiving...:grin:
Seek God to guide you before you move, and listen for where He is leading you. I know it has to be hard. I love you, and I am sending you prayers.

Be still and know that I am God.
Mocha I'm praying for you girl! I won't stop praying for you!:hug3:

Don't be moved by emotions....wait and listen for God's voice.
Hi Babygirl...:kiss: Come here little sister. I want to tell you something.

Did you really and truly think that this came as a surprise to you? :nono:

Sweet Mocha, you've been growing in the Lord, actually you've had a spiritual growth spurt. And with each measure of spiritual growth comes a 'challenge' attached to it. Yes, my lovely one, a challenge 'attached'.

Mocha, as a minister, you are called to share things that you KNOW from experience how to guide those you are called to minister to. This is NOT about your husband; neither that much about being tired. :nono:

God is preparing you for the next level of ministry that He has called you to. And there is no couch for you to hide behind. None...:nono: Mocha, you have matured to the level where Despite the Odds, Despite your feelings, despite your weariness, God has called to you to 'handle' this correctly and HIS way. Not our way which is being ruled by the flesh and our emotions.

It's not about your husband. It's not about your husband. It's not about your husband....Sweet Mocha, this is not about your husband.

Neither is it about the devil. It's about looking beyond the 'natural' realm and allowing yourself to do what you know is right to do and then REJOICE in it. Asking God to replace your weary feelings with HIS JOY; HIS Peace; HIS Wisdom, HIS marriage healing balm of regeneration.

Mocha, it's time to get past and look past what your feelings have been and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow within. It's time to be as Jesus, who when we were yet in sin, He still chose to STAY and not give up on us. To not forsake the love that He knew He still felt for us, though we were not worthy. For, didn't Jesus show and express His weariness with us, when He said, "How long must I tarry with you...". Yet, He tarried and fulfilled the plan to the very end. How often did God want to give up on us and even called the Children of Isreal, 'as stiff-necked' generation. Yet He did not leave.

The heart of the matter is staying not because you want to, but because you know better. This is what our Spiritual Walk is going to entail. Going past our feelings and doing what we know is right. And you have grown spiritually to do this.

Now doing something for yourself, is fine, so is fasting and prayer, but it still won't address what the real issue is. Leaving your husband and your marriage is not the answer, either; it's actually a compound to your currents feelings. The answer lies within your spiritual growth. It's graduation and promotion time, and God is saying, 'Pass this test'. I know you can and you will, for I am right there to receive you unto myself and comfort you through this entire experience."


I love you Sweet Mocha....:love3:

ETA: Counseling is necessary, for this allows you to release the emotions attached to your heart and it allows you husband to release himself as well. You need to 'share' so that you can both heal. For you two will always be one. You'll both be :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: again. This time, beyond the flesh. And you will be a testimony unto God.
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Seek God to guide you before you move, and listen for where He is leading you. I know it has to be hard. I love you, and I am sending you prayers.

Be still and know that I am God.

Thank you, Golden. I love you too. This can be only for a season, right?
apparantly the lord sent that word to your pastor for a reason. Even though you don't want to - go see the pastor what's said in that meeting could change your life. Everyone has that "who am I" moment in life, so don't think you're the only one. Most difficult is having these feelings and having others say "great things" about the dh/so when you're struggling with mixed emotions about the person. Whatever you decide remember that God is with you. Hope everything works out for you.
Hi Babygirl...:kiss: Come here little sister. I want to tell you something.

Did you really and truly think that this came as a surprise to you? :nono:

Sweet Mocha, you've been growing in the Lord, actually you've had a spiritual growth spurt. And with each measure of spiritual growth comes a 'challenge' attached to it. Yes, my lovely one, a challenge 'attached'.

Mocha, as a minister, you are called to share things that you KNOW from experience how to guide those you are called to minister to. This is NOT about your husband; neither that much about being tired. :nono:

God is preparing you for the next level of ministry that He has called you to. And there is no couch for you to hide behind. None...:nono: Mocha, you have matured to the level where Despite the Odds, Despite your feelings, despite your weariness, God has called to you to 'handle' this correctly and HIS way. Not our way which is being ruled by the flesh and our emotions.

It's not about your husband. It's not about your husband. It's not about your husband....Sweet Mocha, this is not about your husband.

Neither is it about the devil. It's about looking beyond the 'natural' realm and allowing yourself to do what you know is right to do and then REJOICE in it. Asking God to replace your weary feelings with HIS JOY; HIS Peace; HIS Wisdom, HIS marriage healing balm of regeneration.

Mocha, it's time to get past and look past what your feelings have been and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow within. It's time to be as Jesus, who when we were yet in sin, He still chose to STAY and not give up on us. To not forsake the love that He knew He still felt for us, though we were not worthy. For, didn't Jesus show and express His weariness with us, when He said, "How long must I tarry with you...". Yet, He tarried and fulfilled the plan to the very end. How often did God want to give up on us and even called the Children of Isreal, 'as stiff-necked' generation. Yet He did not leave.

The heart of the matter is staying not because you want to, but because you know better. This is what our Spiritual Walk is going to entail. Going past our feelings and doing what we know is right. And you have grown spiritually to do this.

Now doing something for yourself, is fine, so is fasting and prayer, but it still won't address what the real issue is. Leaving your husband and your marriage is not the answer, either; it's actually a compound to your currents feelings. The answer lies within your spiritual growth. It's graduation and promotion time, and God is saying, 'Pass this test'. I know you can and you will, for I am right there to receive you unto myself and comfort you through this entire experience."


I love you Sweet Mocha....:love3:

ETA: Counseling is necessary, for this allows you to release the emotions attached to your heart and it allows you husband to release himself as well. You need to 'share' so that you can both heal. For you two will always be one. You'll both be :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: again. This time, beyond the flesh. And you will be a testimony unto God.

Shimme, how is it possible for your posts to ALWAYS encourage and uplift? Thank you so much. Everything you wrote is so true. Some of the things were already on my heart but you know something, maturity is a dificult thing. I so often allow myself to be led by emotions as oppose to the Holy Spirt. I still have soooo much growing to do. It's wonder God sees fit to use me at all.

I am feeling better though. More in control of my emotions. I've been speaking His word over myself for the last few days and it's definitely making a difference.

His word for me today is: So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then know those who follow you, though they are wesk and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12: 12-13.

Isn't He awesome? See how His word lined up with your post. :yep: Kisses to you, girl. Your wisdom is priceless.
apparantly the lord sent that word to your pastor for a reason. Even though you don't want to - go see the pastor what's said in that meeting could change your life. Everyone has that "who am I" moment in life, so don't think you're the only one. Most difficult is having these feelings and having others say "great things" about the dh/so when you're struggling with mixed emotions about the person. Whatever you decide remember that God is with you. Hope everything works out for you.

Thank you, Trini. I'm going even though I still don't feel thrilled about it. But I believe you're right. I believe that the counseling will be life changing. You know everytime I don't want to go to church or study His word but I press forward and do it anyhow...that's when I'm extremely blessed. I'll keep you guys posted. As a matter of fact, let me start the scheduling process right now.
Shimme, how is it possible for your posts to ALWAYS encourage and uplift? Thank you so much. Everything you wrote is so true. Some of the things were already on my heart but you know something, maturity is a dificult thing. I so often allow myself to be led by emotions as oppose to the Holy Spirt. I still have soooo much growing to do. It's wonder God sees fit to use me at all.

I am feeling better though. More in control of my emotions. I've been speaking His word over myself for the last few days and it's definitely making a difference.

His word for me today is: So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then know those who follow you, though they are wesk and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12: 12-13.

Isn't He awesome? See how His word lined up with your post. :yep: Kisses to you, girl. Your wisdom is priceless.
I love you 'Sweet Mocha'. Each day is a new day of growth for each of us. But Babygirl, you are going to have to be prepared for your feelings and emotions are about to go onto a 'rollercoaster' ride. And angel, it has to. In order for God to strengthen you against all odds, you are going to experience facing some 'odds'. And who/where better to start than with the ones you love and are closest to. For once you pass thru this hurdle, you're going to be unshakable and a terror to hell and all of its cohorts.

And angel, you WILL suceed this test. But you cannot expect each day to be a 'good' emotional day. For one day, or even days/weeks you'll have a good word from the Lord, but the 'issue' unresolved with your feelings will still be there and in need of being dealt with.

Mocha, I have to share this, for it I don't the devil is going to have a 'hay day' with your feelings, as I've been there and God blessed me with some serious Spiritual Mentors who kept me in prayer and encouragement and most of all, I was 'forewarned' with what to expect and what to do.

You see, I had to understand the plan of spritual growth in order to pass the course of it. That's why I'm so 'fixed' upon God's word. It took some tough pulls on my emotions to strengthen them and me to the point of not yielding to defeat...not fainting in battle, no matter how weary I began in well doing.

The Biblical examples are Job (of course), Abraham (his travels and the sacrifice of Issac), The Apostle Paul, and there's a woman in the Bible named, Rispah. I will share her story a little later.

I need to tell you something extremely important.

In your prayers, do not ask God for restoration. This is so 'key' for each of us when things begin to shift in our lives. Restored means back to the same way it was..... "key words" --- back to the same way it was.... it was... same way, it was. Now, do we really want this? And is this what God is trying to give us...the same as it was? :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

* God's word says to 'put off the 'old' man and put on the new.

* All things have become new....

* Forgetting those things which were behind and pressing on to the mark
which lies before us.

* For I will do a NEW thing....

Mocha angel, we've outgrown the way things were before. We are no longer the same. Ever try putting last year's clothing on our children? :yep: From the summer alone, they've outgrown all they've owned and it's time for new garments.

Mocha, you have outgrown the way things used to be with you and your husband. Love has matured in your growth with the Lord. The reasons you fell in love with your husband years ago, are no longer the same reasons you love him now. They can't be. Jesus said that we cannot put new wine into old wine skins. The old wine skins will burst, for they are no longer viable to contain the new growth of the new wine.

Both you and your husband have become new wine, new creations in Christ Jesus, a new beginning of life and love hereafter. Your prayers can only be, "Lord, regeneration for me and my husband and our marriage. Take us into the new level of growth and deeper love and committment which you have prepared for us. You are the strength of our lives, our hearts, our souls and our minds, which will lead, guide and keep us there, all with you. We are ready for this change for we have it in you, not just with each other, in Jesus's name, Amen.

Mocha, the reason you want to leave your husband is because the love you once felt for him is no longer there. And that love will never be there ever again. It can't, for it began it shed it's feathers, as the two of you grew and now your feathers are all anew with the ones God has given you. Just as the eagle sheds it's feathers, so do we, so does marriage, so does life.

Marriage cannot not sustain itsself upon 'old' love. It's has to grow or it will never survive.

Mocha, the new love awaits you and your husband. God has made 'all things' new for the two of you. It's your choice to discover it and receive it and rejoice in it. For this new love is a much better love, a much greater love, a much stronger and deeper love; it is love eternal. Forever and always, for the rest of your lives as the two of you promised one another on your wedding day.

Mocha, don't look for those 'old' feelings anymore; for they are gone forever. You are now in the Valley of Re-generation (new creation). This is a place where many, many couples make it or break it, for they think the marriage is over, when in truth, their marriage is only beginning, but this time, much stronger. The Valley is where the greener grass grows and flourishes, when we realize being there is worth it.

:kiss: hugs and blessings precious sister :kiss:
I love you 'Sweet Mocha'. Each day is a new day of growth for each of us. But Babygirl, you are going to have to be prepared for your feelings and emotions are about to go onto a 'rollercoaster' ride. And angel, it has to. In order for God to strengthen you against all odds, you are going to experience facing some 'odds'. And who/where better to start than with the ones you love and are closest to. For once you pass thru this hurdle, you're going to be unshakable and a terror to hell and all of its cohorts.

And angel, you WILL suceed this test. But you cannot expect each day to be a 'good' emotional day. For one day, or even days/weeks you'll have a good word from the Lord, but the 'issue' unresolved with your feelings will still be there and in need of being dealt with.

Mocha, I have to share this, for it I don't the devil is going to have a 'hay day' with your feelings, as I've been there and God blessed me with some serious Spiritual Mentors who kept me in prayer and encouragement and most of all, I was 'forewarned' with what to expect and what to do.

You see, I had to understand the plan of spritual growth in order to pass the course of it. That's why I'm so 'fixed' upon God's word. It took some tough pulls on my emotions to strengthen them and me to the point of not yielding to defeat...not fainting in battle, no matter how weary I began in well doing.

The Biblical examples are Job (of course), Abraham (his travels and the sacrifice of Issac), The Apostle Paul, and there's a woman in the Bible named, Rispah. I will share her story a little later.

I need to tell you something extremely important.

In your prayers, do not ask God for restoration. This is so 'key' for each of us when things begin to shift in our lives. Restored means back to the same way it was..... "key words" --- back to the same way it was.... it was... same way, it was. Now, do we really want this? And is this what God is trying to give us...the same as it was? :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

* God's word says to 'put off the 'old' man and put on the new.

* All things have become new....

* Forgetting those things which were behind and pressing on to the mark
which lies before us.

* For I will do a NEW thing....

Mocha angel, we've outgrown the way things were before. We are no longer the same. Ever try putting last year's clothing on our children? :yep: From the summer alone, they've outgrown all they've owned and it's time for new garments.

Mocha, you have outgrown the way things used to be with you and your husband. Love has matured in your growth with the Lord. The reasons you fell in love with your husband years ago, are no longer the same reasons you love him now. They can't be. Jesus said that we cannot put new wine into old wine skins. The old wine skins will burst, for they are no longer viable to contain the new growth of the new wine.

Both you and your husband have become new wine, new creations in Christ Jesus, a new beginning of life and love hereafter. Your prayers can only be, "Lord, regeneration for me and my husband and our marriage. Take us into the new level of growth and deeper love and committment which you have prepared for us. You are the strength of our lives, our hearts, our souls and our minds, which will lead, guide and keep us there, all with you. We are ready for this change for we have it in you, not just with each other, in Jesus's name, Amen.

Mocha, the reason you want to leave your husband is because the love you once felt for him is no longer there. And that love will never be there ever again. It can't, for it began it shed it's feathers, as the two of you grew and now your feathers are all anew with the ones God has given you. Just as the eagle sheds it's feathers, so do we, so does marriage, so does life.

Marriage cannot not sustain itsself upon 'old' love. It's has to grow or it will never survive.

Mocha, the new love awaits you and your husband. God has made 'all things' new for the two of you. It's your choice to discover it and receive it and rejoice in it. For this new love is a much better love, a much greater love, a much stronger and deeper love; it is love eternal. Forever and always, for the rest of your lives as the two of you promised one another on your wedding day.

Mocha, don't look for those 'old' feelings anymore; for they are gone forever. You are now in the Valley of Re-generation (new creation). This is a place where many, many couples make it or break it, for they think the marriage is over, when in truth, their marriage is only beginning, but this time, much stronger. The Valley is where the greener grass grows and flourishes, when we realize being there is worth it.

:kiss: hugs and blessings precious sister :kiss:

Shimmie you are a powerhouse. This post wasnt even to me personally, but I gained something from it. Thank You!:bighug:
Shimme, how is it possible for your posts to ALWAYS encourage and uplift? Thank you so much. Everything you wrote is so true. Some of the things were already on my heart but you know something, maturity is a dificult thing. I so often allow myself to be led by emotions as oppose to the Holy Spirt. I still have soooo much growing to do. It's wonder God sees fit to use me at all.

I am feeling better though. More in control of my emotions. I've been speaking His word over myself for the last few days and it's definitely making a difference.

His word for me today is: So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then know those who follow you, though they are wesk and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong. Hebrews 12: 12-13.

Isn't He awesome? See how His word lined up with your post. :yep: Kisses to you, girl. Your wisdom is priceless.

Shimmie you are a powerhouse. This post wasnt even to me personally, but I gained something from it. Thank You!:bighug:
:kiss: To you precious Honeycomb. This message is for ALL of us...including me...indeed, including me.
I love you 'Sweet Mocha'. Each day is a new day of growth for each of us. But Babygirl, you are going to have to be prepared for your feelings and emotions are about to go onto a 'rollercoaster' ride. And angel, it has to. In order for God to strengthen you against all odds, you are going to experience facing some 'odds'. And who/where better to start than with the ones you love and are closest to. For once you pass thru this hurdle, you're going to be unshakable and a terror to hell and all of its cohorts.

And angel, you WILL suceed this test. But you cannot expect each day to be a 'good' emotional day. For one day, or even days/weeks you'll have a good word from the Lord, but the 'issue' unresolved with your feelings will still be there and in need of being dealt with.

Mocha, I have to share this, for it I don't the devil is going to have a 'hay day' with your feelings, as I've been there and God blessed me with some serious Spiritual Mentors who kept me in prayer and encouragement and most of all, I was 'forewarned' with what to expect and what to do.

You see, I had to understand the plan of spritual growth in order to pass the course of it. That's why I'm so 'fixed' upon God's word. It took some tough pulls on my emotions to strengthen them and me to the point of not yielding to defeat...not fainting in battle, no matter how weary I began in well doing.

The Biblical examples are Job (of course), Abraham (his travels and the sacrifice of Issac), The Apostle Paul, and there's a woman in the Bible named, Rispah. I will share her story a little later.

I need to tell you something extremely important.

In your prayers, do not ask God for restoration. This is so 'key' for each of us when things begin to shift in our lives. Restored means back to the same way it was..... "key words" --- back to the same way it was.... it was... same way, it was. Now, do we really want this? And is this what God is trying to give us...the same as it was? :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

* God's word says to 'put off the 'old' man and put on the new.

* All things have become new....

* Forgetting those things which were behind and pressing on to the mark
which lies before us.

* For I will do a NEW thing....

Mocha angel, we've outgrown the way things were before. We are no longer the same. Ever try putting last year's clothing on our children? :yep: From the summer alone, they've outgrown all they've owned and it's time for new garments.

Mocha, you have outgrown the way things used to be with you and your husband. Love has matured in your growth with the Lord. The reasons you fell in love with your husband years ago, are no longer the same reasons you love him now. They can't be. Jesus said that we cannot put new wine into old wine skins. The old wine skins will burst, for they are no longer viable to contain the new growth of the new wine.

Both you and your husband have become new wine, new creations in Christ Jesus, a new beginning of life and love hereafter. Your prayers can only be, "Lord, regeneration for me and my husband and our marriage. Take us into the new level of growth and deeper love and committment which you have prepared for us. You are the strength of our lives, our hearts, our souls and our minds, which will lead, guide and keep us there, all with you. We are ready for this change for we have it in you, not just with each other, in Jesus's name, Amen.

Mocha, the reason you want to leave your husband is because the love you once felt for him is no longer there. And that love will never be there ever again. It can't, for it began it shed it's feathers, as the two of you grew and now your feathers are all anew with the ones God has given you. Just as the eagle sheds it's feathers, so do we, so does marriage, so does life.

Marriage cannot not sustain itsself upon 'old' love. It's has to grow or it will never survive.

Mocha, the new love awaits you and your husband. God has made 'all things' new for the two of you. It's your choice to discover it and receive it and rejoice in it. For this new love is a much better love, a much greater love, a much stronger and deeper love; it is love eternal. Forever and always, for the rest of your lives as the two of you promised one another on your wedding day.

Mocha, don't look for those 'old' feelings anymore; for they are gone forever. You are now in the Valley of Re-generation (new creation). This is a place where many, many couples make it or break it, for they think the marriage is over, when in truth, their marriage is only beginning, but this time, much stronger. The Valley is where the greener grass grows and flourishes, when we realize being there is worth it.

:kiss: hugs and blessings precious sister :kiss:

This is the EXACT reason. And I kept telling my girlfriend, "We're not the same. We're two different people. He's not the man I married." Thinking this has to got to be the end. Never in a million years would I have looked at it positively and viewed it as a new beginning. Wow! But I guess it just doesn't feel like a new beginning right now.

And you know something, I thought long and hard about starting this thread. And even after I started it, I felt kind of bad because I felt that it might be looked upon as I'm complaining about nothing. But I'm so glad I did. Not only have I been helped but others have too. :yep: Thanks for loving us though these wires.

ETA: New wine in new wineskins is my church's vision for 2007. :grin:
This is the EXACT reason. And I kept telling my girlfriend,

"We're not the same. We're two different people. He's not the man I married." Thinking this has to got to be the end.

Never in a million years would I have looked at it positively and viewed it as a new beginning. Wow! But I guess it just doesn't feel like a new beginning right now.

And you know something, I thought long and hard about starting this thread. And even after I started it, I felt kind of bad because I felt that it might be looked upon as I'm complaining about nothing. But I'm so glad I did. Not only have I been helped but others have too. :yep: Thanks for loving us though these wires.

ETA: New wine in new wineskins is my church's vision for 2007. :grin:
Sweet Mocha, here's the thing. It IS the end. The end of what the two of you used to be, but can never be again.

Remember in your opening post, you said,

Mocha5 said:
I'm in a place that I have never been before.

Mocha, this is why is feels like the 'end' and not the beginning. AND this is where FAITH comes in. Faith, which is the EVIDENCE of things hope for; the EVIDENCE of things not seen (or FELT).

Remember how all Abraham and Sarah had was Faith. Believing beyond hope,

Romans 4:18

(Abraham) ...who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Sweet Mocha, it only feels like the end because it's a new degree of Faith which God has already prepared you for long before you were born.

Write down all of the things that would happen if you left your him. Not you, but him.

When you have a chance view the classic Christmas movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" (starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore). Had George Bailey (the movie's character) not have fulfilled his Destiny in the lives of others....

Sweet Mocha, you have a Destiny to fulfill with your husband that no one else will ever have nor can ever fill...for your husband, Mr. Expresso (his name for Mocha5) :kiss:
