Ladies, I need you -- The Beautician did NOT use neutralizing shampoo..

Thats right..

I got my hair relaxed on Monday at 3:00 PM - While she was washing my hair I wondered what type of shampoo she used because I did not smell that distinct scent of "neutralizing shampoo contacting relaxer". You know how strong it can be? I always smile to myself and think, "Thats right the neutralizing shampoo is stopping the deteriation process in its tracks", when I smell it.

Anyway, I meant to ask her which shampoo she used and decided to leave it alone when I looked up an only saw mizani products. I figured to my self how could she not have the proper shampoo.

Now, I dont like a freshly permed head as I love body and curls. So two days later, I just had to wash my hair out and let it air dry to give it some life. Just in case, I decided to whip out my old Isoplus shampoo to "make sure" all relaxer was out of my head.

To my surprise when I did the first rinse the suds were a DARK pink! :shocked: I washed and washed again until it finally turned white indicating there were not traces of perm.

I immediatley ran for a protein reconstructor, Mizani Kerafuse, to stregenthen my hair. I am sitting under the hair dryer now.

Ladies, what are your thoughts on the potential damage for not properly shampooing for 2 1/2 days after a relaxer (Mizani Regular - Just my luck they ran out of the sensitive scalp)?

What treatments should I use?

How long shoud I wait until the next relaxer?

Can you ever recover from overprocessed hair with more protein?

I know this may seem like a lot to respond to, but I would really appreciate your thoughts & help.

My heart is so heavy - :cry3:
Giiiiiiirl, my best advice would be to PM Sistaslick or Supergirl! They are relaxing DIVAS!

Anyways, I think your hair would be just fine. I am glad you did the right thing-use a neutr. poo, even after a few days, you are a very smart lady.

Relax, I think you be okay. If you are experiencing no breakage I would keep up with the moisturizing treats and do protein only as needed. Sounds like you'll be okay!
I am sure everything will be fine Serenity. At least you took corrective action. I don't have any suggestion but if she did that to you then she probably did that to all her other clients and I don't think any of them are bald yet. At least you have all the time before your next relaxer to correct any problems her carelessness may have caused. I am sure your beautiful mane will not suffer.
:eek: That is scary!

Well, since you didn't mention that your hair is shedding and breaking ...that absence of that is a very good sign that you'll be OK.

But yeah, use that protein and moisturize, moisturize. Also don't forget to get you pH level back (with porosity control or something).
Synthia said:
:eek: That is scary!

Well, since you didn't mention that your hair is shedding and breaking ...that absence of that is a very good sign that you'll be OK.

But yeah, use that protein and moisturize, moisturize. Also don't forget to get you pH level back (with porosity control or something).


just in the future pay close attention to your hair
Thank You for your quick responses - I feel much better. I did not notice any breakage while my hair was dry. I did notice it to be a bit weaker when I washed it - this is what lead me to panic.

I will closely watch it over the next couple of weeks to see what impact it will have on my hair.

Thanks again!
OMG! :eek: I remember Cathy Howse talking about the very same thing happening to her.

I'm so glad that you did wash your hair w/ a neutralizing shampoo and followed it up w/ the protein treatment. More than likely, your hair will be okay. Continue to monitor it and take it from there. I would do a few more mild protein treatments and make sure that my hair had lots of moisture. HTH :)
Yikes that is some scary stuff right there. It's that kinda nonsense that drove me to self relaxing in the 1st place! :mad:

I think your hair will be fine too since you are on top of it and ladies here have given great advice. And you aren't experiencing any breakage so that's a good sign.
That's why I don't trust beauticians! I always after getting a relaxer, rewash with a neutralizer in (3) days.

You don't have anything to worry about, I am so glad you knew what to do.

Good Luck!!!
The same thing happened to me when I was younger, I didn't wait 2.5 days, it was more like 12+ hours but my hair was fine afterwards.
As an extra precaution for your scalp, I would as a stylist recommend that you go the a health food store and purchase Vitamin C crystals and mix up a strong rinse batch and saturate your scalp with it ( spray). Rinse well. Do this again if your scalp starts to feel tight down the road. HTH Bonjour ( If you are interested I will refer you to a site on this if it is still up.?
This happened to me once. I had just got it relaxed for the first time in like 4 months because I couldn't take it anymore. Then I went to a different hairdresser 5 or 6 days later bc I decided to get my hair done at the last minute for easter. When she washed my hair she was like when did you get your hair permed? It still feels like it's perm in here! :eek: What did you do perm it yourself last night? I was like what? Are you serious? It's been 5 days and I've never relaxed my hair myself! It had been almost a week. I was so frustrated. I didn't suffer any damage though. I'm glad I decided to get my hair done at the last minute though bc I never would've known that girl didn't do what she was supposed to do.

Needless to say, I never went back to Mr. Baker's salon. There were a lot of other things I didn't like that the girl did to my hair in addition to the relaxing that day but that was the only place I could get an appt on a monday morning at the last minute. But you live and you learn. I now watch the products they're using like a hawk. Good luck with your hair honey. It should be fine since you caught it with the quickness.
SerenityBreeze said:
Anyway, I meant to ask her which shampoo she used and decided to leave it alone when I looked up an only saw mizani products. I figured to my self how could she not have the proper shampoo.

Mizani makes a neutralizing shampoo. If you are not experiencing breakage, she probably used that. Especially since you said all of the relaxer was not washed out. Something must have stopped the relaxing process or you would be experiencing breakage for sure.
Wow now this is one of the many reasons why people do their own heads. I think you might have caught. I'm so glad that something in you told you that something wasn't right.
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:eek: :eek: I'm sorry this happened to you. This gives me even more inspiration to take the leap and self relax.

I'm glad you caught this. I remember reading in a thread that you should wash with the neutralizing shampoo a couple of time and then leave it on your hair for 5 minutes to get the relaxer out of the cortex. Apparently if you don't let the neutralizing shampoo sit in your hair from some time it may not get all of the relaxer out of the innermost parts of the hair.

I think your hair will be ok. Thank God that you have a lot of knowledge about hair, imagine that all of her other clients might have the same thing happen and never know the difference.

Are you going to call her about this...I would, she should return your money. She did not do a good job.
Sounds like you caught it in time. You will be fine. How can an experienced stylist not use neutralizing shampoo after a relaxer. That suppose to be hair care 101. What was she thinking???
Water actually stops the relaxer from processing..

LovelyZ said:
Mizani makes a neutralizing shampoo. If you are not experiencing breakage, she probably used that. Especially since you said all of the relaxer was not washed out. Something must have stopped the relaxing process or you would be experiencing breakage for sure.
How scary!! Sorry this happened to you. I hope everything turns out ok. Don't go back to her either. Seriously, tell her what you discovered and take your business elsewhere, you need someone that cares about your hair and scalp health. Relaxers are not something to be played with.
Back when I was ignorant, I had a stylist leave relaxer in my hair. It caused hot spots that to this day are thinner than the rest of my hair. Thank goodness you caught this in time. As suggested, I would contact the stylist and request a refund:mad:
This may have been mentioned already. I would ABSOLUTELY let the salon owner, and via certified mail.

If you have problems with breakage later on, which is quite possible, you want to preserve your right to take legal action. (I'm not normalyy litigious, but, damn, this is YOUR HAIR!!!) And it is beyond neglect to NOT use a neutralizing 'poo.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. What what this woman thinking, anyway?

Keep us posted on any changes....
Have you gone to her before? I'm wondering because if you have then she has been doing this for a while and your hair is still Wonder what's up with that? I would call her.
Mahalialee4 said:
As an extra precaution for your scalp, I would as a stylist recommend that you go the a health food store and purchase Vitamin C crystals and mix up a strong rinse batch and saturate your scalp with it ( spray). Rinse well. Do this again if your scalp starts to feel tight down the road. HTH Bonjour ( If you are interested I will refer you to a site on this if it is still up.?
What does this do?
This was the first time that I visited this salon deciding to treat myself while on vacation. I have not called her as yet, but I definately will. I cant think on any other explination as to why the first rinse would have been dark pink.

What I felt was so ironic was I felt very comfortable getting my hair done at this salon because everywhere I looked all I saw was great hair products. I just "knew" I was in good hands.

I thought about writing the State Board where her license was issued to record a complaint. And, going forward, I will tell this story to all new stylists in a "Can you believe this" tone so they know from jump that I expect them to wash all of the relaxer out of my hair with the proper shampoo.

Last night I did a protein treatment & followed up with Aveda Conditioner as a leave in - a suggestion from MizaniMiami on another post. So far so good, I did not notice any breakage, whew.

I hadn't really given much thought to scalp damage but since my scalp was not burned, I think it is okay.

I do feel much better after having read your supportive responsives. Thank all of you for being there!
Omigosh girl I am sorry to hear this, i had a bad dream like this once, and i really feel for you,, ill keep my fingers crossed that your hair was not damaged by this,,, I cannot fathom such irresponsibility on part of that hairdresser,, she needs to pay for that big time,, even if she did no damage,, she shouldnt be practicing anymore,, this has reinforced my fear of hairdressers:mad:
I am so glad you caught this in time, because this happened to me a few years back. They actually used neutralizer but they missed the nape of my neck on one side. About a week 1/2 later I noticed that one side of my hair looked thinner than the other and when I lifted up my hair there was a big patch of hair missing. The stylist had cut my hair to shoulder length and the nape on the right side was probably a half inch long:eek:. I still have not been able to get that section to grow out fully after 6 years. So I am so happy that you followed your first mind and did something about it. God Bless:)