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Domincan Blowouts again! :mad::mad::mad:My friends/family have been raving about and so have you all... But NEVER again! I don't care if the dominican hairstylist had hands that were blessed by GOD himself, to straighten Kunta Kente's crotch hair! :perplexedNEVER, you hear me?! It was the most painful thing my scalp has ever been through!!! My mom told me to get it done bc my natural hair was too nappy and she wanted it done for church. She said that my regular stylist (who i adore) has my hair too thick... so we set the appointment. The atmosphere was rough and smoke was coming out of my HAIR!:eek::eek::eek: My scalp smells of burnt flesh and i have scabbing?!:eek::eek::eek: I asked my aunt in NYC if my trip was suppose to be like that she said, "nooooo". The woman had the audacity to tell me that I was going to go natural, i had to moisturize and DC my hair! :eek::eek:Well, obviously, if you washed with SHAMPOO and condish, not DC it, and then try to blow-dry it straight with scorching HEAT, of course it would be dry:confused:! She barely put anything on to to moisturize, barely any protectant on the scalp... and they proceeds to bump my ends with a seeringly hot straightening iron??!:confused::perplexed Then, i tried to subtly tell my mom not to get her hair done by these people by telling her I REALLY needed to go home to get my car... and she WASN'T TAKING THE HINT! :confused::perplexed:ohwell:So, i had to call my dad to tell him to call her to tell her to take her butt to Novlette's hair salon. Ladies in the Miami/South Florida Area....GO TO EBONY BEAUTY SALON IN THE LAUDERHILL MALL, RIGHT NEXT TO THE LAUNDRY MAT.:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
B4 i even knew about this website and if i wasn't so scissor-happy and trendy, I would have had APL hair.:D Thats just how GOOD Novlette is!:D:mad::mad::mad::mad:
She won't even style your hair if you need a DC or Treatment. She will INSIST! She is very easy to work with... gives very stylish cuts... doesn't cut off too much hair for a trim...I can't RAVE more about her! Everytime i leave Novlette's salon, my hair is thick, full and healthy to wear people stare, the think its a WEAVE, and boys honk bc they think i am Trini Indian or hispanic. I am no longer listening to my mom bc she knows nothing about hair and she will have all of mine breaking off. No wonder latina women have bald pactches in the center of their scalps and their hair is soooo thin!!!!
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bravenewgirl87 said:
It was the most painful thing my scalp has ever been through!!! My mom told me to get it done bc my natural hair was too nappy and she wanted it done for church. She said that my regular stylist (who i adore) has my hair too thick... so we set the appointment. The atmosphere was rough and smoke was coming out of my HAIR!:eek::eek::eek: My scalp smells of burnt flesh and i have scabbing?!:eek::eek::eek:
The woman had the audacity to tell me that I was going to go natural, i had to moisturize and DC my hair! :eek::eek:Well, obviously, if you washed with SHAMPOO and condish, not DC it, and then try to blow-dry it straight with scorching HEAT, of course it would be dry:confused:!

:lol: :lol: :lol: ...I feel your pain. This is exactly how I felt when I first went to the Dominicans. The stylists told me the same thing that my hair was dry:perplexed :perplexed . If my hair is under a dryer and then blown and then curled with a hot curling iron, then expect my hair to be desert dry. Now when I go, I tell them no blow drying.
Ineedhair said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: ...I feel your pain. This is exactly how I felt when I first went to the Dominicans. The stylists told me the same thing that my hair was dry:perplexed :perplexed . If my hair is under a dryer and then blown and then curled with a hot curling iron, then expect my hair to be desert dry. Now when I go, I tell them no blow drying.

Thats what my aunt in NY does... just a wash and doobie
I am sooo with you on that one. I've always heard raves about the Dominican blowouts, but I've always been skeptical because of all that heat. My thoughts about it were confirmed when I was at my salon recently and there was a woman in there trying to get her hair back to health after going to the dominicans, she had bald spots on top of her hair and it was thin. My stylist was like "Those dominicans are jacking peoples heads up" At least the ones in my area.
I agree it was a rough experience for me. My scalp burned so bad by the time she got to the top. I could not take it anymore. I was going to go for my one year anniversary but I changed my mind. I rather stand in water then go through that again. I am done. I love my hair just the way it is
awww! thats horrible. I know you may not even wanna listen to me at this point. Im new to this site but definately not new to blow outs. Im am half hispanic & me and my entire family have been doin it for generations ( until i got lazy of course..) . Ive only ever gone to dominicans to style my hair and they've all dont it the same as we have and it always came out beautiful & they always DC my hair! But heres the things...blow outs are ONLY supposed to be done after a roller sets. THATS what it is that makes the "dominican" blowout so great is that first they roller set AND THEN ... blow it out. In this case the hair is mostly straight and they're just blowing it out to get out the big bumps the rollers live in your hair. So since they already straightened with the roller set....the blow dryer just glides right through your hair with ease. She should have never attempted to blow dry your hair just like that knowing how the texture of you hair!! Thats nuts!!!

Im so sorry about your experience though!
Im glad you at least have a good salon that you've been happy with & can trust!

Have you been able to convince your mother not to go there anymore? Because That women in the salon definately doesnt know what shes doing!
I really cant blame you. Although I go on occasions to Dominican salons, I really do not get my hair blownout there. I just get my touchups and ask them to wrap my hair. The heat from those blowdriers is as hot as the fires of hell itself.I remeber last time I was in so much pain because she somehow burnt the top of my ear in the process!
Same thing happened to my roomate. After she took her braids out she said she had to get her hair done right then and went to the dominicans. she didn't lose any hair, but she like never again. Smoke everywhere her hair was dry and flat, and she asked them to stop after they blew it out, and she put her hat back on :lol:. Needless to say I think the stylist was pissed.:look:
Well, I live in the D.C./MD area and there are thousands of Dominican salons here. I've known women who have had great experiences and some with not-so-great experiences. Sadly you came across someone who didn't know what they were really doing. Pretty much most women I know who go to Dominican salons have hair down their backs, and claim that Dominicans, by and large, really do a great job. Not to mention, many Dominican products are terrific and my hair has never been better as a result.

I'm sorry you endured this torture, though. That's too bad. Continue to do what's best for you, of course.

And good luck on your hair journey!

The thing is... she knew about blk hair (vaguely)... but is it possible that the best experiences are with blk dominicans? Bc they are blk so they should know about blk hair right? The ladies i went to were... i guess you can say, white dominicans? Am I right? genuine question...
Sorry for your bad experience, OP.

This is why it's so important to find a person that does the blowout well. When I 1st got one done, the woman was so rough and burned the bejeezus outta me! Of course, I never saw her again. The people I go to now (Grace salon in BK) are so skilled that I don't even feel the heat on my scalp when getting my hair blown--I love them!
Bravenewgirl, you did a lot of generalizing in your post. First of all, you have a mind of your own. Once you felt that scorching heat, you should have said NO! And just because someone raves about something on LHCF doesn't mean you have to do it. I've seen the raves about Dominican blowouts for years and still haven't gotten one because I feel like my hair would go through torture if I got one. Plus, I felt like the horror stories outweighed the success stories with those dominican blowouts. Do what you know is best for YOUR hair.
And not all latinos get dominican blowouts and not all latinos have balding thin hair. You should have stuck with going to the Novlette salon with your regular stylist who leaves your hair thick and healthy-looking. I hope your hair recovers from this experience. Take care.
I think maybe its just about how many different textures of hair they've encountered. Ive seen dominicans with completely straight hair and dominicans with 4b hair. I know of dominicans who cant straighten the thickest of hair & know they about the health of hair & then i've seen dominicans who only knew how to straighten slightly thinner hair but had no CLUE about hair t ll....just knew how to straighten it! ( like that lady you went to!) ... so i think its just the different.

Then do have a point. the thicker our hair is...the better we know how to take care of thick hair so i see your point. If she had very thin hair then she probably didnt know enough about your texture.

An experience like that would've scared me off too!! lol
Poohbear said:
Bravenewgirl, you did a lot of generalizing in your post. First of all, you have a mind of your own. Once you felt that scorching heat, you should have said NO! And just because someone raves about something on LHCF doesn't mean you have to do it. I've seen the raves about Dominican blowouts for years and still haven't gotten one because I feel like my hair would go through torture if I got one. Plus, I felt like the horror stories outweighed the success stories with those dominican blowouts. Do what you know is best for YOUR hair.
And not all latinos get dominican blowouts and not all latinos have balding thin hair. You should have stuck with going to the Novlette salon with your regular stylist who leaves your hair thick and healthy-looking. I hope your hair recovers from this experience. Take care.

I'm not saying all women have thin hair nor do they all get blowouts.... But i have looked around, i have noticed that the ones I have viewed have thining hair! I always thought that it was bc they might have had oily scalps and that why their hair looked limp and lifeless... but i guess it could be due to dominicans. I just think that this woman didn't know what she was doing, bc when i talk to my aunt... she was in shock and horror! But, she said that my cousin had to stop getting blowouts too bc her hair was thining. I honestly thought it was going to be a rollerset and then blowdry. I also thought that everyone knew heat damages your hair, so not to turn the dryer up soooo high(Niave, I know). I've read how Ken Pave's does it, and it was nothing like this! He DCs the hair, blowdries it on cool settings and then rolls it. He also uses a diffuser and makes sure to stay at leave 4 inches away from the scalp. You're right, I don't have to do something just bc i see it on LHCF, but i alrea... WTF? Why am i even explaining all this to you...W/e. Think what you want, i can't be bothered. I just told you, i had a bad experience and i won't get it done again... regardless of what the next stylist will do. I just don't think its good for the hair.
LilMorenita said:
I think maybe its just about how many different textures of hair they've encountered. Ive seen dominicans with completely straight hair and dominicans with 4b hair. I know of dominicans who cant straighten the thickest of hair & know they about the health of hair & then i've seen dominicans who only knew how to straighten slightly thinner hair but had no CLUE about hair t ll....just knew how to straighten it! ( like that lady you went to!) ... so i think its just the different.

Then do have a point. the thicker our hair is...the better we know how to take care of thick hair so i see your point. If she had very thin hair then she probably didnt know enough about your texture.

An experience like that would've scared me off too!! lol

Very Very true. I think they had 2b hair. Its like someone who is mixed with oily scalp coming to me to do their hair! I have dry/4a hair so, how would i know what to do with oily hair of a combonation texture? Good point...that just worried me
bravenewgirl87 said:
You're right, I don't have to do something just bc i see it on LHCF, but i alrea... WTF? Why am i even explaining all this to you...W/e. Think what you want, i can't be bothered. I just told you, i had a bad experience and i won't get it done again... regardless of what the next stylist will do. I just don't think its good for the hair.[/B]
You're right, you do not have to explain all that to me. ;) I said what I said because from the title and beginning of your post, you made it like it was LHCF's fault for you suffering from this Dominican stylist who did your hair. Like you said already, this lady didn't know what she was doing.... I don't think anyone here advised you to go to that lady. Your mom did. She's not a LHCF member. There may have been ladies here at LHCF that gave good advice about Dominican blowouts and never had a bad experience, and then you come out and say "I will never take your advice on Domincian Blowouts again!!!" I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but don't put the blame on the LHCF ladies who had successful Dominican blowouts. :cool:
bravenewgirl87 said:
No wonder latina women have bald pactches in the center of their scalps and their hair is soooo thin!!!!

You had me laughing up until that last sentence. :perplexed
imstush said:
You had me laughing up until that last sentence. :perplexed

Sorry. But i have just seen soooo many on the street with bald patches or thin hair. It used to confuse the crap out of me bc why would someone so young have thining hair. I honestly think it has to do with the constant stress on their hair from botched hair dos and no DC! Its not to say all do... i never said that. But, i have seen many and thats scary! Why do we do things like this to our hair????
bravenewgirl87 said:
Everytime i leave Novlette's salon, my hair is thick, full and healthy to wear people stare, the think its a WEAVE, and boys honk bc they think i am Trini Indian or hispanic. I am no longer listening to my mom bc she knows nothing about hair and she will have all of mine breaking off. No wonder latina women have bald pactches in the center of their scalps and their hair is soooo thin!!!!


"Boys honk bc they think i am Trini Indian or Hispani"....what is this sentence about?!?! So they can't just be honking because they see and attractive BLACK woman?

"No wonder latina women have bald pactches in the center of their scaples and their hair is sooo thin!!!!" Just like all black women have nappy heads of hair right:look:

Sorry to tell you that I find it hard to feel bad by the time I got to the end of your post:ohwell:
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I was thinking of going for a Dominican blowout myself but all that heat sounds like a bad idea.
Xavier said:

"Boys honk bc they think i am Trini Indian or Hispani"....what is this sentence about?!?! So they can't just be honking because they see and attractive BLACK woman?

"No wonder latina women have bald pactches in the center of their scaples and their hair is sooo thin!!!!" Just like all black women have nappy heads of hair right:look:

Sorry to tell you that I find it hard to feel bad by the time I got to the end of your post:ohwell:

Don't mean to hurt people's feelings... but you are reading WAAAY to into the post. "Someone saying your hair is that straight" is what i meant by that statement. Your hair looks pretty! I didn't say all... I'm just saying the ones i have seen who get blowouts have thining hair. Even the girls at the salon didn't have very nice hair. I think some of you have race waaaay too much on your mind... and let me ask you this... are you saying latinas can't have thining hair or bald patches? BC aleopecia is only A BLACK thing? I'm a little offended by you getting offended bc it looks like you might be implying so... And no, I'm not saying that all blk wmn are nappy-headed... are you saying that all blk wmn are nappy-headed? BC i could have sworn i was only talking about myself being nappyheaded. And even if all blk wmn were nappyheaded... whats so wrong with that? Are you saying that straigher is always better? That people with silky hair are better than those w/o? Or maybe you're saying that all blk wmn look like monkeys and all latinas look like goddess? Or maybe you are saying that all latinas hates blk wmn and thats why they jacked up my scalp? Maybe it was a terrorist attack? Maybe the A-RABs are involved? Maybe its a Bush thing? And why aren't white wmn being blamed... i mean, they did create the hairdryer she used and the straightening iron and the products???? Or maybe... its just you on that trip!:ohwell:
If you make this into a racial issue then i guess it is.... but I'm not taking it soo seriously on that trip and i don't think anyone else is except for 3 people. I'm not trying to catch an attitude or be disrespectful... but seriously! :perplexed
LilMorenita said:
THATS what it is that makes the "dominican" blowout so great is that first they roller set AND THEN ... blow it out.

A lot of times with Natural type 4 hair, they DO NOT rollerset. They go straight to the blowdrying. I've been to the Dom Salon plenty of times and they always did a good job with my hair but I'm sorry to hear about your experience. She wasn't doing something right. But that just goes to show you all stylists, no matter what color, don't always know what they're doing.
bmoreflyygirl said:
A lot of times with Natural type 4 hair, they DO NOT rollerset. They go straight to the blowdrying. I've been to the Dom Salon plenty of times and they always did a good job with my hair but I'm sorry to hear about your experience. She wasn't doing something right. But that just goes to show you all stylists, no matter what color, don't always know what they're doing.

Yup Yup. I've been to some bad blk ones and now i can honestly say, i've been to a bad dominican one.:lol: Although, I don't think she is a bad stylist...She did get my hair straight and she recognized that it needed to be trimmed slowly instead of doing one BC. I think she knew what to do but just didn't take the initiative. It could also be that you had to request a DC?! Some salons don't give it to you unless you ask..
bravenewgirl87 said:
Yup Yup. I've been to some bad blk ones and now i can honestly say, i've been to a bad dominican one.:lol: Although, I don't think she is a bad stylist...She did get my hair straight and she recognized that it needed to be trimmed slowly instead of doing one BC. I think she knew what to do but just didn't take the initiative. It could also be that you had to request a DC?! Some salons don't give it to you unless you ask..

Thats true. A lot of salons don't ask. Or it costs extra (which I don't have a problem with) but some people don't get dcs bc they don't want to pay extra for it. I don't go to the salon very often anymore so I always get one when I go. But yeah, some hair stylists are only concerned about style and not the health of your hair. And the ones that are concerned about health, usually (in my experience anyway) can't do good styles. It's like you can't get both in one person. :lol: I got tired of wasting my money only to go home and redo my hair the way I wanted so I do my own hair now for the most part. At least I know if I'm suffering any damage its from my own hands and not someone elses.
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