Ladies, how are you benefiting from being natural or transitioning?

1. Retention, Retention, Retention

2. Healthier scalp/overal condition of my hair - I had serious hair problems on the left side of my head. My hair was so much thinner and had a lot of breakage and split ends on the left side. I am happy to say, with what I've learned here, in just a year and a half my sides are now equal in terms of health and thickness

3. Hours of my life back - that were spent in a stupid salon. Don't get me wrong, my regi at home can take hours (if I'm doing labor intensive styles like rods, double strand twits, etc.) but guess what - I'm home:-)

4. No longer having a sensitive scalp - my scalp always itched like crazy when I got touch-ups, no matter what my stylists did or changed. My hair would always itch and was super sensitive to the relaxer where I would burn almost immediately no matter how much I didn't scratch or use base.

5. Total appreciation for my hair - I'm always learning new techniques, styles, etc to enhance my hair - I love it

6. The compliments! I get soo many compliments on my versatility and styles

7. Not being afraid of the rain

8. Not having flat life-less hair. I always HATED my hair right after getting a relaxer - I actually hated getting relaxers but thought it was what I NEEDED to do to have the kind of hair I wanted/boy was I wrong. I never liked bone straight hair and hated feeling that my hair was straight and plastered to my head. I love the volumn of my un-relaxed hair. It's funny I would always try to manually create all this volumn - I loved when my relaxer was really old

9. Lloosing hair becuase of not wanting to relax so often (loving the volumn that the old relaxer gave). I always had broken hairs all over the place and my hair shed like crazy if I didn't properly stretch (which I had no idea how to do) my relaxers.

10. Having the flexibility to rock my hair straight if I so desire.
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Everything these ladies have said, edges growing back, seemingly thicker/quicker

growing hair, versatility that was not at all possible, no more relaxer purchases (or

anything else they include), no burns, no loosing hair (unless i'm not gentle/caring

enough to it), getting a HEAD FULL OF HAIR (bcause truth be told my hair "at least

some fragile areas of it could not take them anymore)...i may be back with more.
I'm still transitioning, but:

1. My retention is out of this world; this may be due more to PSing than transitioning, though.

2. Versatility: My bantu-knotouts/twist-n-curls/etc. look fierce, and when I straighten my hair, its full of body now.

3. Not worrying about when my next relaxer is; no obligation to a stylist.

4. Embracing my kinks and curls

5. I wash a lot more than I did prior to transitioning; about every 2 or 3 days compared with once every 1 to 2 weeks; I absolutely love feeling water on my scalp, so this is great.

6. My hair is thicker. My hair isn't the thickest to begin with, and relaxing took most of the thickness I had away; transitioning is giving it back.
OOOOOOHHHHH I love this thread!! I am transitioning and I already have a pixie, so since I'm transitioning natural, its going fast!

I'm not relaxing the back of my hair every two weeks, its grown out and as soon as water hits it, it curls, dh loves that.

I love how my new growth looks and feels. I have a protective style with partial cornrows in front and I can moisturize and slap on my half wig and go!

No more relaxer burns.

No more THIN hair!! I hated how my hair would thin once it got so far down my back. I love thick, bouncy, healthy hair.

Co-washes and protective styles are my favorite.

My best benefit is probably that my natural state has given me a greater appreciation for my culture and my african american history. I have read, researched and learned a lot about what makes me, me!!

Bring on the coils baby!!
I am doing a long term transition. So far I can't think of any benefits. My hair looks a mess. I am style challenged. Twistouts and braidouts look crazy. I have tried several different youtube vid demos and it doesn't work for me mainly because of the relaxed ends.

The only thing I can do with it is pull it back with a claw clip and headbands. But, now that it is longer I have to fight with it to get it to lay down. And up until a few weeks I had to fight to fit my hair into a claw clip. Then it dawned on me that my hair has grown to the point where I needed bigger claw clips, LOL.

My hair is soft and moisturized and it's growing. But my hair was soft, moisturized and growing when it was relaxed too.

The only real benefit is that I am excited to eventually be natural and to figure out some fly looking hairstyles with my natural hair. The other benefit is that I don't really spend much time doing my hair anymore. But I do miss being able to easily style it.
I actually LIKE my hair. I don't feel as thought I'm trying to fit a certain standard so that I can be seen as beautiful. And I don't have to avoid the rain or any other natural occurrences on the account of my hair. It's longer than it's ever been with a relaxer too.
1. dependence on no one. I can smooth under a wig and go.
2. my cornrows don't look 'scalpy'
3. my hair can hide weave tracks like no one's business. ha!
how has it not?!
well since pics speak louder then words..

this was my hair before going natural

I've been thinking about this for a while and the benefits are too numerous to even try to name. Basically, everything that was posted before me. I can't even come up with ONE benefit of relaxing.

In the past I relaxed a few times a year cuz that's what I thought "we" were supposed to do. lol
I have pictures of my hair when it was natural a few years ago. I noticed that my hair appeared to grow faster. With the texturized hair, it seemed to take forever to grow.
My hair is growing nicely
Ppl always said my hair was thick so I don't think I see too much a difference there but I'm not sure
I have NO BREAKAGE!!!! I have to work on different strategies to prevent hair loss and shedding while detangling and combing(I really don't lose a lot of hair tho) but I haven't had any of those little hairs that break off the strand
I can wear my hair in so many ways!!!!!
1) Absolutely positively ZERO dandruff! :pulpdance: :yahoo: :woot: I used to get that regularly when I was relaxed.

2) I noticed my scalp was getting light colored and appeared to be turning white (wierd but true) Now it matches the rest of my skin

3) I stand out in the crowd

4) Saved untold amounts of money

5) Figuring out what my hair needs is very predictable and easy now

6) VERSATILITY baby!!!! People that have known me for years are still regularly wowed by the way I switch it up at the drop of a hat.

7) hair is at a lovely fullness and thickness now thats awesome for any style....this was reduced by half when I was relaxed

8) My retention took off like a rocket:grin:

9) I never ever have to deal with chemical burns again in my life!! Can't believe I used to accept that as a normal occurrence:nuts:

10) I inspire other ladies and little girls to see their natural hair as something that is beautiful in its own right.:love3:

11) I am authentically myself:love2:
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1. No more $95 relaxers every 8 weeks
2. No more 2-4 hour salon visits just for a shampoo
3. No more broken hairs all over my bathroom
4. No more chemical burns
5. Thick, shiny hair!
6. Hubby tells me my hair smells good all the time!
7. No more hair in the shower when I shampoo
8. I love my texture. I play with my NG all day!
9. I can go on vacation and not wear weave or worry about my hair

All this and I'm not fully natural yet! I can't wait for the day when I'm all the way!!!!!
1. i don't have to use heat AT ALL now that i'm natural.
2. MUCH easier styling time. all i have to do is twist it up & leave it be on days i don't leave the house, & take them down to get cute twistouts
3. super strong hair strands. for the first time in my entire life, i can comb through sections of my natural hair with a fine toothed comb & not get breakage. i didn't realize at the time, but my relaxed hair was so thin & fragile, even combing it would give me breakage.

& even though it's been less than a month since my BC, i can ALREADY tell a difference in the length & health of my hair. it's softer & stronger than ever before, & i just know i'll finally be able to retain length, unlike i ever was with that damn relaxer in my hair...

the funny thing is, even after joining the board, i was always one of those people that thought they'd NEVER go natural. :grin:
I feel free, lol
I don't have to worry about rain
I love the fact that I can go curly one day by just wetting it
Co-washes. Never did it relaxing
Don't have to worry about wrapping my hair before I go to bed (I wore a lot of wraps)
Don't have to set reminders about the next relaxer
no more dandruff
no more scabs from the relaxers
I'm saving money
^^^^I can't wait until I am there. But I am transitioning and I can't keep my hands out of my hair. I like how my new growth feels, so I think I will love it when it is natural.
Everything you ladies have already mentioned but I'm really surprised at the versatility of natural hair---roller sets, blow-outs, twists/braid-outs, wash-n-go's. I don't even want to staighten my hair but it is another option:yep:
EDGES. I'm about 4 months post and my edges are slowly coming back in. When I used to relax, without fail no matter how much I was careful I ALWAYS lost hair on my edges. I even see some (gasps) cute baby hurs coming out!!!

Me too. Im finally seeing my baby hairs. I never knew they disappeared when I use to perm. LOL We are gonna have the Jackson family baby hairs going on. They are king of the cute baby hairs.
My edges are thick, my hair scents linger on my hair longer, faster growth, healthier scalp, I have always Loved the rain, even being natural I still have an umbrella to avoid getting myself soaking wet, even some naturals avoid the rain depending on there style. Oh! No Chemical smells or burns! My crown area that went bald has grew in nicely and is full! My hair color is black and I love it!!!!
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No more fussing with relaxers, hoping to apply properly and failing (either by underprocessing, overprocessing, or completely missing parts, lol), worrying about the health effects, getting burnt scalp/hair, spending money on relaxers

My newgrowth texture is so pretty, why keep getting rid of it?

Newgrowth is a lot thicker than relaxed ends

Knowing that when I BC I'll have a hot afro, something that most non-black people don't have, not even many blacks, since many of them hide it by relaxing/braiding/weaves, so I'll have a rather unique and stand-out-ish hairstyle :D
My hair is growing so fast! I can't wait until I have a mondo mega fro! :yep:

Co-signing on what alot of the ladies say. I've had very little to no breakage. My hair is soft, strong, and happy. I love the fact that I don't have to use a bazillion different products to get my hair to be happy or look like I want it to. I LOVE BEING NATURAL!!!! I don't think I'll ever go back. I love the health of my hair. I love the freedom and versatility. :yep: It's awesome.

:look: POWER TO DA JUICERS :look:
By stretching I believe my scalp is healthier, hopefully that will translate into faster growth. I normally relax @ 8 weeks but right now I'm 14 weeks and counting. So far I've noticed less shedding. It wasn't much before but now I only lose 1 or 2 hairs when combing.