ladies, help !!!


New Member
Ladies, I am so frustrated. I officially started tracking my hair care journey in january at slightly below shoulder length.


(january 2007) sorry the picture is huge !

everything went fine for a while, i was seeing almost no breakage and hair was thriving. about a month ago, i decided it was too hot to continue pressing my hair, so i decided for the first time i would try to wear wash and gos (i've been natural my whole life, but almost always worn my hair pressed or in braids) i wore wash and gos for about two weeks, then had my hair pressed for an event i had to attend. after getting my hair pressed i noticed my hair had broken off considerably, but i figured with proper care i could get it back healthy, no big deal. well, it's been a month and my hair is still breaking like crazy ! i just took my wrap down and i had...NO LIE about ten to twenty broken hairs on my shirt ! i want to cry ! i don't know what to do ladies, i'm so heartbroken. currently, i wash and condition my hair every other saturday (i'm wearing it pressed, otherwise i'd do it more often) and i've been babying my ends by sealing them with coconut oil. i also take a daily multivitamin, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. what do you think my hair is telling me? am i using heat too often? (twice a month, pressing comb) what do i need to incorporate into my regimen? any help is greatly appreciated !
When was the last time and how often you do the following:
Deep Condition
Protein treatment
I think your hair is telling you a few things:
1. Too much heat...more specifically, the heat may be too high and you may be doing it too often.
2. It needs to be conditioned and moisturized more often. And since you're a presser, that means you need protein as well. Naturals who straighten need to have really good regimens so that their hair stays strong. That means DCing, keeping up with protein, and using a great heat protectant.
3. Don't wear wash and go's. They are notorious for causing knots and tangles, which leads to breakage. And, it can be very drying for your hair.

Do you ever try other styles? Maybe you could press once a month and then do bantu knot outs, braid/twist outs, pinned up styles, etc. etc. Rollersetting may work for you as well.
When was the last time and how often you do the following:
Deep Condition
Protein treatment

hmmm , this may be where the problem is lying.

to clarify...what exactly is this? i know that it's removing excess product from your hair, but how do you do it? i have a bottle of ACV but i'm not sure on how to use it

deep conditioning...the last time i did this was when i was wearing a wash and go. when i wear my hair pressed....almost never

protein treatment...again...can someone explain this to me? what exactly is this and what products do you use? how do you know if your hair likes something?
hmmm , this may be where the problem is lying.

to clarify...what exactly is this? i know that it's removing excess product from your hair, but how do you do it? i have a bottle of ACV but i'm not sure on how to use it

deep conditioning...the last time i did this was when i was wearing a wash and go. when i wear my hair pressed....almost never

protein treatment...again...can someone explain this to me? what exactly is this and what products do you use? how do you know if your hair likes something?

You must must must DC if you're going to heat straighten. And you definitely need protein. You should read sistaslick's articles on protein/moisture balance, the hair breakage 101 thread, and pinkskate's straightening regimen.

Naturals that Straighten

Hair Breakage 101 Thread

Fine Art of Protein and Moisture Balancing

Protein and Moisture: When to say no to moisture
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thank you so much for the advice and links, i will definitely post again with results ! another question, i'm wanting to stop with the salon visits and do my own hair. i have absolutely no tools, can someone reccomend a decent blow dryer and flat iron? i have natural 3c , ALMOST apl hair
I have the Conair Yellow Bird Professional and the ION ceramic tourmaline blowdryer. I don't own a flat iron but I think the CHI and generic CHI irons are good.