Ladies, get me a black stocking-cap 'cause I'm about to stalk someone


Well-Known Member
I'm in between classes right now, but I HAD to tell someone what I just saw. In the food court at school, I saw a girl walk by with waist-length, relaxed, 4ab hair! It was simple, straight down her back and gorgeous and I new right away that that head of hair was real. I had NO shame, ya'll. I practically ran up to her and asked my standard where she gets her hair done (this lets me segue sp? into what she does, if it's real, ect.) Anyway, she said that she gets it one at a Dominican salon called Maxies in Jersey (for you south Jersey ladies) and that she keeps her ends trimmed (which looked good) and deep conditioned often with Motions. She said she didn't use moisterizer- but she had an incredible sheen- I had the feeling that she didn't want to give up to much info on her products. She also said that she didn't flat iron either. She lets the salon relax her hair and give her blowouts sometimes, but she usually just gets roller sets. Ladies, I wanted to press her for more, but she looked like she was getting a little uncomfortable with my fawning all over her, so I thanked her and made a mental note to keep an eye out for her and ask her a little more each time I see her. This hair was so lovely that I even asked her if she was "LHCF" and she looked at me like I was crazy. I know I'm gushing but this hair was no-frills, 4ab, like what a lot of our hair would look like if we did not have to deal with breakage. It was just flat-out long. If any of you out there in Philly go to Temple University and know who this girl is, help the rest of us get the 411 on what she does- it's amazing.
Caliope, I am cracking my side laughing at you, but I don't blame you. Knowing me, I probably would have done the same thing!

(btw, that black stocking cap is on it's way to you in the mail:lol: )
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Girl you got me cracking up over here:lachen: :lachen:

But I know where you're coming from. But when you're trying to grow your hair out and actually see what "can happen", you get
I'm starting to think that eveyrone needs to be armed with camera phones for just such occasions! I mean, it's not as rare as spotting bigfoot but I would love the chance to fawn over her beautiful head of hair, too. :grin:

I think I have some camo face paint I could send you to assist with the stalking! :lol:
You are hilarious!:lachen:

It's funny. In the two weeks that I have been an LHCF member, I have found myself staring at women's healthy, longish hair...trying to guess what they do to care for it. I have even asked a couple of ladies. But I know I probably would have reacted the same way you did if I came across someone like her!
Girl, I know what you mean. That's why I'm hesistant a lot of times to ask a black girl with super long beautiful hair what they do. I think they'll look at me crazy and I don't think they'll give me their true regimen.
Take it easy. Be friendly. You don't want to freak her out.

Take her to lunch or something to get the info...somewhere nice and quiet...a room with two chairs, swinging overhead light, no windows, two way mirror...she'll give up every hair secret. :look:

Just kidding. Keep us posted. ;)
victorious said:
Take it easy. Be friendly. You don't want to freak her out.

Take her to lunch or something to get the info...somewhere nice and quiet...a room with two chairs, swinging overhead light, no windows, two way mirror...she'll give up every hair secret. :look:

Just kidding. Keep us posted. ;)

The two way mirror so we can watch live via satellite on the other side!!! :lachen:
That's really funny but not unlike anything a typical LHCF-er would do. My mom is really into hair too and hers in gorgeous but she always want to learn more.. we were talking on the phone and she practically hung up on me to ask this woman in the grocery store about her hair.
Kimberly said:
I'm starting to think that eveyrone needs to be armed with camera phones for just such occasions! I mean, it's not as rare as spotting bigfoot but I would love the chance to fawn over her beautiful head of hair, too. :grin:

I think I have some camo face paint I could send you to assist with the stalking! :lol:

lol- actually, when she turned away to get into the food line, my hand instantly went into my pocket to grab my phone and take her pic from the back- but even I had to stop and think about the possible ramifications of this- my camera has an instant flash and I knew I'd get caught and escorted out by security. So, I've decided to go SBF on her instead and stalk her on campus:cool: . BTW, this has finally prompted my cheap *** to get a digital camera. This way when I make her become my bff, I mean, ask her for more info, I can snap a pic, disappear into the crowd, and download it instantly to you ladies! Besides, I really feel the need to chart my progress now and finally get my lazy bum to set up a Fotiki :)
Kimberly said:
I'm starting to think that eveyrone needs to be armed with camera phones for just such occasions! I mean, it's not as rare as spotting bigfoot but I would love the chance to fawn over her beautiful head of hair, too. :grin:

I think I have some camo face paint I could send you to assist with the stalking! :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: tru dat! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
That sounds kinda like me. I wouldn't ask her up front but I just admire her hair first. Then try to get to know her by becoming friends with her. Slowly....don't want her to think you are a loony.:lol:
calliope said:
lol- actually, when she turned away to get into the food line, my hand instantly went into my pocket to grab my phone and take her pic from the back- but even I had to stop and think about the possible ramifications of this- my camera has an instant flash and I knew I'd get caught and escorted out by security. So, I've decided to go SBF on her instead and stalk her on campus:cool: . BTW, this has finally prompted my cheap *** to get a digital camera. This way when I make her become my bff, I mean, ask her for more info, I can snap a pic, disappear into the crowd, and download it instantly to you ladies! Besides, I really feel the need to chart my progress now and finally get my lazy bum to set up a Fotiki :)

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: You have me rollin calliope! But I know how it is because there's a girl in one of my classes with mid back length 4a/b hair and all I can do is stare lol.
victorious said:
Take it easy. Be friendly. You don't want to freak her out.

Take her to lunch or something to get the info...somewhere nice and quiet...a room with two chairs, swinging overhead light, no windows, two way mirror...she'll give up every hair secret. :look:
Girll...yu seem to know a lot about torture!!

I'm a witness I have seen two beautiful heads of hair one day while walking down the street I saw a young women with waist length even thick jet black hair all hers all I could say was beautiful hair. The next time was yesterday I was taking my son to the doc office and out walks this lady with her husband and child and she had long waist length hair just gorgeous. I was speachless. I wish I had the courage to ask.
victorious said:
Take it easy. Be friendly. You don't want to freak her out.

Take her to lunch or something to get the info...somewhere nice and quiet...a room with two chairs, swinging overhead light, no windows, two way mirror...she'll give up every hair secret. :look:

Just kidding. Keep us posted. ;)

victorious said:
Take it easy. Be friendly. You don't want to freak her out.

Take her to lunch or something to get the info...somewhere nice and quiet...a room with two chairs, swinging overhead light, no windows, two way mirror...she'll give up every hair secret. :look:

Just kidding. Keep us posted. ;)

OMG!!!! I barely can stop laughing to type!!! You are too much, Victorious. Get ready to break out some Sodium Pentothal!!! :look: j/k :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't understand people sometimes though. Granted that you are approaching her correctly... some people just don't want to give up their hair secrets no matter what. It is as if they don't want you to have hair as long as theirs. I know if I had that long I would be flattered for someone to ask me my regimen and I would willingly reveal it. To me it is all about helping someone else. Go figure.